PREY Complete Edition

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Complete Edition



CUSA04482 – EUR (@Psykzhack)(v1.12)

Link Download

Thank @Psykzhack & Nellofox

CUSA04482 – EUR

Game : Lets – Mediafire – 1File

Update 1.12 : Lets – Mediafire – 1File

DLC : Lets – Mediafire – 1File


Languages : Eng, Fra, Ger

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror

Thank @Psykzhack & Nellofox & SuperPSX

CUSA04482 – EUR

Game : DOOD – PixelD – 1File

Update 1.12 : DOOD – PixelD – 1File

DLC : DOOD – PixelD – 1File

Password : SuperPSX

Languages : Eng, Fra, Ger

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA04482 – EUR (@Fugazi)(v1.12)

Link Download

Thank @Fugazi & Golemnight & Schzone

CUSA04482 – EUR

Game : Lets – Mediafire – 1FileMirror

Update 1.12 : Lets – Mediafire – 1File Mirror

DLC : Lets – Mediafire – 1FileMirror

Languages : Eng, Fra, Ger

DLC contents

– Mooncrash Expansion
– Exclusive Cosmonaut Shotgun Pack (preorder)

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA06559 – EUR (v1.10)(@PuffinMan & 3lqam)

Link Download

Thank @PuffinMan & 3lqam & hako

CUSA06559 – EUR

Game + Update 1.10 : 1File1File (Multi)

DLC Mooncrash : Mega – Mediafire

DLC Unlocker : Mega – Mediafire

Password : hako

Languages : English, Polish, Russian

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA06559 – EUR (v1.10)(@hako)

Link Download

Thank @hako

CUSA06559 – EUR

Game : Mega – Mediafire

Update 1.10 : Mega – Mediafire

DLC Mooncrash : Mega – Mediafire

DLC Unlocker : Mega – Mediafire

Password : hako

Languages : English, Polish, Russian

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA06560 – EUR (v1.12)

Link Download

Thank @GCMR & hako & 3lqam

CUSA06560 – EUR

Game : Mega – Mediafire – 1File

Update 1.04 : Mega – Mediafire – 1File

Update 1.05 : Mega – Mediafire – 1File

Update 1.12 : Mega – Mediafire – 1File

DLC (CUSA04482/CUSA06560)(Mooncrash DLC + Cosmonaut Shotgun Pack DLC) : Mega – Medaifire1File

Password: hako

Language (Voice) : English-Spanish-Italian
Menu & Subtitles : English-Spanish-Italian

DLC Content

Mooncrash DLC
Cosmonaut Shotgun Pack DLC

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA04493 – USA (v1.12)

Link Download

Thank @FantasmaXDS

CUSA04493 – USA

Game : Lets – Mediafire1File

Update 1.12 : Lets – Mediafire1File

DLC : Lets – Mediafire1File


Credits: Chaos Kid for New Update, Caverdani , Grief247allday

Guide DownloadTool Download )

You awaken aboard Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in the year 2032. You are the key subject of an experiment meant to alter humanity forever but things have gone terribly wrong. The space station has been overrun by hostile aliens and you are now being hunted. As you dig into the dark secrets of Talos I and your own past, you must survive using the tools found on the station — your wits, weapons, and mind-bending abilities. The fate of the Talos I and everyone aboard is in your hands.


* Sci-fi Thriller
Nothing is as it seems aboard Talos I. As Morgan Yu, set out to unravel the clues you’ve left behind for yourself, and discover the truth about your past. What role will you play in TranStars plans, and the mysterious threat ravaging the station?

* Singular Setting
Orbiting the Moon, the Talos I space station symbolizes the height of private space enterprise. Explore a lavish craft designed to reflect corporate luxury of the 1960s, and navigate interconnected, non-linear pathways built to hide countless secrets.

* Unimaginable Threat
The shadowy extraterrestrial presence infesting Talos I is a living ecology bent on annihilating its prey. Its up to you, one of the last remaining survivors aboard the station, to end the deadly attack of these haunting predators.

* Challenge
Customize your gameplay options and difficulty settings for an even more tailored adventure. You can make the experience more challenging (or easier) by changing a myriad of parameters related to stealth, movement and combat.

* Play Your Way
Gain alien abilities to develop a distinct combination of powers and upgrade your unique skills. Craft increasingly useful items with the blueprints, gadgets and tools on board the station to overcome dangerous obstacles in your way. Survive unprecedented threats with your wits and ability to improvise.

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Prey EUR CUSA06560 + Update v1.12 + DLC`S:

Game Base CUSA06560:

Update 1.12 CUSA06560 :

Region: [EU] CUSA04482 (working on all EU versions)
Release by: Fugazi

Mooncrash DLC + Cosmonaut Shotgun Pack DLC:

Patch 01.12??????????

Please, Update for EUR version CUSA06560

gracias por compartir el juego con los dlc en latino, funciona en 505?

Dlc for CUSA06559

Thx Game + Update 1.10 + DLC

Game installed & working fine on 755 PRO

cusa06560 update 1.10 and dlcs somebody ?

pls dlc mooncrash

Ahora si, perdon por la demora, si hay algun archivo malo o corrupto me avisan, ojo insisto es una version mod y solo contiene español latino e ingles.

