Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception Game of the Year Edition

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Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception
Game of the Year Edition
November 1, 2011
Link ver USA – BCUS99086 (GOTYE) (Game + Update v1.19) : Direct
Link ver USA – BCUS99086 (GOTYE) (En,Fr,Es,Pt) : Direct
Link ver EUR – BCES01670 (GOTYE) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da,Fi,Pl,Ru,El,Cs,Tr) : MegaDirect – Password: POTATO
Link ver ASIA – BCAS25014 (GOTYE) (En,Zh,Ko) : 1File1File (Multi)Direct – Password: downloadgameps3.com


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception: Fortune hunter Nathan Drake is catapulted headlong into an adventure that takes him on a daring trek into the heart of the Arabian Desert in a search for the fabled “Atlantis of the Sands.” This journey pits him and his mentor Victor Sullivan against the occult treachery of a shadowy clandestine organization and its ruthless leader. When the terrible secrets of this lost city are unearthed, Drake’s quest descends into a desperate bid for survival that strains the limits of his endurance and forces him to confront his deepest fears.

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Thank You So Much. The Game Worked Without Problem!

Please can you post the English audio fix

Whuch version i download on my hen ps3 super slim

Plz someone tell why is one game small in size and other 45 gb

can u add dlc for  BCUS99086 ?

Why does the Link Mirror ver BCES01175 – EUR size is only 14.71 GB? Is it complete game and working?? Or is it
RIP(without cutscenes)??

Asia language =English ??

I have downloaded BCES01670 GOTY from mega, and I have also did the substitution thing and the other steps needed to load the game correctly, but I’m stuck after a little loading on a black screen, even if my ps3 continues to work without crashing. If someone can help I would be very grateful

I have downloaded BCAS25014 and it stucks in chapter 3 !

Install update 1.19 before playing.
Make an ISO out of the game.

hey man
I have downloaded these 3 files
Link ver HAN – BCES01176 – EUR (Singleplayer): PKG – RAP
Link ver HAN – BCES01176 – EUR (Singleplayer – 2D Movies): PKG – RAP (Not Required)
Link ver HAN – NPEA00422 – EUR (Uncharted 3 Multiplayer): PKG – RAP (Not Required)
so the first two links after I installed are now saved in (saved data) and the file is 24gb, they are not playable tho
the third link for the multiplayer opens the menu of the game but still not playable too.
please guide me to how to install properly.

same problem

First install Multiplayer, then Singleplayer, then 2D Movies.

Hy bro extract time error aa rha data Asia version me plz help

this game stucks in chapter 3 any solutions please ?

Alguien me dice si esta versión es el juego completo. Link ver HAN – BCES01176 – EUR (Singleplayer)

you need to download “Link ver HAN – BCES01176 – EUR (Singleplayer)” and “BCES01176 – EUR (Singleplayer – 2D Movies)” or “BCES01176 – EUR (Singleplayer – 3D Movies)” if you have a 3D TV

anyone knows the password to download the cfw.3.55 fix? thanks

Did the game work with anyone

BCES01175, frist link 48GB the game start correctrly BUT loading is very slow. CFW 4.78 FERROX.
BCES01175 mirror link 20GB black screen to start, no arrive at main menu.
Now I try BCES01670 GOTY with file substitution.

ONLY BCES01175 frist link 48GB the game start correctrly ON PS3 Fat CFW 4.87 FERROX WEBMAN MOD

tambien el verdadero GOTY es BCUS99086 o BCES01692

el BCES01670 no es la edición GOTY es la normal con nombre de goty para llamar la atención con de uncharted 2..es edición de colección
el verdadero GOTY es BCUS90918 

I’ve downloaded the whole game and realized that part 22 and 24 is missing from the BCES01175 – EUR Google drive, very disappointing…

Do you have the update file for goty version ? 1.19 ? Please ?

Thank you so much, you guys are doing really good work for us… i appreciate

Thank you so much, you guys are doing really good work for us… i appreciate

BCES01670 eur infinite loud in launch screen, any fix?

