WWE 2K20

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WWE 2K20



CUSA15666 – USA (v1.08)

Link Download

Thank @Highspeed33 & CyB1K & hako

CUSA15666 – USA

Game : Lets – Mediafire – Qiwi – 1File1File (Multi)

Update 1.08 : Lets – 1File1File (Multi)

Update 1.08 (Fix 5.05) : Lets – Mediafire – Qiwi – 1File

DLC : Lets – MegaMediafire1File

Password: hako

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA15666 – USA (v1.01)

Link Download

CUSA15666 – USA

Thank @DUPLEX & Dorukhan & hako

Game + Update 1.01 + Update 1.01 (Fix 5.05) : Mega

Game : Lets – MegaMediafire1File

Fix 5.05 : Download

Update 1.01 : Lets – Zippy – 1File

Update 1.01 (Fix 5.05) : Download

DLC : Lets – Zippy – 1File

Password: hako

Note: To access myplayer and 2k original/central without it crashing the game, change your ps4 date to 2019 (Thanks to redha @darksoftware for letting us know about it)

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror

CUSA15666 – USA

Thank @gamesmega

Game : Mega – Mediafire1File

Update 1.01 : Mega – Mediafire1File

Update 1.01 (Fix 5.05) : Mega – Mediafire1File

DLC : Lets – Zippy – 1File

Note: To access myplayer and 2k original/central without it crashing the game, change your ps4 date to 2019 (Thanks to redha @darksoftware for letting us know about it)

Guide DownloadTool Download )

2K invites players to Step Inside the squared circle with WWE 2K20, available October 22. Your favorite WWE Superstars, Legends, Hall of Famers and NXT’s best will join the festivities and celebrate the rebirth of the WWE 2K franchise! WWE 2K20 will feature key gameplay improvements, streamlined controls, and the most fun and creatively expansive entry in the franchise to date. WWE 2K20 will also feature a brand-new 2K Showcase focused on the story of the Four Horsewomen/Women’s Evolution, the return of 2K Towers, an all-new MyCAREER that prominently features both male and female playable characters, and Mixed Tag Matches featuring male and female competitors.

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Thank you for add the dlc ❤❤

I think its time to add wwe22 now

Please add WWE2k22

Can you add all DLC s : )))

Thnx. It is working on 5.05


Alguien sabe porque no puedo instalar el update 1.8 en 6.72

Please add highspeed WWE 2k20 version dlc file

muchas gracias por el juego, se nota el esfuerzo por la calidad de las descargas, tengo una pregunta ojala alguien me pueda hacer el favor de ayudarme con la respuesta. voy a instalar el juego desde cero, version usa. estoy en 5.05. instalo primero la base y luego la actualizacion y por ultimo el DLC ? y es necesario instalar las dos actualizaciones 1.11 y la 1.17 para tener todo el contenido ?

o solo con la 1.17 se instala todo el contenido completo, incluyendo lo que trae la actualización 1.11 les agradecería su ayuda. gracias

Hola hermano pirata, no es necesario descargar e instalar las 2 actualizaciones, la que es superior trae el contenido de las actualizaciones anteriores, te lo digo por experiencia, Tekken 7, Yakuza, etc, lo que debes considerar al momento de descargar un juego es el código del CUSA (USA/EUR), ya que en estos difiere las actualizaciones disponibles.

WWE 2K20 Update 1.08 Already Backported

Notes: 5.05 Backport! I still hate mega!

EUR version, please

Please upload 1.08 ZippyShare

Can we get dlc or acceleration please.. :’).. tqqq

thanks to @Highspeed33 for update 1.08 if there are dlcs we will really happy : )

Can you upload EUR version?
Thanks in Advance

Can you put update 1.08 for 1File or Zippy : )

With dlc or not? Sorry for asking

please upload wwe 2k20 patch 1.08 and all dlc.. tqq

7.02 now supports latest patch/update for this game , please post 1.07-1.08 patch as well , it fixes a lot of issues

Please upload wwe2k20 and MK11 newest update for 7.02
They have a lot of bugs.

can you put the new update?

Can you please upload 1.08? With DLCS

Please upload dlc I want to play with the fiend Bray Wyatt

Descargue el Juego pero no se como Instalar.. NO ES PKG

Hello, can anyone upload the 1.06 or 1.08 or 1.02 with all DLC? backported to 5.05? please thanks


Most welcome bro. And this is the Europe version CUSA15765 torrent if any one need it https://www99.zippyshare.com/v/RCWS3O3g/file.html

on torrent does not start

WWE 2K20 Update 1.01 Already Backported


Credits to Dorukhan for the original release!

Note: To access myplayer and 2k original/central without it crashing the game, change your ps4 date to 2019 (Thanks to redha u/darksoftware for letting us know about it)

I tried to look for a solution on how to fix it but cant link what could cause the year change to fix it, but well workarounds… works 😛

most welcome bro , enjoy 😁

all dlc on wwe 2k20 . thank you

Is fiend included???

to fix myplayer from crashing go to date/time settings on your ps4 & change the year from 2020 to 2019

plz anyone have dlcs for these game can upload it ?

Is there anyone have dlcs for wwe 2k20

dlc plz

Can I have a 5.05 patch for the update please.

eurrrr itaaaaaa plzzzzzzz???

the game crash when i play 2k showcase or my player did anyone have this error or just me and how can you help me ☹

Nice game

5.05 fix is not helping.

I hate it when some losers ask for backporting when the admin has already given the 5.05 fix!


mega links plz

could you add link mirror please ?

me sale too en ingles como hago pa cambiar en español

still prefer 2K19.

Please upload the deluxe version with all the DLC’s

Plz upload wwe 2k20 Europe version

sir help me the game is say error ce-34878-0 when i go to MyCAREER mode or try to edit superstars it make my out of the game even with the update please fix it and thanks for the game

the original uploader said mycareer doesn’t work

so we need him to upload a new version like eur or the deluxe edition

Change the year ps4 2020 to 2019