Now yes, sorry for the delay, if there is a bad or corrupt file let me know, I insist, it is a mod version and it only contains Latin Spanish and English.


Bro, you are a Real Hero

Realmente sos grande amigo, probado y funcionando, algún tutorial para crear fixes? Algunos juegos no me corren en 5.05 como nino kuni la venganza de la bruja y battlefield V

for some reason my previous upload was corrupted, I am uploading the file in parts


Gracias amigo por la buena voluntad y queres compartirlo! Esperamos ansiosos el archivo!
Mil gracias!!

ya lo subi, perdon por la demora//I already uploaded it, sorry for the delay

Es el mismo link que compartes abajo?
Muchas gracias amigo!

Disculpa amigo cual es el link?

Hi Caverdani! Thanks for your contribution.
Please, could you try to upload the file?

esta subido hace varios dias, si tienen algun problema me avisan

It has been uploaded several days ago, if you have any problem let me know


Prey modded + update 1.10 + dlc’s(shotgun and mooncrash)

All in latin american spanish and english , voices and text (you need install this 4 files in the rar)

El juego esta completamente en español latino e ingles, se necesitan instalar
los 4 archivos contenidos aqui para funcionar ya que al juego base le agregue el doblaje de menu que faltaba para soportar mooncrash.

yep!!!, im uploading the files!!!

im uploading a modded version for cusa4493, includes patch 1.10 and dlc mooncrash all voices and text in latin american spanish and english

Thank you so much! This is fantastic!

Eres genial, me alegra tanto que una persona que habla español haga tanto por los videojugadores, si quieres platicar estoy en el grupo de discord de Radikal.

yo estoy en ese mismo discord, casi todo el dia =)

admin/manager, is Prey Cusa04493 (USA) have included 1.10 update?, i downloaded it, but its just base game with no update

It is only the base game, it was impossible for me to find a patch for this version, the main story is perfectly playable, but we have no dlc

Prey Cusa04493 (USA) (Audio y textos en español latino)


uploading Cusa04493 (Version para latinoamerica/USA)

patch audio ingles y subtitulos en español latino, el subtitulo en latino fue lo unico que pude rescatar de un archivo del cusa04493 corrupto, espero a alguien le sirva

Amigo es normal que sea tan pequeño el update? Asumo que es el 1.10, trataré de emparejar el update con el juego Cusa06559 en última instancia con CUSA04482

es solo un update de lenguaje amigo, no es el update 1.1 completo, es solo un pack de texto latino

Un amigo me paso el DLC Moon crash CUSA04482EU y aunque en los add-ons del juego me aparece no me despliega en la pantalla de inicio, descargue el juego CUSA06559 – EUR de esta página e empareje el dlc con el juego pero me parece que el juego CUSA06559 – EUR publicado en esta página no trae el Update 1.10 aún cuando indica que si lo trae.

Alguien sabrá donde descargar el Dlc moon crash ya que veo que acá va a tomar tiempo en que lo suban.

Moon crash please

please Upload only Update v1.10 for CUSA06560 ,thanks

Game + Update v1.10 with the addition of Moon CrashCUSA04493
please reply…

im in 97.9% on torrent but no seeds =(

Arabic Patch for PS4 with update v1.10

CUSA06560 =>

CUSA06559 =>

links down

Links down

Mooncrash dlc pls

alguien tiene el update v. 1.10 para el CUSA CUSA06560?

DLC crash moon?

Where is the mooncrash DLC I downloaded the link 1 including 1.10 but it’s asking me to buy the mooncrash

CUSA06559 => Languages Available : English, Polish, Russian
CUSA06560 => Languages Available : English, Italian, Spanish
CUSA04482 => Languages Available : English, French, German

Please Upload Update v1.10 for CUSA06560 thanks

Moon crash DLC for prey please.

Can you please add this version (CUSA04493) ?


please upload captain tsubasa

Please fix with 5.05

anyone with the dlc moon crash please dump.


add arabic

Content ID: EP1003-CUSA06559_00-PREYPS4FULLGAME1
Title ID: CUSA06559
Title Name (default): Prey
Title Name (English): Prey
Title Name (Russian): Prey
Title Name (Polish): Prey
Master Version: 01.00
Application Version(APP_VER): 01.00

CUSA06559 is EUR version not USA , you need to fix that

moon crash dlc for prey please

1 File link deleted LETS really slow download 🙁

the scene is now quiet. no more AAA titles from 2019-2020 due to higher firmware required. thanks for all your effort, greatly appreciated. =)

Add other EU version (french) please

all new games pkg file are damage not properly worked on any ps4 error accoured ce-36244-9

Can you upload the game in french version with its dlcs, please ?

Prey (CUSA04493)
Arabic patch for PS4

How to Contect you? Can you send your fackbook?

dlc(moon crash) dump please

Unfortunately, all the update links are down.

Perhaps I was a bit unclear. The main game links works but the update 1.04 all links are dead. Thanks for checking.

Shrink earn ads on CUSA06560 update file not letting me in to download the file can u remove this ads and the guide that i followed is not accurate working as i follow this step by step

please remove the ads so we can download it thanks

the first link’s package is corrupted

no, it really is corrupted. I donwloaded with jdownloader 3 times and everytime the ps4 rejects the pkg.
