XCOM 2 Collection

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XCOM 2 Collection



CUSA04552 – USA (@Seanp2500)

Link Download

Thank @Seanp2500

CUSA04552 – USA

Game : Lets – Mediafire1File

Update 1.06 : Lets – Mediafire1File

All DLC : Lets – Mediafire1File

Password: downloadgameps3.com

Languages : English, Spanish

DLC content : Here

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA04552 – USA (@Xanderwik)

Link Download

Thank @Xanderwik & Schzone

CUSA04552 – USA

Game : 1FileMirror

Update 1.06 : 1FileMirror

DLC : 1FileMirror

Languages : English, Spanish

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA04530 – EUR

Link Download

Thank @DUPLEX & PRELUDE & hako

CUSA04530 – EUR

Game : 1File – Mega – Mediafire

Update 1.06 : 1File – Mega – Mediafire

DLC : 1File – Mega – Mediafire

Password: hako

Language (Voice) : English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Menu & Subtitles : English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese

Guide DownloadTool Download )

The XCOM 2 Collection includes the award-winning strategy game XCOM 2, the War of the Chosen expansion, and four DLC packs (Resistance Warrior Pack, Anarchy’s Children, Alien Hunters, Shen’s Last Gift) for a bundled discount.

Aliens rule Earth, promising a brilliant future for mankind while secretly hiding a sinister agenda. As the leader of a guerrilla force facing impossible odds, you must ignite a global resistance to eliminate the alien threat and save the human race from extinction.

The XCOM 2: War of the Chosen expansion adds extensive new content in the fight against ADVENT when additional resistance factions form in order to eliminate the alien threat on Earth. In response, a new enemy, known as the “Chosen,” emerges with one goal: recapture the Commander.

If you own the XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition or the Reinforcement Pack, do not purchase the XCOM 2 Collection, as you will be charged for it.

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Excelente, gracias 😀

DLC also for EUR version?

please links for EUR version

hola como tengo que hacer para instalarlo en la ps4 slim??

MEGA link please

XCOM 2 COLLECTION [20.3GB CUSA04552].pkg
XCOM 2 COLLECTION – DLC War of the Chosen Part 1 [23GB CUSA04552].pkg
XCOM 2 COLLECTION – DLC War of the Chosen Part 2 [24GB CUSA04552].pkg
XCOM 2 COLLECTION – DLC Shen’s Last Gift [1.1GB CUSA04552].pkg
XCOM 2 COLLECTION – DLC Resistance Warrior Pack [126MB CUSA04552].pkg
XCOM 2 COLLECTION – DLC Alien Hunters [1GB CUSA04552].pkg
XCOM 2 COLLECTION – DLC Anarchy’s Children [173MB CUSA04552].pkg

Thanks @Seanp2500 @Admin-psp

Tested & Working…

@Admin-psp pls rename this to XCOM 2 Collection

is it working in 5.05?

should work with no backport necessary.

it works perfectly. Thanks man


Man dont hate private dumpers for dumping and uploading to masses content only becouse u dont know how to run game. Learn ask how in case of problems

Have to install both DLCs for war of the chosen? or have to merge files? it’s the first time i see a splitted DLC

I have a similar question. I don’t think we have to merge them, but I wonder which of the two files first to install, and if the order makes a difference.
I have found out the files are internally named the other way around:
“XCOM 2 War of the Chosen Part 1 [CUSA04552].pkg” has the internal name “War of the Chosen 2/2” and “XCOM 2 War of the Chosen Part 2 [CUSA04552].pkg” has the internal name “War of the Chosen 1/2”.

Oh cool I was wondering what happened there. Cause if you ever installed this you would see the dlc for 2 listed before dlc for one. I think the tools made an error when it produced the pkg but I can easily fix that. The order makes no difference. Would purely be for vanity. All the games care is that both dlc are installed.

You can’t merge these two pkg’s even if you wanted to. THE REASON THERE ARE 2 is because the limit on dlc pkg is 25gb. THIS IS WHOLE REASON WE NEVER GOT THIS. The fpkg tools are not designed past 25gb so no one could ever make a dlc pkg. So how did I do it? I reasoned no need for me to have french german or italian I can’t speak them. I ripped those languages out left english and spanish and the pkg built and the rest is history.

People cmon now just install and play! What an odd question of do i merge them. You can’t even merge them???

Yeap but i saw in the console that if you put an update over another with same cusa the console deletes de first installed. Dont know if DLCs have same entitlement. But thanks, nobody dumped this DLC before, cheers! (and also thanks for leaving spanish :p)

correct this is a crucial thing for you to understand. To me I don’t think of them as entitlements I think of them as content which each have unique content ids. I would familiarize yourself with PS4.PKG.Tool which can allow you to rename files by their content id this will reveal to you each dlc has a unique file name or content id and it will install to a unique location if that makes any sense.

A dump of CUSA4530 has surfaced, which is considerably smaller in size, yet it seems everything is included.

