The Callisto Protocol

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The Callisto Protocol



CUSA27372 – USA

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Thank @Fugazi & Franky

CUSA27372 – USA

Game : Lets – Mediafire1File (Multi)

Update 1.26 : Lets – Mediafire1File (Multi)

DLC : Lets – Mediafire1File


Languages : Eng, Fra, Spa, Ger, Ita, Chi/Man, Kor, Jpn, (text: Por/Bra, Spa/Lat, Rus, Pol)

DLC Content

– Season Pass
– Contraband Pack
– Retro Prisoner Skin
– Outer Way Skin
– UJC Chapel Skin
– Contagion Bundle
– Riot Bundle
– Story DLC: Final Transmission

*SKIN ACCESS: You can change character skin in main menu from OPTIONS/GAMEPLAY/CHARACTER SKIN option.
*STORY DLC & RIOT MODE ACCESS: Final Transmission and Riot Mode are accesible from main menu.

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CUSA27373 – EUR

Link Download

Thank @CyB1K & Arczi & hako

CUSA27373 – EUR

Game : Lets – MegaMediafire1File

Update 1.12 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00) (PROPER) : Lets – Mediafire – 1File

Update 1.14 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00) : Lets – MegaMediafire1File

Update 1.23 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00) : Lets – Mediafire1File

DLC : Lets – Mediafire – 1File

DLC (v2) : Lets – MegaMediafire1File

Password: hako

Note : Here

Language (Voice) : English-French-Italian-German-Spanish-Japanese-Korean-Chinese
Menu & Subtitles: English-French-Italian-German-Spanish-Russian-Polish-Portuguese(Br)-Spanish(Lat)-Japanese-Korean-Chinese

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Link Mirror

Thank @CyB1K & Arczi & Dorukhan

CUSA27373 – EUR

Game + Update 1.23 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00) + DLC (v2) : Mega

Note : Here

Language (Voice) : English-French-Italian-German-Spanish-Japanese-Korean-Chinese
Menu & Subtitles: English-French-Italian-German-Spanish-Russian-Polish-Portuguese(Br)-Spanish(Lat)-Japanese-Korean-Chinese

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CUSA27373 – EUR (Merged)

Link Download

Thank @CyB1K & Arczi & Zestyclose_Cress1847

CUSA27373 – EUR

Game + Update 1.12 (Fix 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00) (PROPER) : 1File

DLC : 1File

Password: 3261CCvMg!

Note : Here

Note : Base game is merged with 1.12 PROPER update(texture fixed) , for taking less hdd space(only 28gb)

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In this narrative-driven, third-person survival horror game set 300 years in the future, the player will take on the role of Jacob Lee – a victim of fate thrown into Black Iron Prison, a maximum-security penitentiary located on Jupiter’s moon, Callisto. When inmates begin to transform into monstrous creatures, the prison is thrown into chaos. To survive, Jacob must battle his way to safety to escape Black Iron Prison, while uncovering the dark and disturbing secrets buried beneath the surface of Callisto. Using a unique blend of shooting and close-quarters combat, Jacob will need to adapt his tactics to combat the rapidly evolving creatures while scavenging to unlock new weapons, gear, and abilities to outrun the growing threat and escape the horrors of Jupiter’s Dead Moon.

The Callisto Protocol is a next-generation take on survival horror from the mind of Glen Schofield. Blending atmosphere, tension, and brutality with terrifying moments of helplessness and humanity, The Callisto Protocol immerses players in a pulse-pounding story where unspeakable horrors lurk around every corner.

Set on Jupiter’s dead moon Callisto in the year 2320, The Callisto Protocol casts players as Jacob Lee, an inmate in Black Iron Prison. When a mysterious outbreak throws the moon into chaos, Jacob must face his darkest fears to defeat the bloodthirsty creatures that stalk him as he unravels the dark mysteries at the heart of the powerful United Jupiter Company.

The Callisto Protocol challenges players to master a thrilling blend of hand-to-hand and ranged combat, including a unique gravity weapon once used by Black Iron guards to control the prison population. Players will be forced to get up close and personal with their grotesque opponents, hacking off limbs, blasting off legs, and getting creative with whatever is at their disposal to survive each life-or-death encounter.

One of the most hostile, isolated environments in the universe, Callisto looms large over Jacob’s desperate struggle to survive. Players must not only contend with the horrors of Black Iron Prison, but also the centuries-old secrets that plague Jupiter’s long-dead moon, both above and below the surface.

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gracias por avisar, saludos, thanks CyB1K

Thank you

You should delete the 1.07 because its broken 🙂

Thanks @CyB1K @Arczi @hypermist @jocover

the textures became normal, but friezes appeared and some textures completely disappeared, for example, the flying head of the guard and the weapon stopped being displayed, is it just me ??

deleted everything along with the saves, installed the game without dls. everything works well

Tks a lot !

Thank you for your work friend!

Thanks to CyB1K hako and arczi.
just a question if i downloaded game+update 1.12
do I have to download 1.14 then 1.23 or can I download 1.23 directly? Thanks for your help

Thank you for this. You guys are doing Amazing jon. keep it up 🙂

[CUSA27373] The Callisto Protocol Update v1.23 + DLC Fully Backported

Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 Backport! CyB1K’s Caturbomb is here! New DLC Final transmission release which is the true ending of the game, as a DLC… Such a trend… It uses the same DLC pack we released before, the story dlc was already in there!

Thank you very much

Improve something the update 1.14???

El parche 1.12 proper hay que instalarlo forzosamente o se puede instalar el 1.14 directamente después del juego base con la corrección de las texturas de la versión 1.12 proper?

Waiting for Merged version of Base + v1.14 update!

