The Last of Us
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The Last of Us
June 14, 2013
BCUS98174 – USA (En,Fr,Es,Pt)
Link ver BCUS98174 – USA : Direct – 1File
Update + Fix All DLC : Download
All DLC Multiplayer Fix : Download
BCES01584 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da,Fi,El,Cs,Tr)
Link ver BCES01584 – EUR : Direct – 1File – Password: GGALLGAMES
Note : Here
Link ver HAN – NPEA00435 – EUR : PKG – RAP
Link ver HAN – NPUA80960 – USA : PKG – RAP
Note Important : Here
Link ver BCUS98174 – USA (PKG – HEN / CFW) : 1File
DLC ver BCUS98174 – USA (PKG – HEN / CFW) : 1File
Guide : Here
– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here
Survive an apocalypse on Earth in The Last of Us, a PlayStation 3-exclusive title by Naughty Dog. Here, you will find abandoned cities reclaimed by nature. Here is a population decimated by a modern plague. Here, there are only survivors killing each other for food, weapons, or whatever they can get their hands on. Here, you find no hope.
Joel, một người sống sót tàn bạo, và Ellie, một cô gái tuổi teen dũng cảm, khôn ngoan vượt tuổi, phải làm việc cùng nhau nếu họ hy vọng sống sót trên hành trình xuyên Mỹ.
Game works perfectly
I downloaded BCUS98174 , if y’all having problems will black screen with logo , after transfering the game
to your PS3 just download PS3Merge on pc and select the following folder THE LAST OF US PS3_GAME>>USRDIR>>build>>main
It will merge the splitted file that is those pak23.psarc.66600
Into one file pak23.psarc size 10gb just
Then delete these files from the from your PS3 hard disk ‘PS3_GAME>>USRDIR>>build>>main
Then move the merged pak23.psarc file to this directory PS3_GAME>>USRDIR>>build>>main on your PS3 through filezilla or a USB formatted in NTFS it will allow you to transfer the file to your USB , Google how to use NTFS in Multiman if you don’t know how to use it in Multiman
Create iso
Worked fine for me, thanks a lot!
holaa, yo segui tus pasos pero ya tenia muchos juegos en mi disco duro como para cambiarlo a ntfs y perder todos o demorarme aun mas de lo que ya llevo, asi que aqui les dejo un video que lo explica muy bien
Thanks man
Guys, just change the game folder _BCUS98174-[The Last of Us] to BCUS98174. It should work.
Did you mean, The Last Of Us [BCUS98174] become BCUS98174?
is this game in polish (PL)
Worked like a charm here.
-> Downloaded EUR – BCES01584
-> Extracted all files in windows
-> Copied the game to external HDD, excepting pak23.psarc file from USRDIR>>build>>main
-> Transfered the game from external HDD to internal PS3 HDD using Multiman
-> Transfered pak23.psarc file to USRDIR>>build>>main in PS3 HDD game using FileZilla
-> Deleted BCES01584\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN and renamed EBOOT_orig.BIN to EBOOT.BIN
Don’t try to download it from torrent. It has corrupted files or it’s a incomplete torrent.
it’s awesome article. I look forward to the continuation.
look yall download the EU version its wayyyyy better I couldnt find a fix for the
US version. for the EU version there is two BIN FILES first one is EBOOT.BIN
(DELETE IT) second One is EBOOT_orig.bin (RENAME IT TO EBOOT.BIN) and
the game will work, furthermore when i tried launching the EU version via
multiman it wouldn’t load on the xmb so i used WEBMAN mod and it worked i
recommend using the full version after clicking on webman immediately hold L1
until installing full version pops up your ps3 should then restart. After your ps3
restarts go ahead and enable hen and enjoy. ps. download latest webman mod
best game ever made in the history of mankind
Lo instale y funciono perfecto. Esta en español latino
What do I do after downloaded them all?
Hi. I just wanted to contribute to anyone trying to get the game running on RPCS3. After hours of trying to make it start and with no black screen I found this settings that work:
Game patches:
Disable in-built MLAA
Enable GPU lighting
GPU: Multithread RSX, Asynchonous Texture Steaming
Advanced: PPU Non-Java Mode Fixup
thanks bro, your a life saver
Can I run HAN version on my 4.81 HEN ?
