Tekken Tag Tournament 2

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Tekken Tag Tournament 2

EUR – BLES01702 (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It,Ko,Ru)

Link ver EUR – BLES01702 – EUR (Game + DLC) : 1File
Link ver EUR – BLES01702 – EUR (Game) : MegaDirect
Link ver EUR – BLES01702 – EUR (Game) (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic
All DLC ver EUR – BLES01702 – EUR : Download

Install DLC:
  1. Install “Tekken TT2 BLES01702 DLC.pkg”
  2. Run the game, go to arcade check if the characters are there like unkown or the old guys
  3. Play and win a game and back out to main menu so the game save
  4. Quit the game then install “Tekken TT2 BLES01702 V01.03.pkg”
  5. Install Videoclips and Soundtrack pack
  6. Done

USA – BLUS31002 (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It,Ko,Ru)
Link ver USA – BLUS31002 : 1FileMegaDirect – Password: vn-sharing.net
Link ver HAN – NPUB30899 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEB01140 – EUR : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPJB00236 – JPN : PKGRAP


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Tekken Tag Tournament 2: The highly-anticipated sequel to 2000’s legendary Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is being brought to home consoles with all of the action seen in the arcades along with unique content and features that can’t be seen anywhere else.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 delivers new and returning characters in the largest roster ever. Experience the most advanced attack mechanics, ultimate combo move sets and new battle modes. With innovative features to broaden Tekken consumer accessibility, unlimited fighter combinations and multiple ways to challenge your friends, it’s time to get ready for the next battle.

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Estan en formato carpeta ??

Una consulta , porque al instalar el soundtrack y vídeos no aparecen en el juego como disponibles?

But is still can play the game but not whit the dlc

My DLC is not working (BLES1702) And when i open the game there is some part of the game can’t be download i don’t know why can someone help me?

EUR – BLES01702 oyun verileri bozuk hatası alıyorum ne yapabilirim

I have a question. How I install the europe dlcs in the USA HAN game? I know is moving archives and changing the folders names.

The USA HAN version works for me, and to unlock the extra characters, start a game without 1.01 patch, win a fight in arcade mode and get out, save and exit the exit. Install the 1.01 patch and start the game, that’s all.

how i get dlc characters for USA han?

how did u get the patch 1.01?

A mi me sirvio la version USA HAN, y para tener los personajes extra en esa versión, solo empieza el juego sin actualizar, gana una partida del modo arcade y sal del juego. Actualiza a versión 1.01 y ya tendrás los personajes y otros extras. Ahora, quisiera saber como se instalan los dlcs europeos en la versión USA HAN, se que tiene que ver con cambiar nombres a carpetas y moverlas pero no se bien.

How do you get the music DLC working with BLES01702?? I’ve got all characters, all movies and Tekken 2 DLC music, but music from the other games don’t show. I don’t know why only Tekken 2 works and not the others. I downloaded all the files, but nothing plays the music with BLES01702 version.

شخص عربي يكلمني هل تشتغل هذه اللعبة ام لا

¡Apoyo por favor! Trato de descargar los DLC, de Europa, pero ningún enlace me funciona, me dice que los enlaces están caducados.

I tried every single method to get those ancient ogre but no luck. Reason its only character in all tekken series i can play it. If anyone found the way please guide.

Please and to be able to play online what must be done, because I tried everything and it is not possible.

Every google file are not available alll times

The DLC ver. BLES URL ist damaged.

me funciono la vercion usa muchos comentarios mentirosos a tomar por culo

como hiciste?

A mi me sirvio la version USA HAN, y para tener los personajes extra en esa versión, solo empieza el juego sin actualizar, gana una partida del modo arcade y sal del juego. Actualiza a versión 1.01 y ya tendrás los personajes y otros extras. Ahora, quisiera saber como se instalan los dlcs europeos en la versión USA HAN, se que tiene que ver con cambiar nombres a carpetas y moverlas pero no se bien.

Hi, This version is working well but after install the DLC. I only got black screen. Other dlc like 1.03, online pass, BLES0172DLC.pkg works well but not unlocking characters and legacy characters. I tried following your steps and commenter steps but it always black screen after i install the 4.7GB DLC. Did I mess something or???

Downloaded eur (game): mega, its working fine. On cfw 4.86 using multiman and internally.

Bro how to use online future in TTT2 without online pass any solution

For PS3 users, you just need to follow the instructions above to unlock all the DLC characters.
I’ll recap it here for your convinience:

  • copy the game to the PS3
  • [Optional]: if any of your attempts to unlock the DLC characters failed, go to the XMB and remove the game’s save data and installation data to start the steps over
  • install “Tekken TT2 BLES01702 DLC.pkg”
  • ignore the PKGs that have “ALL DLC” and “online” in their name, they are not needed to unlock the DLC characters, in fact they were the reason you weren’t able to unlock them in the first place
  • start the game and let it install
  • win a match of Arcade battle and wait for it to save
  • return to the main menu and wait for it to save
  • quit the game
  • install “Tekken TT2 BLES01702 V01.03.pkg”, it will patch your save data to unlock all the DLC characters
  • Enjoy!

These steps should also work on the BLUS version, there is no reason it shouldn’t

How I install these dlcs in the USA HAN version?

