Zombie Army 4 Dead War

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Zombie Army 4 Dead War



CUSA12583 – USA (v1.48)

Link Download

Thank @High-Speed007

[ CUSA12583 ][ 1.48 ][ ALL DLC ][ PS4 – PS5 ]

Game + Update 1.48 (9.00+) + DLC : Lets – Mediafire1File

All DLC : Lets – Mediafire – 1File


Voice : English

Screen Languages : Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, French (France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish

DLC Content : Here

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror 1

Thank @High-Speed007 & hako

Game : Mega – Mediafire

Update 1.48 (9.00+) : Mega – Mediafire

DLC : Mega – Mediafire

Password: hako

Voice : English
Menu & Subtitles : English-French-Italian-German-Spanish-Russian-Polish-Portuguese(Br)-Japanese-Korean-Chinese

DLC Content : Here

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror 2

Thank @High-Speed007 & SuperPSX

Game : AKR – 1File

Update 1.48 (9.00+) : AKR – 1File

DLC : AKR – 1File

Password: SuperPSX

Voice : English
Menu & Subtitles : English-French-Italian-German-Spanish-Russian-Polish-Portuguese(Br)-Japanese-Korean-Chinese

DLC Content : Here

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA12583 – USA (v1.44)

Link Download

Thank @Highspeed33

CUSA12583 – USA

Game : Lets – Mediafire – 1File

Update 1.44 : Lets – Mediafire – 1File

All DLC : Lets – Mediafire – 1File


Voice : English

Screen Languages : Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, French (France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish

DLC Content : Here

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA12596 – EUR (v1.44)

Link Download

Thank @DUPLEX & Psykzhack & CyB1K & hako

CUSA12596 – EUR

Game : Lets – Mega – Mediafire1File

Update 1.07 : Lets – Mega – Mediafire – 1File

Update 1.07 (v2)(Fix 5.05) : Lets – Mega – Mediafire – 1File

Update 1.44 (8.00+) : Lets – MegaMediafire1File

Update 1.44 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55) : Lets – MegaMediafire1File

DLC (@Psykzhack) : Lets – MegaMediafire1File

DLC Fix (@CyB1K) : Lets – Mega – MediafireRano1File

Password: hako

Audio : English.

Subtitle : English, German, Russian, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil),French, Polish and Spanish.

Credits to DUPLEX for the dump and Psykzhack / @PsHack for the update and DLCs!

Notes : The DLCs by Psykzhack are incomplete and mission 16, 17 and 18 are missing extra data which causes the game to be blank with no assets. Those wont work until someone dumps them. I also repacked the regular update to work with the DUPLEX base!

Notes2 : Tested on 5.05! Earlier on Psykzhack / @PsHack released his zombie army 4 pack but he was missing data on 3 DLCs causing them to have no assets, this pack fixes that issue, mission 7, 8 and 9 should work perfectly now

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror

Thank @DUPLEX & Dorukhan

CUSA12596 – EUR

Game + Update 1.44 (8.00+) + Update 1.44 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55) : Mega

DLC (@Psykzhack) : Lets – MegaMediafire1File

DLC Fix (@CyB1K) : Lets – Mega – MediafireRano1File

Password : hako

Audio : English.

Subtitle : English, German, Russian, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil),French, Polish and Spanish.

Credits to DUPLEX for the dump and Psykzhack / @PsHack for the update and DLCs!

Notes : The DLCs by Psykzhack are incomplete and mission 16, 17 and 18 are missing extra data which causes the game to be blank with no assets. Those wont work until someone dumps them. I also repacked the regular update to work with the DUPLEX base!

Notes2 : Tested on 5.05! Earlier on Psykzhack / @PsHack released his zombie army 4 pack but he was missing data on 3 DLCs causing them to have no assets, this pack fixes that issue, mission 7, 8 and 9 should work perfectly now

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Hitler’s hordes are back for more in this spine-chilling shooter from the makers of Sniper Elite 4! Abominable occult enemies, epic weapons and a harrowing new campaign for 1-4 players await in 1940s Europe, as you fight to save humankind from undead Armageddon!

The resistance have defeated Zombie Hitler and cast him into Hell – but the dead rise once again with greater hunger than before! Continue the alternate history of Zombie Army Trilogy in huge new levels, and uncover a sinister plan that takes the Survivor Brigade across Italy and beyond!

