The Lord of The Rings Conquest

(Like and sharing game for your friends)

The Lord of The Rings
January 13, 2009
Link ver BLUS30226 – USA (En,Fr,Es) : Direct
Link ver BLES00412 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Sv,No) : Direct
Link ver BLES00412 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Sv,No) : 1File
Link ver BLES00412 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Sv,No) : Google
Link ver BLES00412 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Sv,No) : Mega – Password: vnsharing
Link ver BLES00412 – EUR (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

The Lord of the Rings: Conquest puts players into the thick of the tremendous battle over The One Ring, playing out battles from both sides of the confrontation! Conquest will let players take control of many of the characters and creatures from the series and pit them on any of the franchise’s famous battlefields. From Cave-trolls to Oliphaunts to the Balrog and even Sauron, practically the entire universe will be available for battle with up to 150 characters on-screen at any one time. Up to 16 players will be able to clash online, with four players able to play cooperatively through the main campaign either online or via four-player split-screen. And with two distinct campaigns to play through, including an original take on what would happen if Sauron regained control of the One Ring, the game promises plenty of scenarios to wage battle through.

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Link Google ver BLES00412 – EUR: Google (Thank Karley Werlang Campos)
The stuck game was downloaded from here, I’ll try the others.

has a problem with the game, stuck on loading screen, won’t start

game stuck at loading screen .. not freeze its stuck

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it says EUR for language but does it have english in it?

game loading stop

When I try to play the game gets stuck in the loading screen… It just let me play the tutorial. ¿Any solution?

same :/ help please

all 5 part i maine of game

help me plz PSP if i have downlord all this 3 part of the game where i click to press the zip code what i click ans this is on my pc all 3 part how i do like i put all part together??? psp help

what is the password to zip

Thank you, gracias.

wheres the dlc for this game need gothmog and others

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