Red Dead Redemption Game of The Year Edition

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Red Dead Redemption
Game of The Year Edition
May 18, 2010

Link ver BLES01294 – EUR (Game + Update v1.01) : Direct
Link ver BLES01294 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : 1File – MegaGoogleDirect
Link ver BLES01294 – EUR : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic

Fix for the XMB screen
Thank Kyle Mangabat
“If you’re the same as me and you’d also have splitted the “rdr2_layer0.rpf” using PS3Splitter because it wouldn’t paste into your external HDD then in your Multiman Ps3 move the game folder from your external HDD to your Internal HDD and it should merge the splitted parts automatically, this should fix the problem that the game keeps coming back to the XMB screen.”
Link ver BLUS30758 – USA (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Direct
Link ver BLES01294 – EUR (PKG – HEN / CFW) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : 1File


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Red Dead Redemption GOTY is a Western epic, set at the turn of the 20th century when the lawless and chaotic badlands began to give way to the expanding reach of government and the spread of the Industrial Age. A follow up to the 2004 hit Red Dead Revolver, this game tells the story of former outlaw John Marston, taking players on a great adventure across the American frontier.

Red Dead Redemption features an open-world environment for players to explore, including frontier towns, rolling prairies teaming with wildlife, and perilous mountain passes – each packed with an endless flow of varied distractions. Along the way, players will experience the heat of gunfights and battles, meet a host of unique characters, struggle against the harshness of one of the world’s last remaining wildernesses, and ultimately pick their own precarious path through an epic story about the death of the Wild West and the gunslingers that inhabited it.

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do i just copy the whole folder in the GAMES folder ?

you using rpcs3?

can u put this same game to ps4 this edition thx 😀

Solucion al problema pantalla negra:

Estamos en la actualizacion 4.88 con el ultimo hen como la mayoria*

Si pasas el archivo por FileZila NO debes utilizar el fix
Si pasas el juego por USB al partirlo con el PS3 Splitter tienes que copiar los archivos donde corresponden

El juego funciona bien y sigue funcionando a la perfeccion CUIDENLO

I’ve downloaded the BLES01294, not pkg, used spilt4g, not issues. I’m on Hen latest version, didn’t need the xmb fix. I don’t understand how to use it anyways, just letting y’all know it worked for me! Thanks

how to install dlc pack?

how to copy game folder to hdd?

Bom dia! Como vai o dia? Desculpem o inconveniente, mas não sei se eu estou a fazer mal os procedimentos, baixei todas as partes até a parte 9 e extrai com o Winrar para o formato pasta! Tenho em minha posse um flash de 16GB e o jogo possui 9,2GB de tamanho! Ao copiar o jogo ele para em um certo ponto e alega que o flash não possui espaço suficiente! Peço ajuda

I just downloaded the game, what should I do with the two “Archivos Originales” and “Fix_Red_Dead_Redemption_GOTY” folders? How should I use these?

I have downloaded link mirror EUR Google. How to install PKG because can’t read on HDD eksternal

galera caso o jogo não funcionar em formato pasta, e só converter para iso o funcionou. tem vários vídeos no YouTube ensinando como transformar jogo pasta para iso

If i format the disk to NTFS, does it work or not
please answer me

you need the iso version for the ps3 to read it from NTFS format

search ps3 iso tools in yt for tutorials, its easy bro Goodluck

Format your disk to FAT32, because PlayStation can read system FAT32

Why error when extract?


I’m downloading it on jdownloader but there is a green exclamation mark that says the city is full

no, I already used another link

What is the meaning of the link saying fix for the xmb screen

Guys can i switch language game ?!
i dont understand EUR/Frensh language can i switch to english language game or i cant ?

how to fix error in xmb?

