Twisted Metal Limited Edition

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Twisted Metal Limited Edition

Link ver USA – BCUS98106 (Game + All Update) : Direct
Link ver USA – BCUS98106 (En,Fr,Es) : 1File – GoogleDirect – Password:

Update + DLC
Update 1.01: Download
Update 1.02: Download
Update 1.04: Download
Update 1.05: Download
Update 1.06: Download
DLC : 1File
Link ver EUR – BCES01010 (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Pl,Ru) : Direct
Link ver HAN – NPUA80079 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEA00362 – EUR : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPUI94304 – USA (PSX) : PKGRAP
Link ver NPUI94304 – USA (PSX) : Direct1File

Link Mirror : 1File – Password : alv-ro


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

High atop his penthouse office, a mysterious ringleader named Calypso lords over the contest of vehicle combat known as Twisted Metal. He returns again to host the ultimate contest of skill and destruction. Contestants have been chosen to compete and, should they emerge victorious, win whatever prize their heart desires.

Twisted Metal, the longest running franchise in PlayStation history, is now back, exclusively on the PS3 system. With four factions battling for control, players step into the combat boots of a twisted disciple in a high octane, highly destructible world. Players fight for the prize of one wish fulfilled by the stylishly evil Calypso, the mastermind behind the Twisted Metal tournament. Disciples strategically dismantle opponents in vehicles loaded with weapons of Twisted destruction. With a robust online system, players unleash destruction with up to 16 players through PlayStation Network and battle through a variety of favorite and new game modes.

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loop loading!

Link ver NPUI94304 – USA (PSX): 1File. Password ???

the part 7 in goggle drive is missing error 404 plss fix.

bro it works at 9 frames (not from my pc i have an rtx 2060 and r74800h)
any one can help plzzz

Update links are dead.

Please make sure that admin got a second website!!! If google took down your website where i’m going to download game ps3?

Please admin i’m begging you backup all of your games before too late.

when I start the game, on the first loading screen the game freezes, the loading icon is moving but it doesn’t come out, it keeps loading forever. if anyone has a solution.

It takes a good 2-3 minutes for me too. But it always loads the game.

rap file not work

no work links pkg

BCUS98106 esta en español las voces y subtitulos? Alguien sabe? :c

I have downloaded only one pkg, should I install the updates? If I don’t install them, won’t I be able to play?
Does installing or not installing updates affect the gameplay or functionality of the game?

Of course you must update it first,

tengo que decsrgar todos?,cuento con Hen 4.85, he descrgado solo 1 de que es pkg , pero deberia de decscargar los dlc o las actualizacion?

tengo que descargar todos?

sirve para el Hen 4.86?

Anda perfecto. Gracias por el aporte


Se me queda en la pantalla de carga de ahí no avanza, alguna solución porfa ??

Please help!
I downloaded and installed PSN version
I get error: “The copyright information protection is invalid”

Is there a crack please!?

if you run in the same problem with this or any other game please watch this video it’s very easy to do and follow and worked for me
YouTube video tutorial:

For those unaware!
PSN version is 79mb file size it’s not Twisted Metal ps3 game. It’s actually a PlayStation (one) game the original Twisted Metal from 1995

“Link Google USA – BCUS98106” version does NOT work
multiman 4.85 cobra mode 🙁
is there a european (BLES) version download link please?

Thanks. Game BCUS runs fine on ps3 slim 500gb, 4.84cfw ferrox, 4.85 multiman update.

were you able to finish the game? my fat 80gb model does NOT wanna cooperate with this game ;(

Yes, 100% of the story.
Just dont maximize the HDD space or external HDD(500gb with 45gb space).

The game bugs when you reach the Killoseum. I could play it once though. The game crashed after that and I got brought to the main ps3 screen, then it simply didn’t wanna work again anymore. The game freezes each time I try to play the Killoseum.


Hola como puedo jugar online?

creo que ya están dado de baja los servidores

game not working 🙁

i mean the “Link Google USA – BCUS98106”
it does NOT work! iv downloaded it again multiple times tried everythingim also on 4.85

the PSN version does work but i want the GAME FOLDER version of the game not the PSN/digital one 🙁

How did you managed to get it working? Do you had a crack pkg file or..? I installed the same psn version and Ps3 gives me an error: ” the copyright protection is invalid” ???

why the download link is 13.5 GB while the mirror link is 12.5 GB ?

Upload on Mega please

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