Thank you very much for your time doing all this for the people on your website you are the best

i downloaded BCES01670 and it keeps freezing on chapter 4 right before going into combat is there a fix for this?

You need to update it to 1.19 version I believe, I keep freezing as well. Well Idk any place to download the update for goty version, the one I know from PS3 updater and it take centuries to finish (I haven’t finished the download yet and Idk if it would work out)

Can’t install hen version bcus98233

My Christmas gift to you all.
And upload I found online.
GOTY edition. Asia version. It has English, don’t worry. Also Chinese, I think. But it only offered me English, cause my PS3 is set to English. Don’t know about any other languages. But I repeat, it has English.

You can get 1.19 update using PS3 Game Updater 1.5 or something.

That’s what I did -> download this, made an ISO out of it with PS3 ISO Tools 2.2 and makeps3iso.exe. Copy to my PS3, install 1.19 update, run game with Webman Mod.

This worked perfectly for me. Played the whole game from start to finish. No problems.

My PS3 is Slim on REBUG 4.86 CFW with Cobra on.

Hey can I have the update file 1.19 ? Would you please give me download link of the pkg file ? Google drive would be much appreciated

I told you how to get it. With PS3 Game Updater 1.5. Look it up.

https://filecrypt.co/Container/034E9FE617.html The second file has been deleted

Will there be a new update of the same file or just I will download another version

Link ver BCES01175 – EUR : Mega – Mirror – Google – Password: vn-sharing.net password not correct

where is the one pkg file 45gb BCES01670 google error

please help me
Link ver HAN – BCES01670 – EUR – Google said Not FoundError 404if you can fix

HI bro I mean the one pkg file size 45 gb and 500 mb patch I can’t found any more

como instalar versão pkg ?

Can you provide update for BCES01670 (Goty edition) ?

No instructions for BCUS98233. I have done the first merge, which leaves me with a 401mb file, 4 3.98gb files, and a 11.9gb file. Number 3 file is missing. Please advise what to do next.

Replace the montage file and make an iso of the game.
Load with irisman.
Worked for me.

can you please add link of google drive per parts like perhaps (10×2,6Gb) for the Goty edition ? Much appreciated Thank You

BCES01175 Update 1.19 Server is Down. Please Fix it.

Please help me, I got freeze in chapter 1 when fighting with big guy in rest room (BCES01670 goty) the file ldn-montage-opening.m2v is not corrupt but to make sure ,I have downloaded again the file ldn-montage-opening.m2v,and copy to hdd external but the game still freeze in the same act, please help me guys!!

Thanks game work normally. No black screen, no freez on chapter 4, no infinite loading ring, and i play until end

Which version you installed

Whic one is have turkish dubbing?

can i play this game in pc

Atleast tel me how do I download single player and multiplayer pkg files

Please addd another link .. unable to download due to google restrictions..

Bro part 21 25 ia missing

BCUS98233 – USA can we get a link for mega

Game loading for ever

What can i do

Hey admin can u please add the lets link on 1 file link.. it would be a great help thank you

Please add lets or 1 file. Thank you in advance

please add direct link

Is the PKG version full? its only 11gb and when I install it there is no game file to access… Strange

i have downloaded but cannot open
when you open it keeps loading but cannot open


im here just to say best site ever thnx for all games

Link ver BCUS98233 – USA (PKG – HEN / CFW) dá tela preta após o loading, tem como alguém me explicar melhor como resolver isto??, sou meio leigo ainda no ps3 hen…

Meu amigo, na tela preta, aperte o botão “start” ou atualize o jogo.

Valew cara, fiz isso aí, mas mesmo assim não funcionou, porém, ja fiz download da versão brasileira de outro site, ja com dublagem e e textos em PTBR, funcionando de boa…


vc em Co

ver BCUS98233 PS3 Hen, how to fixed?? Help!! Anyone’s

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