Uncharted 2 Among Thieves

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Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
October 13, 2009
Link ver EUR – BCES00509 (Game + All Update) : Direct
Link ver EUR – BCES00509 (En,Fr,De,It,Nl) : 1FileDirect
Update Fix DLC : Download
Link ver USA – BCUS98123 (En,Fr,Es) : 1FileDirect
Update Fix DLC : Download
Link ver EUR – BCES00757 (En,Es,Pt,Sv,No,Da,Fi,Pl,Ru) : MegaDirect – Password: POTATO
Link ver HAN – NPEA00365 – EUR : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPUA80698 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver USA – BCUS98123 (PKG – HEN / CFW) : 1File
Uncharted 2 English Audio Fix : Download


DLC Content
– Drake’s Fortune MP Pack
– The Siege Expansion Pack
– Gold Weapons Pack
– Playstation Heroes Pack
– Sidekick Skin Pack
– Special Edition Skin Pack
– Revenge Booster
– Currency Multiplier
– The Eye of Indra Multiplayer Skin Pack
– The Eye of Indra Motion Comics
(Thank Richard Aranas)

Ok guys, been trying to see if this works. I can confirm IT WORKS. If you are having problem on the first loading screen. You have need to copy the game from your external hard drive to your internal hard drive, also you need to split some big files so you can (internal files of the game) to smaller files so you can write it to your fat32 external hard drive.

Here are some tutorial for you to follow.

Ok here are the details I used.

CFW used: Rebug 4.82 (pretty sure this will also work on 4.81)



– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves is the story of Nathan Drake, a fortune-hunter with a shady reputation and an even shadier past who is lured back into the treacherous world of thieves and mercenary treasure-seekers. The tenth game by premier PlayStation 3 developer Naughty Dog, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves allows players to take control of Drake and embark on a journey that will push him to his physical, emotional and intellectual limits to discover the real truth behind the lost fleet of Marco Polo and the legendary Himalayan valley of Shambhala.

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 BCES00509  stuck in loading screen infinit loadin does any one can help

El juego funciona y está en español. La región US BCUS98123 por un 1ficher. El juego está en formato carpeta. Muchas gracias a esta tremenda página.

for those who are trying BCES00509, download the 1fichier version: https://1fichier.com/?h64wtd31c0wts4431ke0
in order to access the website, change your dns to google dns (, or use vpn.
i think the mirror version of mega is the same thing, but i didn’t try it (i’m talking about https://mega.nz/folder/yVECVLTJ#-aKn_LavLtSpq8ppQ38Qeg) both links are also available on this dlpsgame webpage, but these are direct links if you encounter strange ads

finally I have found a solution for missing cutscenes on uncharted 2 – BCES00509 version! the game should have the following languages: english, french, german, italian, dutch but in the game files only english and french are available. I’ve tested this method for italian language and it works: take the english fix, put it in the bces00509/ps3_game/usrdir/build/main/sound1/speech directory and then copy it and paste it in the same directory. Now rename the copy you have just done to “italian” (from english.psarc to italian.psarc), or german or dutch and you will have all the cutscenes with italian/german/dutch subtitles. Unfortunately you can’t have the dialogues in italian, german or dutch since the files are missing in the game, but at least you have all the cutscenes and the subtitles in the chosen language (the language you put to rename the copy of english.psarc)

BCES00509 has no cutscenes! how is it possible? i can’t play the game without understanding what’s going on, cutscenes are primary

even the voice of the characters are missing since there aren’t cutscenes!

He pasado días frente al ordenador pensando que lo descargué en EUR pero
cuando entro al juego me sorprende que esté en inglés y las voces en japonés o no sé en qué idioma, hay alguna forma de ponerlo en español? (Ciertamente tengo mi ps3 en español)

si sos de España descargare el EUR y si sos de Latinoamérica descargate el USA

I’ve spent days in front of the computer thinking that I downloaded it in EUR but when I enter the game I am surprised that it is in English and the voices in Japanese or I don’t know what language, is there any way to put it in Spanish? (I certainly have my ps3 in Spanish)

Update information:

Best version – Link ver EUR – BCES00757 : Mega – Password: POTATO

9 languages

Working on CFW


Convert to ISO using PS3 ISO TOOLS V2.2 and upload the file via FTP to the PS3 ISO folder

The game works perfectly. I wish a nice game.

