Tales of Graces F

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Tales of Graces F
March 13, 2012
Link ver USA – BLUS30903 : 1FileDirect
DLC : Download
Link ver JPN – BLJS10093 : 1FileDirect
DLC : Download
Link ver EUR – BLES01617 (En,Fr,De) : 1FileMegaDirect
DLC : Download
Link ver HAN – NPUB31133 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEB01288 – EUR : PKGRAP


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Tales of Graces F: Set amidst the conflict of three kingdoms competing for planetary dominance, Tales of Graces F follows Asbel Lhant and his friends as they come to discover just how far they will go to protect the bonds of friendship between them in a quest that stretches beyond their comprehension.

For the first time in the Tales of series, the combat system lets the player freely change attack style depending on the battle situation. The characters can fight with two different attacking styles, and the new combat system is easier to control while simultaneously adding new levels of tactical depth.

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jpn ver. “map0R.cpk” file is missing
please check the file

why i download usa version it have japanese voice, i want to hear english voice not japanese?

U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c1ff0c]} sys_prx TODO: _sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name(name=“cellLibprof”, flags=0, pOpt=*0x0)
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c1ff0c]} SYS: ‘_sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name’ failed with 0x8001112e : CELL_PRX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_MODULE [2]
E {PPU[0x100001c] Thread () [HLE:0x009f00d4, LR:0x00427364]} sceNpTrophy: sceNpTrophyRegisterContext(context=0x1, handle=0x1, statusCb=*0x7cb0c0, arg=*0x328493b0, options=0x1)
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x005171b4]} SYS: ‘sys_ppu_thread_set_priority’ failed with 0x80010005 : CELL_ESRCH [1]

does not work

Everything i click puts me on another site with possible a virus.

jpn ver. bljs 10093 -> “map0R.cpk” file is missing
please check the file

same here
pls check and reupload

I downloaded the japanese from the links version but on rpcs3 it doesn’ t work, black screen .The euro runs fine but the japanese is not working .The emulator is updated same for my graphics card drivers ,i don’ t understand. Where i can find a perfect functionnal japanese iso on the latest emulator ?

Can you please upload a perfect DLC fix for the US Undub version please?

My fault again sorry! After trying this DLC it works with a undubbed version I got from somewhere else, thank you 😀

where do you get the undubbed version?

when I install the dlc and choose the titles of the dlc the game crashes

please check the crrupted dump BLJS10093

Please post the USA version without the undub. Just a preference thing some of us like the english voice actors :P.

upload the regular version, not the undub one, please

Undub just means that there’s English voice acting and English text, without the option to switch to Japanese voice acting. This version is the regular one we got outside of Japan.

That’s not true. The Undub means the game has the english audio stripped and replaced with the original Japanese audio. Jason is asking to have the english audio (aka the original audio for the American release) instead of the Japense voice actors.

l’astuce pour mettre les dlc US sur la version EU ne fonctionne pas ou alors il faut expliquer mieux, j’ai testé en jeu via émulateur rpcs3
j’ai testé en parallèle juste un dlc avec un rap correspondant trouvé sur un autre site et là ça marche donc pour moi la procèdure expliquée est soit pas assez claire soit fausse …
Sinon merci de m’expliquer SVP

you can reupload the Europe DLC again? pls

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