Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster

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Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster 
Jan 19, 2016

Link ver HPEB02226 (@Skar Stoker) : Mediafire – Buzz – Google
Note : Here
Link ver NPEB02226 – EUR (@Blue Magic) (Game + DLC + Fix) : Mediafire – Password : BlueMagic
Link ver BLJM61272 – JPN (BioHazard 0 HD Remaster) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It) : 1File –  Direct
Link ver PSN – NPEB02226 – EUR : Game + Fix All DLC v4
Link ver PSN – NPUB31689 – USA (Game + All DLC Fix) : Direct
Link ver PSN – NPUB31689 – USA : Game + Fix All DLC v4
Link ver HAN – NPUB31689 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEB02226 – EUR : PKGRAP
Languages : Eng, Fra, Spa, Ger, Ita, Jpn
Note: Recommend to install game pkg from PS3 HDD, external USB drive could get install error. Game install takes very long time, it will slow down after 90% progress. Wait for finish.

DLC Content:
– All available costumes for Rebecca and Billy.
– Rebecca costumes: S.T.A.R.S. 1996, S.T.A.R.S. 1997, S.T.A.R.S. Prototype, Sportswear, Capcom Cheerleader, Nurse.
– Billy costumes: Wolf Force, Cody (Street Fighter)
– Preorder Bonus costume “Shadow of Fear” T-Shirt for Rebecca to wear.
– Costume “Weekly Shonen Champion” T-Shirt for Rebecca.
– Costume “GEO” T-Shirt for Rebecca.
– Costume “Joshin” T-Shirt for Rebecca.
– Costume “WonderGOO” T-Shirt for Rebecca.


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

The year is 1998 and reports have begun mounting about unusual murders on the outskirts of Raccoon City. The city’s special forces division, S.T.A.R.S., sends Bravo Team to investigate. Among the six team members is rookie Rebecca Chambers.

En route to the murder scene, their helicopter suddenly experiences engine trouble and is forced to make a crash landing in the forest.After the rough landing, the team finds an overturned prisoner transport vehicle with the brutally murdered bodies of military police scattered close by.

A document found amongst the wreckage indicates they were transporting a prisoner who was wanted for murder: ex-lieutenant Billy Coen.Team leader Enrico tells everyone to split up to search the area. Rebecca searches the dark forest alone and eventually stumbles upon a train stopped on the tracks. She enters the train unaware of the nightmare that awaits her inside.

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Hi guys OtakuBoy here i madeva disc version so you can save HDD space itvincludes all the DLC’s and Wesker mode

Enjoy link above .

For those who want to make a Physical Copy getvthe cover art here

Admin please update bljm Google link.

hen 3.0.3 hfw 4.88
perfect works NPEB02226 – EUR
install main pkg , then fix 3.55
i didn’t install any dlc.

Solution to black screen you have 2 ways !

1- Play via LAN with game in folder format with webMAN MOD 1.47.35 and ps3netsrv

2-Ressign the eboot to 3.55 and convert to ISO WITHOUT SPLIT (It did not work for me with the split iso) via LAN – I not tested via usb in NTFS

PD: Don’t install dlc or update.

Test in HFW 4.87 – HEN 3.0.2
BLJM61272 – (It has English, Spanish and other subtitles)

If I find another way, I will post it.


Solución a la pantalla negra, tienes 2 formas !

1- Juega a través de LAN con el juego en formato de carpeta probado con webMAN MOD 1.47.35 y ps3netsrv

2-Reasigna el eboot a 3.55 y conviértelo a ISO SIN DIVIDIR (no me funciono con el iso dividido) via LAN, no lo he probado a traves de usb en NTFS

PD: Yo no instale dlc ni ningun parche.

Probado en HFW 4.87 – HEN 3.0.2

BLJM61272 – (Tiene subtítulos en inglés, español y otros)

Descargue la version PSN USA y funciona perfecto, 100 × 100 probado, lo acabo de terminar sin ningun problema ( incluido el modo Wesker y el mini juego Leech Hunter, donde desbloqueas armas y municion infinita). Los trajes alternativos del DLC estan disponibles desde el principio!! Le doy 10 puntos a la pagina!! Es el tercer juego que me descargo en pkg y funciona a la perfeccion! Solo una aclaracion, antes de jugar siempre hay que activar el hen!! Espero que a alguien le sirva este comentario! Saludos desde Argentina!!

el juego se congela en cualquier lugar, alguien encontro la solucion

no encuentro la solucion, alguien que me ayude

ele começa a rodar e trava, o que pode ser feito para rodar sem trava

I have ps3 slim multiman I want to download games form this site, and plz help me should I download USA version or EUROPE version help I want games without any problem help me I am doing this 1st time I have no idea or experience I don’t want to damage my multiman os3 slim plz help I want to enjoy only plz

Download USA or Europe doesn’t matter much the game will be 99% same

What’s the 1% difference?

