The Amazing Spider Man 2

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2
April 29, 2014
Link ver USA – BLUS41044 (Game + All DLC Fix) (En,Fr,Es,Pt) : Direct
Link ver USA – BLUS41044 (Game + DLC) (En,Fr,Es,Pt) : 1File
Link  ver USA – BLUS41044 (Game) (En,Fr,Es,Pt) : Mega – Direct
All DLC : Mega1File
Eboot Fix : Download

Link ver EUR – BLES01989 (Game + DLC) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : 1File
Link ver EUR – BLES01989 (Game) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Mega – Direct
Link ver EUR – BLES01989 (Game) (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic
All DLC : Mega1File


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Swing into action in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, a third-person action-adventure video game that builds on the story of the previous game with an alternative take on the events of the movie sequel, while also giving players an enhanced, free-roaming web-slinging experience through a greatly expanded New York City.

In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, players once again assume the role of the iconic Super Hero. Throughout his journey, Spider-Man will encounter a number of new foes as well as some old friends, as he confronts a new threat to his beloved city. The narrative will give Peter Parker, Spider-Man’s nerdy photojournalist persona, a greater role in the spotlight, as he investigates the complicated motivations and unique personalities behind the menagerie of Marvel menaces threatening Manhattan.

As Spidey, players will be able to free-roam through a greatly-enhanced Manhattan cityscape, one set to offer livelier, more engaging opportunities with which to put his sensational skills to use. Central to the expansive depth and detail being poured into The Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game is the new “Hero or Menace” system, which incentivizes Super Hero behavior by rewarding the web-slinger’s crime-fighting efforts, and adds consequences for letting criminality fester. Spider-Man’s personal brand of web-swinging and up-close-and-personal combat will see a variety of new features as well.

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Única maneira de como fazer a versão USA [BLUS41044] funcionar:

1. Fazer o download do “ESSSE Resigner v4.5.4” do link abaixo e extrair!wpBWSZ6a!6zMi5rK3VJwr0fbvlnv_L3FJyhky4GTlcrKWhVJSYTA

2. Copiar o EBOOT.BIN 21MB de “PS3_GAME/USRDIR/” para a raiz da pasta “ESSSE Resigner”

3. Executar o arquivo “ESSSE_RESIGNER.bat” 

4. Pressione a sequência: A: for resign eboot; 2: for resign to 3.55; 1: for compress eboot. Aguarda. Fechar o programa.

5. Substitua o EBOOT original pelo EBOOT.BIN 8MB gerado em “PS3_GAME/USRDIR/”.

6. Rode o jogo pelo WebMan.

It works fine but with a very low quality what should I do?

Get a better pc

BLUS41044 Works Fine With Eboot Fix On HFW 4.87

update Link ver USA – BLUS41044 Eboot Fix

update Link ver USA – BLUS41044 ALL DLC on 1file


please upload Link ver USA – BLUS41044 (Game) on 1file

How to install

what should i do if i get a black screen and the fixed eboot.bin i tried but i still have a black screen. HELP.

have you tried restarting your console then enable hen again and then boot the game? i usally load a ISO game as a test and then i load a pkg

how and where to put DLC file in game?

the blus will not show black screen when you change eboot bin of amazing spider man 2 the link is given on this site the original eboot bin is 19 gb download 8 gb ebootbin change it on pc then instal it on ps3 it will work because it work for me

is there a black screen fix

Do not change eboot its make your game not worked, im not change eboot its work BLUS for me

What kind of file is it? The Amazing spider man 2 play station 3/

How to do i install this on ps3 hen. This game is in parts.

This game working normally on my ps3 cfw

when you go to harry in hes house the game is just loading and never play

descargué la versión BLES y se queda en la pantalla de carga al salir de la casa de Harry ¿alguna solución?

ya encontré la solución, solo deben descargar la versión BLUS y listo. Espero haberles ayudado 😀

this game work corcctly but when play some game the loading is large and dont open
please help

Laversion blus worked well for me, just change it eboot.bin file downloads this: download that and copy it to BLUS41044 / PS3_GAME / USRDIR AND READY FOR ME IT WORKS

Thank you very much PAL . It really does work you’re genius

Thanks man

Cual version le ah funcionado mejor

problema versione bles. missione 10 casa di harry caricamento infinito perfavore risolvete

esatto anche io ho avuto lo stesso problema mesi fa e ancora fa questo errore

stessa cosa…siete per caso riusciti a risolverlo?