Experience genre-defining ballistics, build the slayer that suits you and harness the power of fire, lightning and divine essence as you upgrade your guns to fight back against the dead. When the horde surrounds you, tear them apart with enhanced melee combat and flesh-rending takedown moves!

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I converted the “[CUSA12596] Zombie Army 4 Missions DLC-Fix” files that CyB1K made over to CUSA12583, since I noticed the DLC was broken as well:


[CUSA12596] Zombie Army 4 Missions DLC-Fix

Notes: Tested on 5.05! Earlier on Psykzhack released his zombie army 4 pack but he was missing data on 3 DLCs causing them to have no assets, this pack fixes that issue, mission 7, 8 and 9 should work perfectly now 🙂

I installed duplex dump , update 1.44 and all the Dlc and all missions worked fined except the last 3 campaign missions from season pass 3( Terminal error, Abaddon asylum and Return to hell). They appear to have graphic errors in the intros and I cannot even move when they start ( although you can get back to the main menu) Does anybody know how to fix this? I’m in firmware 9.00

[CUSA12596] Zombie Army 4 Dead War Update 1.44 Already Backported

Base + Update (8.00) + DLC

Credits to DUPLEX for the dump and Psykzhack for the update and DLCs!

Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 Backport! The DLCs by Psykzhack are incomplete and mission 16, 17 and 18 are missing extra data which causes the game to be blank with no assets. Those wont work until someone dumps them. I also repacked the regular update to work with the DUPLEX base!

Any one have dlc mission please?

por favor update 1.44 con y dlc de CUSA12596 muchas gracias por el trabajo

Zombie Army 4 Dead War CUSA12583 – USA

The game doesn’t work, the error message appears (CE-34224-5, I also tried without the update, it doesn’t work

And with Game Update the game does not work either, the same error message appears

thank you for reporting this problem , saved me a lot of download time .
i hope they fix it soon , i really want to try this game .

Second that. Same.

Merci pour le partage! 🙂 Fonctionne en 5.05!

Can anyone upload the season pass dlcs , please?

Excelente aporte… Ojala suban el dlc 👏

i need fix for 6.72 why only fix for 5.05??

Thx for game + Update 1.07

Game installed & working fine on 755 PRO

x favor el update fix 1.15 con dlc gracias

update 1.15 please

DLC please if possible. TIA

work 6.72?

Zombie Army 4: Dead War – CUSA12596 v1.07 Backport 5.05 v2:

(v2: video fixed before each mission)

dlc please. TIA

i have the dlcs

gracias por el juego podrian subir el backport a zippy ,gracias feliz año

Hola muchísimas gracias a los desarrolladores de la paguina por poner el fix 5.05 anda impecable nil gracias y ¡¡¡ Feliz año para todos !!!

does this has all the dlcs ie. season 1 and season 2?

Nope, The weapons are there but you cant use them because no psn.
Not sure about maps

This is what I’m looking for.

i have the Weapons and Charakter DLC`S


Zombie Army 4 Dead War Update 1.07 Already Backported

Notes: 5.05 Backport! Yet another case of eboot corruption with tools, guess this is why i exist 😛

I was going to install your update, but your notes were confusing, are you saying that the backport update is corrupted?

The link doesn’t work

Please BACKPORT 5.05 UPDATE 1.10 for kingdom heart 3.cusa12025.Thanks, you are fantastic

Zombie Army 4: Dead War – CUSA12596 v1.07 Backport 5.05:

Thanks this worked for me. I tried making my own but had errors.

Hola no funciona en 5.05 abiendolo parcheado con el programa autobackport 1.8.- gracias igual. alguien tendria el fix para 5.05 desde ya muchas gracias.-

it works on 5.05 with backport v1.08 ? Becaue mine give an error

thank you very very much!

Can someone upload 5.05 fix update¡¡¡

Thank you so much but this game is online or offline

ya tiene el backport o fix incluido?

primeiro voce baixa o jogo e o update, depois voce usa o autobackport 1.8 pra criar o fix 5.05. é muito facil! mas pra usar o autobackport 1.8, antes voce precisa desativar as proteções de rede do seu pc, firewall etc, depois que terminar vc reativa tudo de novo

autobackport 1.8 não funciona com este jogo

Doesn’t work the Backport to 5.05. Error CE-41839-5

I tried but it did not work autobackport 1.8 ….if you made it and it will work upload a link to get it too…i have 5.05

mas mesmo assim não funciona para mim

online or offline?

Waiting for Zippy Links (DUPLEX). thank you
