WWE 2K17

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WWE 2K17
October 11, 2016
Link ver BLUS31599 – USA (Game + DLC) (En,Fr,Es) : 1File
Link ver BLUS31599 – USA (Game) (En,Fr,Es) : MegaDirect – Password: downloadgameps3.com
Link ver BLUS31599 – USA (Game) (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic

Update  + DLC : Download


Link ver BLES02239 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Direct
Link ver BLES02239 – EUR (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic

Update + DLC : Download

Link ver BLUS31599 – USA (PKG – HEN / CFW) : 1File

Link ver PSN – USA – NPUB31838 : Download


Link ver HAN – USA – NPUB31838 : PKGRAP


Fix error stuck at loading screen
1. First install the game (don’t update to 1.04)
2. when finished, play a few minutes ( just to make sure)
3. abort the game and restart the game, when the system asked for update then goto 1.04
4. it worked for me , hope for you 2


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

WWE 2K17 arrives as the reigning and defending flagship WWE video game franchise champion with stunning graphics, ultra-authentic gameplay and a massive roster of WWE and NXT’s popular Superstars and Legends.

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How to Intsall the game ?

How to unlock all human ???

Only aliens srry no humans


links not working for dlc download …all links expired

how to download the DLC?

thanks very much psp for replaying to me and explaining to me how to download the DLC. I have downloaded the DLC and installed them in my ps3 with the fix but when I launch the game to play it the game crashes and says that game data is corrupted and I have to delete it and restart the game this error is always happening to me when playing WWE 2k17 I don’t really know what the problem please help me sort this out. thanks 🙂

Can I play it on the emulator

yes you can

every time I play the game it is crashing or/and saying that game data is corrupted and I have to exit the game and delete game data and then relaunch the game. I tried updating to the latest version 1.04 there is no use.

also when I tried to install the DLC it is crashing and saying game dats is corrupted again.

I have read and followed your guide for downloading the game step by step.

I am so disappointed and sad. please replay to me and fix the problem .thanks

we have the same issue bro

SHOLD I DOWNLOAD ALL VERSIONS OF DLCS or only the last one (v5)

Guide fix black screen on startup:-
after downloading the game and installing it(either running it in a USB flash drive or an external HDD-SSD or running it directly for the ps3 hard drive)
*what you need :-
a jailbroken CFW-HEN ps3
a USB or external HDD-SSD(for running the game from USB flash drive or external HDD-SSD or copy game game from drive to ps3 hard drive.

step 1:- go to multiman(if you don’t have it download it from https://store.brewology.com/ahomebrew.php?brewid=24)

step 2:- locate the game in multiman and go to game option a turn on bd minor and internal(if you are running the game from your ps3 hard drive or external(if you are running it from USB or external HDD-SSD.

step 3:- restart your ps3

launch the game and it will download the required data to your ps3 hard drive and then it will hopefully work.

Guide fix black screen after updating the game:-
*what you must need:-
internet connection.

step 1:- in the XMB go to game data utility and then locate WWE 2k 17 and delete it.(you will not lose any data or progress)

step 2:- launch the game and it will ask you to update the gmae don’t update and press circle to skip after the game will download required data to the ps3 hard drive after it finish play the game for about 5-10 minutes.

step 3:- after playing the game for few minutes quit the game and it will return you to the XMB

step 4:- relaunch the game again and it will again ask you to update now this time update it press x to update.

step 5:- it will take few minutes to update after completing it will launch the game automatically and it will hopefully work.

It has worked for me hope it will work for you too. thanks

thanks for the info bro

how to download dlc?

psp thanks for replaying and sending me the guide but for the dlc v5 link is broken it shows me that the dlc file is no longer available please fix it. thanks

here is a screen shot:-

edit:- it is for the dlc fix v5(us version)

thank you very much
it worked now thanks for fixing it

por favor ayúdame tengo una cfw ps3 y qué versión debo descargar este Link ver BLUS31599 – USA (Game + DLC) o Link ver BLUS31599 – USA (Game) o la versión pkg y para el dlc hay v2, v3, v4 , v5, ¿cuál debo descargar todos o uno de ellos? Por favor, ayúdenme y si debo descargar la actualización del juego a 1.04 o no y qué hacer si aparece la pantalla en negro y cómo evitar eso, lo siento por una pregunta larga, pero lo estoy confundido no sé qué hacer por favor repsond y ayúdame Agradezco cualquier ayuda gracias.

I have a question do I need to download this Link ver BLUS31599 – USA (Game + DLC) or this Link ver BLUS31599 – USA (Game) and the dlc there are v2 and v3 and v4 and v4 which one should I download one from them or all of them please respond and tell me. snd does this game and the dlc work please tells.

what the fuck nobody tell me I will not wait the heck so much.

One is enough bro

yeah but nobody tell

admin please respond

does the game work with its dlc and should I update the game to lastest version
please respond anybody please


No me descarga la parte 3 en Google Drive, me marca error.

what is the password in media fire link

Link não presta marca recapcha. Fica 2h marcando e nada abrir coloque links direitos sem frescuras


bles plzzzzz

el juego anda bien pero cada determinado tiempo me pone que los datos del juego están corruptos. es con el único juego que me pasa

Trophy error is coming *Please Finish Your Game* ⬅️ this is sayed by the game again and again

I have fw 4.86 and whenever I load the game from multiman it asks to change it to my fw so i click yes and i get black screen when I load up the game
help pls?

The same thing happened to me, did you find the solution?

i will tell you how my game worked.Firstly watch you tube videos please
then try updating your game

how to put the dlc in the game ???

se cayeron las paginas???

after two days its saying game data corrupt and i have to reinstall the data and after 1 day again the same?

I’m using HEN So which link should I click????

Im using HEN which link should I click????

Game is stuck on loading screen 😳😓help me

I have a problem with the dlc, everytime i start this game it tells me i need to redownload my dlc to use my save data (i used dlc v5 btw). Help me please asap

Esta fallando los enlaces 😥

When i try to extract the files thye stops AT part 7
Help me pls

do i need to install the dlc and the patch 1 by 1 or you can just directly install the latest version?

is there any wwe ps3 game with working online servers?

Don’t download wwe 2k17 from this page I’ve downloaded it 3 times from this page and it doesn’t work

black screen error

Is the same version for hen too

muchas gracias

Where is this game emulator , I download all part now how can play this game , i want information in hindi

Can someone help me? I Don’t know the problem, but my ps3 turn off after i play this game for a few second. Does my ps3 the problem or this game?

For a few minutes i mean

plz help the game don’t open it stuck in black screen BLUS

Where is the fucking rap, this is bullshit, the fucking game doesn’t work without the rap file

game error stuck at loading screen

Plz send part5 link

How to download

o meu da um erro de game data

Hi, what is the difference between DLC versions? I don’t know what DLC version to download, please enlighten me, thank you!

how to fix this problem i want to downloed but i keep getting adds i mean alot of adds pls help

How To install this file, because my file download when I Copy “Operation Failed or canceled” on ps3 HEN

How I join

Ya siktir git pislik dayamış reklamı!!! İnmiyor şerefsizler!!!

Discord”un varsa google link filan atabılırım.

how do u download it on ps3

The game stuck at black screen if I update the game to version 1.04

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