I attempted this, removed all data/tekken tag 2 related stuff. Booted up, skipped the update but installed game data, it saves before you even do an arcade battle but I did one anyways, let it save. Installed DLC, installed update pkg file. First time I did this, it didn’t install game data even though I was sure I deleted it..didn’t work…

2nd attempt, before I even had the update installed, I got all characters. I won a match, saved quit and installed the update pkg. All was well but the movies didn’t unlock for myself. What’s really annoying is Ive used my disc version of the game + the DLC I owned and it didn’t work but now I’ve had to resort to basically get it off here but I’ve had most luck with your method. I’ll play around with it more…hopefully I get it up and running.

I downloaded [EUR (Game + DLC)] How do I download the DLC and update?

Could you create a zippy link?

Plsss make mediafire link ver eur with Dlc

Anyone know where I can find the DLC for the Japanese (BLJS10187) version of this game?

when I opened the game it says “game data is corrupted the game will exit”

Do not download USA version (BLUS31002), game files are corrupted.
To get all characters for EUR version update game to 1.03 before you run it for the first time. Log in to your PSN account and run the game. It will start installing game data to HDD and once it’s done you will have all characters since they were released for free with the update. If you’re not logged in to psn it won’t unlock the DLC characters. Once you have them you can quickly log out from psn to avoid being detected and banned. I recommend clearing history afterwards with webman mod (press r2 + triangle in webman settings) or run psnpatch if you’re really paranoid about getting banned.

Not corrupted bro.it work just fine

i start the game and shows unable toload doqnloadable content
what i do bro ?
please rply

I dont quite understand the “unable to load dlc” message, because all the dlc is working if you check it out. (costumes, videos, music, characters)

what did i miss?

Link Google for eur version is down

BLES01702 please get link mediafire

BLES01702 – EUR (Game): Mega link part 13 not working

can you tell me where dlc for USA ?

hello can i play online? with bles europe online pass?

Bro fuck you, USA game folder says “game data corrupted” on my HEN PS3, many people have same issue as me but still no response

does the pkg work?

If you guys want to download this game, don’t download US BLUS31002, Its didn’t work on my PS3ss Hen 4.86 try download EUR BLES01702 Instead, it worked

instale el archivo pkg de us . pero cuando quiero jugarlo me sale que tengo que renovar la licececia

I just want to play offline, how to download and which version from the above given versions will be good for me?

Ps3 turn off by itself when tekken tag 2 open
How to fix it .
Pleas help me.


link drive goggle..rar 5 is problematic..when it will be final always stops. at 96 percent of it..I keep repeating continuously..still can’t … help in overcoming it..thanks.

حل مشكل تلفت بيانات اللعبة وستتوقف اللعبة لحذف بيانات اللعبة لتشغيل هذه اللعبة

since using the instructions here kept giving me “unable to load DLC” error
messages, I tried something different, and it worked. here’s what I did:

(on a fresh copy with no dlc, updates or anything. I even deleted the
saved game).

1)install “Tekken TT2 BLES01702 DLC.pkg” from the DLC pack downloaded here
and run the game WITHOUT updating to 1.03. fight a match, win, out to menu
so it saves, and then quit the game. (this part is identical to the old

2)go to PSNDL dot NET and get the videos and music DLC.
everything is there, the videos and music for tekken 1 to tag 1.
be sure to get both the PKG and RAP files for every DLC.
don’t worry about the music DLC being for BLUS, we’ll take care of that later.

3)resign the video DLCs with the ps3resigner tool (google for it and how
to use it, it’s not hard but I don’t want to make this longer) and copy
the resulting pkgs to a usb drive, external disc, or just transfer them
to your ps3 using ftp.

4)install all the PKGs you got from resigning, run the game WITHOUT UPDATING
TO 1.03 just to check if the videos are all there. quit the game

5)resign the music DLCs, I did it separately just in case because these are
for BLUS and the video ones are for BLES. do the same, use ps3resigner and
copy the resulting PKGs to a usb drive or whatever to install them on your PS3.

6)VER IMPORTANT: after installing the music DLC, we’ll have to move them from
the BLUS folder to the BLES folder.
use any file manager you like, I used irisman.

go to the folder /dev_hd0/game/BLUS31002/USRDIR



(nn = number, it can be 10,11,12,whatever,just move all.
and you can delete the folder BLUS31002)

run the game WITHOUT UPDATING TO 1.03 just in case, and check if the
OST are all there. quit the game and finally…

7)update to 1.03 with the NORMAL REGULAR OFFICIAL UPDATE.
(that one disabled some videos for me).

now the game has all the DLC, no error messages, and it’s updated.

didnt work for me bruh

Have you find the solution for the dlc…. its said unable to load downloadable content,.Please help guys. thanks

Me to idk why 🙁

The mirror links from Google Drive are working. But link from “GOOGLE FILECRYPT” ver USA BLUS31002 does not work, it tells me that the game data is corrupted and I have to close the game.

Google link BLUS31002 NOT WORKING. It shows “The game data is corrupted. The game will be closed”. Please, update a new link. Thank you.

Usa region game data corrupted, admin please fix it.

I downloaded blus31002 game_folder version. On google drive link

I used BLUS31002 game folder type. Not Working

when i installed the bles01702 all dlc.pkg i get error
i think because it knows i pirated the game, any help would be most appreciated.

do you know how to install the dlc ? please we need answers.
i installed the bles01702.
after installing the alldlc.pkg and when i opened the game, it said unerror to load dlc. im using multiman,

I can not do the download guide to download the Tekken Torment 2 no bles on the Google Drive, please share the Google Drive, so it is giving an error. reupens again when comserta puts in parts of the game

Password mega is wrong

Faster please

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