654 MB ‘Alien Hunters [DLC] [CUSA04530].pkg’
98 MB ‘Anarchy’\”s Children [DLC] [CUSA04530].pkg’
634 MB ‘Resistance Warrior Pack [DLC] [CUSA04530].pkg’
515 MB ‘Shen’\”s Last Gift [DLC] [CUSA04530].pkg’
19 GB ‘War of the Chosen 1_2 [DLC] [CUSA04530].pkg’
13 GB ‘War of the Chosen 2_2 [DLC] [CUSA04530].pkg’
20 GB ‘XCOM 2 [Base] [CUSA04530].pkg’
871 MB ‘XCOM 2 [Patch 1.06] [CUSA04530].pkg’

Do you know how this could have been achieved without ripping anything? Or European version is just smaller in general?

I’ll just wait for the complete collection, already have this on switch

it’s complete? can you put into words what you think is missing?

comparing the 2 myself switch version does not play as good as this on my ps4 pro…

I got nothing to download right now guess I try this.

I already have this game 2 disk & on our unpatched switch

i love my switch but if you put pro side by side with this running discless? it’s no contest in my personal opinion ps4 pro wins!

Just finished downloading & testing

working perfectly on 6.72


The ultra rare truly thankful person on this site. YOU ARE WELCOME JACK! I hope all went well?

Yes, it’s working very well, thanks for all your hard work giving us this game. this is my favorite game, 
I love xcom franchise, the loading times for ps4 its eternal but they are worth the time expected in the download and installation for play this game! thanks again

For my French German and Italian speakers. I am sorry but I had to remove your languages from this game in order to create the fpkg. But they should work fine. Simply swap in the needed folder to this extracted fpkg and rebuild it. Enjoy!


It just came to my mind: The game has an in-game option “Match soldiers’ language to nationality”. If you chose that, they would speak in all kinds of languages. With the language files now missing however, would that feature still work? Or does it need access to the language files that you had removed?

Also, could we perhaps create a custom 3rd DLC package that installs all missing languages where they belong? Maybe it’s possible?

I have shared the other languages if you look here. I am not aware of that option but I have no interest in it?? I mean I like undub’s and everything but that is a little different. You have everything you need to do such a mod and I see no reason why it would not work. Would be difficult though just a warning. Good luck!

I downloaded your file to have the French language but there is no .pkg file. I don’t know what to do (I’m not very good at this), could you help me?

Thanks for the game, could you upload Devil May Cry 5 Vergil DLC, please?

i don’t know which dlc that is i know i have alot of dmc5 dlc someone else uploaded here

did you try search function of website?

Yes, I did research, the DLC I mean is the DLC that you can play with Vergil. If you have that DLC and can upload it, I would be very grateful. By the way, thanks for the work.

Thanks Seanp2500! Your releases just keep coming 😀

buenas alguien sabe si subiran algun call of duty pero con todos los DLCs?
menos Black Ops 3

Nice. Thanks very much admin. Hope one day seen ghost of stushima

is not spanish:

um try to play it? I don’t think you tried right?




Chill out dude…

hey notice the difference? I didn’t curse at him. Meanwhile you cursed me out over nothing. Take ur meds.

LOL when did i curse at you? hahahaha all i did was fix the mess you made and you got angry. Thankfully i dont need meds, im healthy af 😛

you forgot cursing at me sadly. I am over it. You were like fuck this fuck that. you were tired. Said you were up all night trying to fix bayonetta which is why you prob don’t remember. If you think I am making it up good luck with that.

trust me if we was in person you would not get out of pocket like that.

but water under the bridge it’s all good just saying hey ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black?

Just keeping it real like i always do…

Hello CyB1K ! Will you make the backport 5.05 for this ? I suppose that it is needed for the update 1.06. Thanks for your answer and for all your fixes and backports, we are always waiting your uploads!

doesn’t need a backport. try games first it won’t break your ps4 or anything.

Good work, i dont have access to Jak so good

Check the list, it’s there ans languages says es-ar and en-us

Jamás funcionó

languaje spanish?

due to size issues I could only include english and spanish. Other languages will be provides shortly but users will have to repack this release.

confirm working?

Please upload Clannad Q.Q


stand alone expansion??

No, it’s the regular base game again + separate DLC PKGs. But the DLC is region-locked and not compatible with the previous XCOM release on this site.

that’s actually not true? you can change region on dlc’s? I do it all the time? Learn how to use your jailbreak fellows…

Right, the term “region-locked” implies nothing can be done about that. Was not a good choice of words. If you or someone else could make the War of the Chosen DLC compatible with the Duplex EU release (it’s on this website, too), for the less tech-savvy, would be much appreciated!

what i chose to do instead you lummox is make this helpful tutorial


You are welcome!

Thank you. I thought I would fail but I managed to convert the DLC and install it over the EU version.

OMFG wolfheimer get’s post of the year. He actually read my post watched the vid (i think) and posted back that my advice worked. He didn’t curse at me or anything! Yo this deserves a medal!

You sure you human? This dude might be an alien! hahaha…

Jak II [CUSA07840] [v01.00].pkg  3.07 GB  


Jak II [CUSA07840] [v01.03].pkg  21.38 MB


Jak 3 [CUSA07841] [v01.00].pkg 2.99 GB


Jak 3 [CUSA07841] [v01.02].pkg 25.31 MB


Jak X – Combat Racing [CUSA07842] [v01.00].pkg 3.56 GB


Jak X – Combat Racing [CUSA07842] [v01.04].pkg 21.31 MB


what’s difference from X-COM 2?the dlc’s?

Many thx to @Seanp2500 or grabman in youtube ❤

You guys are the best!