I wonder why I don’t have the game in Polish since the files of this language are in the game files.

Link Mega ver EUR – BCES00509 – U2goty.part38.rar: Temporary error. Could you please help? Thanks…

BCES00757 viene en Español y funciona perfectamente en HEN 4.87 con webman.

Alguien sabes como poner en español el juego

lo solucionaste?

Link ver USA – BCUS98123

Part 3 doesn’t work it says [404 not found]

I downloaded the mega version one, and i put the game in the ps3 hard drive it was on infinite loading screen now i’m trying to fix it i’ve looked into the comment section and i should convert it to iso, i am converting it to iso now and i will update my comment soon as it works!

infinite load not working… update

Qual versão está em pt-pt ?

In the game there isn’t videos of the history, no one speak. The link of the fix don’t work. BCES00509 I can’t play

please dlc fix for BCES00757

BCUS98123 working good on ferrox cobra

Is there a pc version for this game

https://filecrypt.cc/Container/36DF641F1D.html this link not work plz fix that

what its the diffrent with goty version??

Final dlc not work plz fix that

Link Mega ver EUR – BCES00509 part.25 have error in downloading it with MEGA
“temporary error, retrying”

do you need to finish the campaign to see the DLC?

the DLC pack fix is not reading on the ps3

Nevermind got it to read

Those of u wondering about the infinite dwagger loading
The easy solution is to just copy the game on the internal hard disk drive on your PS3
Don’t play it from your external

link BCES00509 EUR no in spanish and BCES00757 is to big to fat32 🙁

Hi guys, any idea horo fix the error 80029564, this happened to me when the installation is on 14%…

Enable Hen and then install

There is an error when copying Bces00757 extracted files to hard disk that file is”pak22.psarc” which contains 5.21gb cananyone tell how to fix it

I solved it now the game is stuck at the loading screen

I solved it now the game is stuck at loading screen

I solved it now the game is stucked at loading screen

BCES00757 part 12 file is not downloading how to fix it

Thank you for solving the problem

I’ve downloaded two EUR versions, and in anyone has the language spanish. WHY?!

Does the USA version contains Spanish?

Bcus 1file file corrupted. Always stop downloading on 3,89gb

hello, BCES00757 works perfect. are there any DLC content for it ( i used CFW helper and it was updated using it) so anything else to download?

Thank you

Some BCES00757 18 to 25 parts are missing, can u reupload ?

a lot of people in the comment section are having one problem or another.should i give it a try and download it?

Link Mega ver EUR – BCES00509
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves [BCES00509].part49.rar download error!!!!

Error to install any DLC files. Somebody help

Filecrypt links are off

excuse me,the link ver usa (the 3 part) part 3 is not found 🙁 i have download it 4 hours but when igo the part 3 its not found

link fix DLC US version is dead,does anyone have another link ? 🙁

what am i supposed to do after downloading the pkg,I cant copy it to a fat 32 hdd ,also when i tried to split the pkg it didnt work,any help!!

BCUS98123 & BCES00509 black screen

I found solution for infinity loading screen: just CONVERT THE GAME TO ISO IN MULTIMAN.
my soft: rebug 4.85.1 lite
It took me a while to figure that out so post here.

it did not work out for me. I have tried normal and Iso method. On the normal way I was stuck on loading screen. With ISO it loading screen goes and then freezes. Yes i loaded the game in multiman. I am using CFW/HEN. Any other suggestions?

Encontraron alguna solucion? en esta version el archivo pesa 15GB pro en la Europea 19 GB

Use split 4g and copy the files to fat32 format usb drive.use multiman to start the game. Worked for me.

don’t u have torrent files?

Where is the Turkish speech and Turkish subtitle?How can i get?

stuck on spinning dagger loading screen
need help

Same problem bro did you fix it ?

Follow this video it’s worked for me https://youtu.be/VPsW7DhDBhY

did some of u fix it? i have the same problem

Convert the game into iso, it works for me

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