Thank you

[CUSA27373] The Callisto Protocol Update v1.14 + DLC Fully Backported

Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 Backport! Tested on 5.05, 6.72 and 9.00! Some of this game is still a mess, trophies are still bugged. DLC page at least is now fixed and wont take ages to load anymore but you may have to re-select the skin everytime you quit. Includes all current DLC including PC Exclusive Radeon skin, Best Buy preorder skin and twitch drop skin. I couldnt figure how to trigger the krafton id link skin unlock. Game seems a tiny bit better performance wise but might be just my imagination lol PS: Arczi is too slow, feel asleep 3 times waiting for him to make a few unlocks ZzZzzz…

thank you very much for the latest update. I can confirm that the game runs smoother. I feel more FPS in the game

Thank you CyB1K.

Thank you for this. You guys are doing Amazing job. i have disabled my adblocker on this site to support you guys, if thats any help. and i do not skip any Ads. hope that helps you financially

How can i donate to CyB1K and to others like him? Also, out of curiosity, why does it cost so much to backport games, where are the costs going to? Last thing, PLEASE, anyone that donate to anyone doing backports, don’t start asking things just because you donate, or asking for this or fot that, requests are always accepted, but don’t “demand it” just because you donated, if you donated was for appreciation and support, that’s all. So please, support these people that pay from there own pockets, so we can have free things. Thank you very much to all who have and do these hard work. I would like to follow along one backport, just to better understand it, maybe you could do a payed, or just with countributions kind of course to who wants to understand what’s behind a backport.


He instalado el juego con el proper update y sigo teniendo el problema con las texturas, se ve como un juego de ps2.

Alguien sabe como solucionarlo?

Thank you! Can you please upload Merged 28GB on zippy?

Hey CyB1K, first off THANK YOU for all your hard work and Time, i appreciate how you selflessly make other peoples life better.

With that said I don’t think its fair that you made a note asking for financial support and then don’t even include how or where we can support you! not cool man. you have done so many things and deserve all of our support. please share that friggin liink man! at the very least add it to your note!!

hola existe el juego en español latino ?

OK thanks Zestyclose_Cress1847!!
I like MERGE “for taking less hdd space”
Please merge these game, file update as a base game xx
Atomic Heart
Gungrave G.O.R.E
FIST Forged In Shadow Torch
Special KOFXV too bigggg

Do you apply for Korean?

Muchas gracias por el update con la correccion de texturas!

Jest polski język?

Jest tylko napisy

Working on 9.0?

Hi @CyB1K,and @p2p

Can you please upload the update 1.13 to improve stuttering and frame rate drop on the PS4 version ? The 1.12 doesn’t perform pretty well on my PS4 slim. Thank you

The update is also expected to address problems with stuttering and frame rate drop. Stuttering refers to a jerky or choppy frame rate, while frame rate drop refers to a sudden decrease in the number of frames displayed per second. These issues can be caused by a variety of factors, such as hardware performance, software bugs, or other technical issues. The update is expected to fix these issues and improve the overall performance of the game.


Very good idea 💡. Please someone upload 1.13 update. Thanks 👍

Buenas a todos,

Tengo instalado el juego y la actualizacion 1.12 antigua y tengo ya más de la mitad del juego terminado.. puedo instalar el nuevo 1.12  (PROPER) asi sobre mi instalación actual o tengo que borrar el juego y reinstalarlo todo? gracias!

trophy doesn’t work? anyone can confirm?

Confirm 😔, the version recent for eur same? or no?

Thnx a lot DLPSGAME

I’m on 9.0, installed base and the 1.12 update the first day this was available here. My textures seem ok, or am I wrong? Does this affect everybody or only certain people?

Do I need to install the base game ? And then the 1.12 update?

Yes. If you’re new to this always install the game, then update, then DLC.

the textures became normal, but friezes appeared and some textures completely disappeared,

Admin please merge my comments.

I got it working once on 5.05 then texture issue came back, deleted whole thing and reinstalled in this order. base game, update 1.12 proper, DLC. Still wont work, doesn’t matter if I start new game or load.

Potato graphics. 🙁

Dead Space on xbox 360 running at 30FPS looks better

For potato graphics: if you have a 4k tv set your ps4 tv out to 1080 resolution.

e preciso instala a 1.07,ou só o jogo base e a 1.12 ?

Les Agradezco Cyb1k y Arczi por este gran aporte, les consulto no me aparece el listado de trofeos del juego
Instale el juego y la actualización 1.12 como demanda el post
A que se debe este hecho

magnificent CYBER1000…as ALWAYS !!!!!!

I hope you solve the problem of clarity of the game

Como se paga um café CyB1K?

thanks bro… but the update files is double on zippy’s 😂

dejame ayudarte Cyb1K

Gracias por traer el juego

so ill be fine downloading the base game or base and updates in order?

Thanks for the PROPER update 1.12, looks much better

This guy deservs paying a coffe to him, please do it because if not he will stop doing such great job.

Thank you so much

CyB1K says Update 1.00 works fine with texture loaded, how we can get update 1.00?

is the game base without update

Just don’t update. The base game is v 1.00

will we get wo long fallen dynasty as well ?
CyB1K is he interested in the game

thank you so much for the great efforts

Gracias por Compartir

gracias crack, y todos los que hacen esto posible! muy agradecidos con los juegos que van subiendo, una locura!

I love you guys

very nice, thanks alot to CyB1K and ARCZY.

If someone posts donation links please dont verify this comments, getting tired of this scammers around

thanks for deleteing CyB1K fake post, and post with mine Kofi also, ive changed username anyway becouse ppl started to put it on Twitter etc lol, they clearly dont think thats not helpfull that it may only make it banned….