Hi bro, how are you?
If you still need a little help, I can help you. I don’t know much but I can give you some advice.

Thanks works perfect hen 4.84 cobra cex hfw

BLJM61272 deu certo para CFW 🙂

Gracias! La version HAN – NPEB02226 me andubo perfecto.

I’m using Hen HFW/Hen 3.0.1 and stuck screen after capcom show up.. Is the game broken?? 🙁

what the firmware you have i tried pkg beforemm but my hfw hen 4.84 works perfect dude

Gente cual les función para el hen 4.85? para descargar

me sale que se necesita la licencia

PSN – NPUB31689 – USA works just fine on CFW kmeaw 3 55

is there an updated link?

Link ver JPN – BLJM61272 : Google —Link OFF

EUR HAN PKG error installation every 14% percent. Tried checking the File System and restoring it, still doesn’t work. Maybe a game folder or an ISO would work.

Please wish version is compatible with Bles???

Hola gnt descarge la version link direct psn se queda en pantalla negra al iniciar y tngo q desconectar para q se apage

BLJM61272, no English on display language, how to fix it

BLJM means japan you moron, read that description…. It’s region for the game

Thanks for the game!

Theres multiple fix,what should i chose for cfw 4.84 ?

Game run but in mid of game is freeze every time how can I fix this sof ver 4.85

This games is run but freeze lots of time in the mid of the game please help my software version 4.85

There are no way to fix this, the game format is pkg… Unless this game have game folder you can setting with itbwith multiman

this game can’t play. STILL Black Scren

Eur NPEB02226 MEGA link is down

I found a Fix 3.55 to “Link ver HAN – NPEB02226 – EUR”, use the fix instead of Rap.

Oh, thank you!!

the file is removed, how can I get it please?

Tengo un problema, descargue la ver NPEB02226 y en cualquier momento de la partida se congela y tengo q reiniciar la consola, alguana solucion (lo copie al hdd y ahora sucede menos frecuente)

Para los que tienen pantalla negra solo es una configuración en el multiman

Cuál es la solución no encuentro.

It took so fuc*ing loooonnnggggg to save & load game,JPN Version

i had 8 other dvd failed it said 80010017 when i made iso games for my ps3 modded so its error….i did resigned .. lic dat ..ps3 disc sfb.. too so its failed so help me solve problem please… about make iso ps3

Hola, no paso de la pantalla negra despues de cargar los trofeos que puedo hacer ????

The JPN – BLJM61272 did not work on my HEN 4.85 HFW, stay on black screen. The EUR – NPEB02226 it kind of worked but the game freezes randomly. I’m trying the HAN – NPUB31689 now.

And now HAN – NPUB31689 works fine! Thanks!

hola bro copiaste el juego desde tu usb al disco interno?

Thanks. Game runs fine on ferrox 4.84 cfw.

Make this version in mega Pls BLJM61272

svp je viens de télécharger RESIDENT EVIL O et quand je souhaite extraire le fichier RAR il me demande un mot de passe.

Need to fix tha black screen issue pls

To Hen 4,85 system, only pkg with fix 3.55 works

What about the dlc outfits?

Dlc Inclused in game, in Characters’ inventory

Can you get the Dlc outfits?

Do you have any of the dlc outfits?

can someone please help none of this downloads work i keep getting a black screen

Resign eboot to 3.55

Ay tutos sobre eso me paso y solucione

wich is the diference between Link Psn Eur and Link Han Eur. I want to download… :v

I think the PSN Eur is a mode game with dlc incluse, but it not works well in Hen 4,85. Han Eur is the original version.

Link ver HAN USA
Link ver HAN EUR

It’s not work

BLJM61272 não inicia no Hen, tela preta…

How i could do to make this game run

BLJM61272 startup blackscreen

Convert into iso

I try convert using multiman, it wrote creating ISO but actually ps3 froze on that page so I convert using ps3 ISO tool then copy to ps3 but still black screen.

game version is 1.01 & the PIC1.png suppose to be big letters PNG or else it won’t show on screen. r this really full copy from Blu-ray disc or a modded game folder, just wondering..

Its a modded game

Probaste actualizar el juego antes de ejecutarlo?? Si es que lo utilizas con multiman, probaste setear la opcion emular blu ray disc???

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