I have a question, the expansion “Undead Nightmare” is already included in the game? Or we need to download the expansion in other place?

claro que va estar tiene todos los dlc

Error when extract

link google drive. what is “jdownload2”

el juego me funciona perfecto en hen 4.87 todos los comentarios quejandose vayanse a la mierda el juego anda perfecto ustedes seran el rpoblema ni siquiera aplique el fix solo copie el juego via ftp a multiman

k romantiko bb

man como lo instalaste, descargue el juego pero cuando lo quiero pasar a un pendrive me aparece el error que hay un archivo unico que pesa mucho, hay un archivo que pesa mas de 7gb, y el pendrive en fat32 no te permite archivos unicos superiores a 4gb. como hiciste para poder pasar el juego al pendrive

muchas gracias bro, ahora porfin pude instalar el juego says

Downloading restricted. Please contact the file owner to request they enable downloading.

Reporting back that the non pkg file worked flawlessly even without copying something from the fix folder. Thank you very much!

i downloaded the pkg file by accident and then installed the pkg file with the ps3 pc emulator rpcs3 and then moved the installed folder to a fat32 usb stick and then splitted the rdr2_layer.rpf into parts. after copying the game over to internal hdd of ps3 and installing it to the drive all i get is a blackscreen and it sends me back to XMB screen. will test the other non pkg file and will report back.

Same 2 me anyone help plss

Me too😭😭

Can I play this on PS4 Jailbreak

I have a question, the expansion “Undead Nightmare” is already included in the game? Or we need to download the expansion in other place?

yes its included from the start menu theres normal,hard,undead nightmare

Its asking to insert a disc

Hello can someone help me ? the game will freeze as soon as the first video is ready

Excuse me this game can give you a ps3 emulator for pc with any of those download links that are there, they are all pkg format, right ??

ja dividi o arquivo “rdr2_layer0.rpf”mais fui colocar na pasta games no hd interno mas o gama ainda continua voltando para o menu xbm tem como me explicar como devo fazer?


why i cant make a copy in google drive? only this file dudeee.. pls help me

Porque no aparecen los dlc en el juego?

A mi tampoco me aparecen, pudiste solucionarlo?

Hi, I have downloaded the game and was able to install that as well but whenever I try to play it, on the loading page where Rock stars agreement it get stuck and take me back to the main page of PS3. I need help to get this fixed

Link ver BLES01294 – EUR: Mega – Google isnt working after downloading it and extracting the game file folder it just doesnt finish when installing on ps3 hen 4.86 ps3 slim can u guys plz update i love the work yall do cuz i get all my games from this site 🙂

yup its just dont recognizes the game

what folder does the file rdr2_layer0.rpf after splitting?

Can any one tell me how to ftp only the big file only pls i want to know that where to ftp in ps3 pls reply soon any one

Can any one tell me where I need to ftp the big file only pls i want to ftp only the big file but I don’t know where to ftp in ps3


I am trying to play the game with the PS3 emulator RPCS3 but don’t get it working. Has anyone managed to get it running? Any help is highly appreciated.



(same problem with PSN version, posted similar question there)

where can I find it’s rap file to play it in rpcs3?

error 80029564 when downloading this,any solutions

BLES01294 version works fine

Hlo plz anyone can tell why my game freezes at firsst mission plz
Plz tell

You should update your ps3 firmware

Please help me how I can fix red ded xmb to screen my ps 3 4.86

f you’re the same as me and you’d also have splitted the “rdr2_layer0.rpf” using PS3Splitter because it wouldn’t paste into your external HDD then in your Multiman Ps3 move the game folder from your external HDD to your Internal HDD and it should merge the splitted parts automatically, this should fix the problem that the game keeps coming back to the XMB screen

Where is the dlc

link google, part 6 Format error unknow damaged corrupted

Thanks for the game it work
All games that i download from here work as long you know how to install it

the link on gdrive not working, not respon to download anyway


1- After unzipping the files, you must use the files in the “Fix_Red_Dead_Redemption_GOTY” folder to replace the files that are inside the game folder “BLES01294”.

2 – After replacing these files, you must copy the folder “BLES01294” to an external repository (HD / Pendrive) it must be in NTFS.

3 – Open “MultiMAN”, go to “mmCM -> Switch to multiMAN mode”

4 – After the multiman restart, go to the option “mmCM – Drive PFS”, after installing the drive, access the file manager and copy the game to your Internal HD

I no longer use fat32 I do it by ftp if you are looking for a tutorial you can do it

How to install red dead REDEMTION with easy, here

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