Red Dead Redemption

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Red Dead Redemption



CUSA36843 – EUR (v1.04)

Link Download

Thank @Opoisso893/Golemnight

CUSA36843 – EUR

Game : Lets – Mediafire – 1File

Update 1.04 (9.00/11.00) : Lets – Mediafire1File

Update 1.04 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.xx/8.x) : Lets – Mediafire1File


Voice : English
Menu Subtitles : English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese(Br), Russian, Spanish(Lat), Korean, Chinese

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror 1

Thank @Opoisso893/Golemnight & SuperPSX

CUSA36843 – EUR

Game : AKR – DataN – 1File – Rano

Update 1.04 (9.00/11.00) : AKR – DataN – 1File

Update 1.04 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.xx/8.x) : AKR – DataN – 1File

Password : SuperPSX

Voice : English
Menu Subtitles : English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese(Br), Russian, Spanish(Lat), Korean, Chinese

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror 2

Thank @Opoisso893/Golemnight & Dorukhan84

CUSA36843 – EUR

Game + Update 1.04 (9.00/11.00) + Update 1.04 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.xx/8.x) : Mega

Voice : English
Menu Subtitles : English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese(Br), Russian, Spanish(Lat), Korean, Chinese

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA36843 – EUR (v1.03)

Link Download

Thank @CyB1K

CUSA36843 – EUR

Game : Lets – Mediafire1File

Update 1.03 (Fix 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00) : Lets – Mediafire1File


Voice : English
Menu Subtitles : English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese(Br), Russian, Spanish(Lat), Korean, Chinese

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror

Thank @CyB1K & hako

CUSA36843 – EUR

Game : Mega – Mediafire

Update 1.03 (Fix 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00) : MegaMediafire

Password: hako

Voice : English
Menu Subtitles : English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese(Br), Russian, Spanish(Lat), Korean, Chinese

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA36842 – USA (v1.04)

Link Download

Thank @High-Speed007

CUSA36842 – USA

Game : Lets – Mediafire1File

Update 1.04 (9.00/11.00) : Lets – Mediafire1FileRano


Voice : English
Menu Subtitles : English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese(Br), Russian, Spanish(Lat), Korean, Chinese

Note : The game runs on PS4 at 30fps if you want 4K at 60fps on ps4 you need to run the Cheat Manager and then go to patch and then go to activate 4K at 60fps

Guide DownloadTool Download )

When federal agents threaten his family, former outlaw John Marston is forced to hunt down the gang of criminals he once called friends. Experience Marston’s journey across the sprawling expanses of the American West and Mexico as he fights to bury his blood-stained past in the critically acclaimed predecessor to the 2018 blockbuster, Red Dead Redemption 2.

Also included is Undead Nightmare, the iconic horror story that transforms the world of Red Dead Redemption into an apocalyptic fight for survival against a zombie horde.

Featuring the complete single-player experiences of both games, Red Dead Redemption also includes bonus content from the Game of the Year Edition and more.

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Thanks a lot
Is it including DLC nightmare


Thank u very much!
is this game added to GoldHEN Cheats Manager?

Thank you all DLPSGAME.COM, CYB1K, DORUKHAN84, HAKO, for the game 😀

Guys; you can get RDR 60FPS on your PS4Pro using (GoldHEN Cheats Manager), search for (illusion’s Blog), go to (Patches) then (Installation Guide), and follow steps.

Also check mark the (Enable Plugins Loader) inside (GoldHEN /Plugins Settings ) menu; on your PS4Pro settings. 

Bonus tips:

1) If 4k image is a priority; toggle On the (60FPS) patch on (GoldHEN Cheats Manager) and set in-game menu settings Anti-Aliasing to FXAA. You’ll ends up with FPS around 50s to 60.

2) If 60FPS is a priority; toggle On both (60FPS) & (1080p on 4k display) patches on (GoldHEN Cheats Manager); and set in-game menu settings Anti-Aliasing to AMD FSR2. You’ll ends up with 60FPS sharp.

Hope it helps; have fun.

thank you very much! hoping to see persona 4 golden uploaded 🙂

Thank You, Cybik
Your effeorts are always welcome, cheers!

muchas gracias probado en 5.05

Muito obrigado

depuis très longtemps je cherchais ce jeux enfin sur ps4 merci beaucoup

Omg thank you sm

I’m not seeing the 60 FPS option in the menu when running this on PS5 that’s supposed to be in 1.03. Hmm

Just use this host, activate jailbreak, click kstuff and then activate libhijacker to bypass 30 fps lock

Im assuming because you would still need the 1.03 patch thats associated with the PS5. Only option would be to use Illusion’s 60fps patch….buy its only for v1.00.

Hope some modder will make a patch

Bro you deserve a statue

Finally! Thank you!

thnks a lot guys

thanks cb1k and all involved 😉 much appreciated, time to go back to this classic


Thanks Brorher Great Thanks


Mil Gracias por el aporte hace mucho esperaba este juego para PS4 ya que en PS3 no lo pude jugar excelente trabajo como siempre

Muchas gracias por el juego!

  1. thanks very much good work

a question and the DLC?

thanks very much i have being waiting for this long time now am happy God bless you all

merci de la ric

Is it true that the PS4 release includes all DLCs?

do you require the disk in order to dump a game or there is a way to do it on digital games. cause i don’t think RDR has a disk version yet, it will come out on november i beleave

Thank you good work

Thanx alot bro 😎

God bless you @CyB1K and the others!!

Wowwww!! You finally posted it!! Thank you soooo much!! 😍

Hi any update guys

Who ever is doing this good work god is blessing u everyday as we give u blessings from India. Thanks a lot u r all the best.

also we are sending you warm regards from Egypt, thanks for the joy you brought to our lives

it is all doing of god Thanks to God and stay safe and care for all. may god bless all.

ONLY MEDIA FIRE WORK IN INDIA , I am also from india and no other link work than mediafire . any fix u know?

Sir 1file also works in india. i have tried all mediafire 1 file it works.

Qiwi is the fastest server and the best for downloading.

Thankß cyber1000

Thanks you.

Gracias chicos no lo pude jugar en PS3 en su momento y ahora voy a poder

me pasó lo mismo, ya que en esa epoca tuve la xbox 360 con rgh y me perdi algunos exclusivos de ps3, gracias a Cyber de Portugal ahora lo podemos jugar = )

post data, el rdr2 me encantó y me dió el pie del final, para empezar el rdr1

tks you verymuch . i wait for this day to come 🥳🥳

Thank You Cybpt1000 for this. Much love ❤️


this is playstation 3 game?

No it’s ps4 version

can you play this download on ps5?

Rapaz, vlw demais por isso! \m/

Omg thank you so much!!