I am using hen version 4.86.
I downloaded the blus file first, it remained on the black screen, then I downloaded the bles file, the room remained on the black screen can you help me?

thank you

where is the pkg file? i can’t find it

pls add apkg + rap file for this game

pls and apkg + rap file for this game

Bles game plus dlc,not appear after installing,turn out it didn’t have ps3 update after I extract the files, anyone can help?

Can’t get past the first screen. Video keeps looping and says press start.

guys the bles version is try second link mega it is working

guys its working blus version try the second link mega it worked

BLUS version not working cfw 4.86. always showing black screen after i run the game.

can han

rar password

where is link ver HAN?? i want it please

i want pkg and rap

me to

where is rap file this eboot with original eboot and run with external . It will work

Is it working??I am asking before downloading….pls answer someone,I have hen 4.86

what type of yours ps3?

Download bles europe version for hen 4.86 its works

Blus version also didnt worked for me

Yahya that’s true?

Blus version showing blackscreen plzzz help

thank you for game

Can you make pkg version of it that works, since using pkg we dont have to go through alot of trouble of extracting only to have it not work

link google ver usa is BLACK SCREEN if playing

Omg , infinite loading after ancle bean died. …how to fix it my friend ???

I have a solution for black screen, HEN users in HFW 4.86 (version BLUS41044)

1. Download the “ESSSE Resigner v4.5.4” from the link below and extract:!wpBWSZ6a!6zMi5rK3VJwr0fbvlnv_L3FJyhky4GTlcrKWhVJSYTA
2. Copy the EBOOT.BIN 21MB from “PS3_GAME/USRDIR/” to “ESSSE Resigner root folder”
3. Execute the “ESSSE_RESIGNER.bat” file
4. Press in sequence: A: for resign eboot; 2: for resign to 3.55; 1: for compress eboot. And close the program
5. Replace the generated EBOOT.BIN 8MB to “PS3_GAME/USRDIR/”.
6. Run the game from WEBMAN.

Tested in external hd.



thanks you its working nice work

awsome sir working like charm

I am confused, after running esse resigner, two eboot files are generated, elf and orig. Which one am I suppose to replace with?

Thanks Edu….It worked

Thanks a lot Edu, it worked, much appreciated

Please I need help actually if you give me your email and I contact you it’d be a pleasure. ❤️

Please can anyone contact me om this email to help me [email protected]

Is the BLUS41044 version in brazilian language?

i did everything i did download game extreact game nd copy all file in ps3 hdd there is showing game bt when i open it game doesn,t start only black screen what i can i do now plzz tell….i have ps3 hen 4.85 plz tell

Hello guys, for those who are having Black screen, in the main HEN, instead, you have to download True Ancestor Eboot Resigner 1.6 upwards, then place the E.BOOT file in the same folder as Ancestor Boot Resigner, click on the first option, the 1, and create an E.BOOT of 8MGBTS, paste it where it had the old E.BOOT of 19MGBTS and run the game again … If you haven’t understood, contact [email protected] IM TRYING TO HELP, NOBODY HELPED ME SO…Ya

Thank u so much i written to ur email, did everything but it still blackscreen, Im running on external, Bd Mirror

Hello Tozak
have you been able to get the game running ?
you try BLUS or BLES ??
please answer me


Hello Francys,
email sent to you
i will need your help my friend
it seem easy to do once you know how to do it but im trying since many months without sucess , i need a yougn jedi with force & knowledge!

BLUS…Black Screen Somenone now how to fix it?

it gives black screen on 4.85 cfw. I even turned into iso file but didn’t work.

Mega Link ver EUR part 2 broken

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