Rage 2

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Rage 2



CUSA10300 – EUR (v1.10)(@Golemnight/Opoisso893)

Link Download

Thank @Golemnight/Opoisso893

CUSA10300 – EUR

Game : Lets – Mediafire1File

Update 1.09 (6.72+) : Lets – Mediafire1File

Update 1.09 (Fix 5.05) : Lets – Mediafire1File

Update 1.10 (5.05+) : Lets – Mediafire1File


Languages : English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA10300 – EUR (v1.09)(@DUPLEX)

Link Download

Thank @DUPLEX & Dorukhan & D33j4y

CUSA10300 – EUR

Game : 1FileMega

Update 1.09 (6.72+) : 1FileMega

Update 1.09 (Fix 5.05) : 1File – Mega

Languages : English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror 1

Thank @DUPLEX & hako

CUSA10300 – EUR

Game : Mega – Mediafire – Pixal

Update 1.09 (6.72+) : Mega – MediafirePixal

Password: hako

Languages : English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror 2

CUSA10300 – EUR


Game : 1File

Update 1.07 : 1File (Multi)

Update 1.09 (6.72+) : 1File

Languages : English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA10300 – EUR (v1.09)(@Fugazi & Golemnight)

Link Download

Thank @Fugazi & Golemnight

CUSA10300 – EUR

Game : 1File (Multi)

Update 1.09 (6.72+) : 1File (Multi)

Password: downloadgameps3.com

Languages : English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA10339 – USA (v1.10)(@Golemnight/Opoisso893)

Link Download

Thank @Golemnight/Opoisso893

CUSA10339 – USA

Game : Lets – Mediafire1File

Update 1.10 (5.05+) : Lets – Mediafire1File


Languages : English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA10339 – USA (v1.09)(@Fugazi)

Link Download

Thank @Fugazi

CUSA10339 – USA

Game : Lets – Mediafire1File (Multi)

Update 1.09 (6.72+) : Lets – Mediafire1File (Multi)

Password: downloadgameps3.com

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA10339 – USA (v1.09)(@Highspeed33)

Link Download

Thank @Highspeed33

CUSA10339 – USA

Game : 1File

Update 1.09 (6.72+) : 1File

Password: downloadgameps3.com

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Dive headfirst into a dystopian world devoid of society, law, and order. RAGE 2 brings together two studio powerhouses Avalanche Studios, masters of open world insanity, and id Software, the gods of the first-person shooter to deliver a carnival of carnage where you can go anywhere, shoot anything, and explode everything.

Bring the pain using a collection of upgradable weapons, devastating Nanotrite powers, and Overdrive, the ability to push your guns beyond their mechanical limits.

From monster trucks to gyrocopters, use an assortment of rugged and wasteland-ready vehicles to speed across the badlands. If you see it, you can drive it.

Fight against ferocious factions for control of the wasteland, each featuring a rogue’s gallery of madmen, mutants, and monsters hungry for blood.

Seamlessly traverse a vast and varied landscape, from lush jungles and treacherous swamps to sun-scorched deserts in your pursuit of The Authority. The wasteland is massive, and you’ve got the arsenal to fight for every inch.

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For anyone on 11.00 and could not use Save Mounter, use Apollo Save Homebrew instead. It took a while for me to figure out but it works. The guide is as follows :

1) Download and install Opoisso build 1.09
2) Download SETTING from user comment Oz_ below
3) Go to Apollo and go into HDD saves
4) Go to RAGE 2 – SETTING
5) Inside click Export Save then click to Import Save
6) Once imported, it will give you the PATH (don’t close notification)
7) Use Filezilla FTP (enable it in GoldHEN if not already), connect to your PS4 and find this PATH
8) In Filezilla still, copy SETTING file you download above and overwrite the one in the PATH
9) Now back in Apollo, pick the top most option (?Assign and Save)
10) Go to the game again and the DLC will all load with pop up notification


thanks bro so mcuh

Ok, I think I’ve found a solution to the feltrite bug. From the first hours of playing with this method I have not yet encountered any bugs and the additional contents seem ok. For now I can only confirm the functioning of the weapon/vehicle skins and the BFG, I will provide updates on the possible functioning of the Rise of the Ghosts and Terrormania expansions and their contents when I have the opportunity and time to progress through the game.
Below, I list the steps of the procedure that I adopted on my PS4 Pro 9.00:

1) Completely uninstall any content relating to the Duplex game versione on the console: base game, any updates and all save files present (through the section dedicated to the management of saved data, in the console Settings menu)
2) Download and install the Opoisso893 release on the console (base game + update 1.09)
3) Play the entire prologue, until you obtain the Phoenix, go around making some mess, accumulate some feltrite and then close the game (you can decide to manual save the game, but I don’t think it’s relevant)
4) Download again (if it was previously deleted) and extract the Duplex RAR file “RAGE2.Update.v1.09.Incl.DLC.READNFO.PS4-DUPLEX.rar”. Of all the files inside the folder, we will only need the SETTINGS file and the instructions file (in .txt format)
5) Follow the instructions step-by-step, insert the SETTINGS file into the indicated folder via FTP, remembering to enable ps4debug through your host before starting this step, otherwise PS4 Save Mounter will not be able to connect to the console
6) After following the guide and inserting the SETTINGS file in its place, turn off the console (I also disconnected the power for about ten seconds but, again, I don’t think it’s relevant)
7) Turn on the console, restart the jailbreak and finally enjoy the game, without any more feltrite bugs

I apologize for the wall of text and my English, but I am not a native speaker. If you encounter other bugs, I invite you to describe them here: unfortunately I doubt I have the skills to solve them but they could help future users who approach the game to find new solutions. Cheers

Downloaded the duplex release, followed the instructions to the letter, and still ended up with the feltrite bug that makes upgrading weapons impossible.

Saw lots of others with the same problem on various forums. To fix and/or prevent the issue, do the following:

Download and install the Opoisso893 base game and update 1.09 from the links above. (It is important to note that the DLC files ARE included in every version of the 1.09 update, they just need to be unlocked.)

Download the duplex DLC unlocker from the following link:


The above link is for the same settings file duplex provided; just shared this so you don’t have to download another 26GB archive in order to get access to a 4KB file.

Once you have done all of this, follow the instructions provided by duplex. I’ll copy them below:

Release Notes:

This game is built with 6.00 *** and therefore may work on FW 6.72 or lower


Audio languages: English, German, Russian, Italian, French, Polish and Spanish.
Subtitle languages: English, German, Russian, Italian, French, Polish and Spanish.

Changelog: from v1.01 to v1.09

– Various bug, stability & performance fixes.

READNFO / DLC Unlocker Notes:

This release also unlocks the following DLCs (after following the special instructions below):

– Rise Of The Ghosts Expansion
– TerrorMania Expansion
– Digital Deluxe Contents (DOOM BFG 9000, Wasteland Wizard Cheat Codes,
Progress Booster, Battle Standard)
– Cult Of The Death God Mission
– Nicholas Raine Armor and Settler Pistol
– Mutant Monster Truck Skin
– Many skins for weapons, cars, and what not, we were too lazy to list them!

This one was one of the hardest one to unlock its DLCs, and will need some effort on your side to enjoy ALL of them. Because of how this game had DLC integrated (as in you can only buy DLC online with some in game currency that has a server sided check), you will need to follow these extra steps to unlock all of them by replacing the SETTINGS save game.

The reason we decided to do so is because the purchased DLC need a permanent online connection to actually work : some of them are checked in the game executable, we cracked that (the cheat menu, the progression boost and the Wolfenstein voice addon), but it was not enough : some of them are also checked against Bethesda server and game assets every boot.

We decided not to touch or alter the game assets and rather do what the game would do : add the DLCs entitlements to the save game instead. Now to transfer this save game (it won’t erase your current save games, this is just the Settings file):

Make sure you grabbed the tool “PlayStation 4 Save Mounter” (it’s public and available for 5.05, 6.72 and 7.02) and that you at least launched the game before (if not, start a new game once to create a new save game). Then:

1) Send the PlayStation 4 Save Mounter payload with your favorite payload injector (the PS4 should react and will ask you to close the web browser)

2) Run PlayStation 4 Save Mounter

3) Enter your PS4 IP address, and press CONNECT (send payload didn’t work in our tests and we needed to do step 1 instead)

4) Press SETUP, you should see your current PS4 account. If not, make sure all other accounts are logged off and only the one you intend to play Rage 2 (=with your existing save) is signed in.