How I can make the game work in ps3
pack them to one folder with winrar and use filezilla to send the files to homebrewed ps3
I beg you, can please someone explain step by step how to install LEFT BEHIND
It’s impossible. I split the file with ps3splitter, then put the .666 files onto usb.
Opened multiman, installed the files.
Opened the game, select last of us , tells me save, during safe in the middle it stops and cancels the save giving me an error.
I try to start the DLC but no luck.
I also installed all the DLC and DLC fix.
It worked! Thank you
around 30gb
Buenas comunidad, Cual es la versión LatinoAmericana.
Gracias, Thanks
Thax man
por lo que pude averiguar la version bcus es la version bces disfrazada no se si vendra en latino pero no creo ya que el ird se compara mas con la version europea
Alguna de estas versiones sirve para el emulador rpcs3?
Works perfectly
just restart your wifi router
Make a copy of the game in the multiman but create it as an iso.
I’ll try to make this short
I’ve downloaded the BCUS98174 right below important notes (my plan is to turn into a ISO), but fell into the black screen error.
I’ve tried reinstalling it multiple times, read the important notes, guide and comments, here’s what i’ve tried:
The folders the install has created:
The fact that game folder only has the promo1 folder is a big red flag for me, i’ve opened the install pkgs and there are more files in there.
I’ve downloaded the files from drive with rclone, which has never failed me so i’m discarding a corrupted download for now.
If anyone can help please, my internet provider is playing me at the moment so i don’t wanna download the game again at 250Kb/s from somewhere else.
no tendrían un torrend de BCUS98174?
can i get the iso file in google drive, please
I’d appreciate this too
when i downloaded the us version bcus on multiman it didnt show up in the xmb of multiman but when i press on the eboot.bin it laods up in the ps3 xmb someone help me fix the fucking game
I have already downloaded the PKG and RAP file of the game and successfully booted it to RPS3 Emulator but the sad thing about it is that after I could not use the controls using the keyboard. Does anyone ever encountered this with the “Press the x button to continue”
Thanks in advance
super hra the last of us ps3
BCES01584 ok funziona!! 🙂 siete i migliori
It is working… Thank you Yea
Disponibiliza um torrent aí porra
hello broo can you help me to repair this link MEGA for part 5 “Too many connections for this download” problm
you use link mega ver ?
My PS3 have 40 GB of space.
is it enough for last of us?
yes, its enough
Instalé en mi PS3 la versión BCUS98174, la convertí a PKG NO HAN con CFW2OFW y estoy jugando ahora mismo, realice una instalación exitosa!
I installed the BCUS98174 version on my PS3, I converted it to PKG NO HAN with CFW2OFW and I’m playing right now, make a successful installation!
esta en espanol la versionq descargaste
goto package installer and select the pkg66600 and it will automatically install all other pkg
in USA version, Google drive link part 36 has been corrupted please resolve it. I have downloaded all other parts and everything is fine except part 36
thanks, it works!
Make a copy of the game in the multiman but create it as an iso.
I played this game and did the ending. I downloaded from this link: USA – BCUS98174 – 1File. It worked. Just rename the folder to BCUS98174. and dont update the game. I’m 100% that It will work. Don’t split the 10gb file. Use filezilla or a NTFS USB. I used NTFS USB
the game works perfectly BCUS. My system ps3 4.86 hfw super slim
what is the game version? is it 01.11?
go ?
I tried but ıt’s not working my game.Do you have any other advice?
My procedure works
If it doesn’t work you can try fixing the EBOOT.BIN file in the game’s folder . There are some tutorials on the youtube on how to do so. I did it and it worked.
I dowlanded BCES01584 Ver RIP but I have a problem.I’m opening The Last Of Us but it’s a black screen.Can you help me? (I used Ps3Splitter)
pero cual te descargaste?
How much size is it BLUS
I just try copying the game to my usb, and got stopped bcause of the pak23.psarc file is too big, so if I split it into smaller files, will it spoil the game? . Pls help me
pleas helpi have ps3 auper slim hen version 4.86 and i delete eboot pin and renmae eboot orig to eboot pin and i run the game and it run but i having the black screen what the proplem