5) Choose “Get Games”

6) Select CUSA10300

7) Press “Search”

8) Choose SETTINGS on the right

9) Press MOUNT

10) FTP to your PS4 (send whatever FTP payload you always used before)

11) Browse to /mnt/pfs/savedata_XXXXXX_CUSA10300_SETTINGS (xxx doesn’t matter)

12) Replace the file SETTINGS with the one included in this release (make sure your FTP client is set to send as Binary instead of ASCII else the file might be truncated on your PS4 : it should be 4096 bytes when sent correctly

13) Make sure you choose “Unmount” in PlayStation 4 Save Mounter (important)

14) Profit!

After booting up the game, it might tell you some saves are corrupted : you can ignore that, it’s due to a conflict with the PlayStation 4 Save Mounter payload that is still in memory. It will disappear after a PS4 reboot.

Some DLCs will not show up until you start a new game but Terrormania and Rise of the Ghosts will appear after entering/exiting a town.

Also the game won’t list you every unlocked DLC after finishing the prologue, but you can trust us, they ARE all unlocked.

…I’ve heard people say the duplex dlc unlocker will also work with the US version (CUSA10339), but haven’t tried it myself.

For people not familiar with ps4 save mounter… I used the one at the following link: https://github.com/ctn123/Binary-Releases/releases.

You need to have GoldHEN running and enable the BinLoader server before the program can send the required PS4debug payload. Even then, the save mounter wouldn’t send the payload on my system. If that happens to you, just head to karo218.ir/900/index.html on the ps4 web browser and launch the Ps4debug payload from there.

Hope this helps.

It’s just for the @DUPLEX backup (1.09+DLC)!
…Otherwise, better life on 7.55!

funny thing, the game would run better on 1.07 instead of 1.09(5.05)

The Solution to play in v1.09 with all DLC and no problem with feltrite :

1) Send the PlayStation 4 Save Mounter payload with your favorite payload injector (the PS4 should react and will ask you to close the web browser)
2) Run PlayStation 4 Save Mounter
3) Enter your PS4 IP address, and press CONNECT (send payload didn’t work in our tests and we needed to do step 1 instead)
4) Press SETUP, you should see your current PS4 account. If not, make sure all other accounts are logged off and only the one you intend to play Rage 2 (=with your existing save) is signed in.
5) Choose “Get Games”
6) Select CUSA10300
7) Press “Search”
8) Choose SETTINGS on the right
9) Press MOUNT
10) FTP to your PS4 (send whatever FTP payload you always used before)
11) Browse to /mnt/pfs/savedata_XXXXXX_CUSA10300_SETTINGS (xxx doesn’t matter)
12) Replace the file SETTINGS with the one included in this release (make sure your FTP client is set to send as Binary instead of ASCII else the file might be truncated on your PS4 : it should be 4096 bytes when sent correctly
13) Make sure you choose “Unmount” in PlayStation 4 Save Mounter (important)
14) Profit!

Thank you to DUPLEX!

I repacked the game with JgDuff’s cheat pkg for 1.07 and then updated. This way I got a ton of feltrite atleast.

Can you post a link to your remarried file and the steps you got to get it to work? I’m stuck with 1.09 and can’t get the DLC to work (My OG PS4 crashes as soon as the payload is sent) and now I’m stuck with this 1 firelite bug 🙁

I’m assuming I would need to delete the whole game, install base then your file?

Thanks @dorukhan @Duplex @Admin-psp

Base+1.09 Update+DLC = WORKING

DLCs would be nice guys:)

thx a lot to @highspeed33 and if upload all deluxe edition dlc and rise of the ghosts expansion so we will really happy : )


patch 1.07 didnt workon 5.05

this is online right? how can I play this if I can’t connect to the internet?

No it’s not online you can play it offline

Giys please add Rise of the Ghosts DLC if it’s available
Thank you:)


I love this site & all your work thanks for everything. May I ask a favour can you upload in mediafire or mega please? Zippy is banned in my country & i can’t open the links. Any help will be much appreciated. It’s cool if you can’t I know your all busy.
