Persona 5 Royal
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Persona 5 Royal
CUSA17419 – EUR (v1.02)(@Opoisso893/Golemnight)
CUSA17419 – EUR (v1.02)(@S703t)
CUSA17419 – EUR (v1.01)(@Opoisso893/Golemnight)
CUSA17419 – EUR (v1.01)(@DUPLEX)
CUSA17416 – USA (v1.02)(@Whitehawkx)
CUSA17416 – USA (v1.01)(@Mogi_codemasterv)
CUSA17544 – ASIA
Persona 5 Royal is packed with new characters, confidants, story depth, new locations to explore, and a new grappling hook mechanic for stealthy access to new areas. With a new semester at Shujin Academy, get ready to strengthen your abilities in the metaverse and in your daily life.
Update all link
Ive successfully managed to install the game but the audio keeps cutting off during the cutscenes. Anyone know how to fix this?
Is this game 60fps
Update all link
Is this game 60fps
will EUR Save file work with US Ver of the game ? i dont want to restart the game all over again
Thank you ! update post
Any way to upack the file using just android?
I transfered the pkg on to my ps4 but when i want to install it dosent work it says unable to isntall Persona 5 Royal the download dosent even start im on 9.00
Which version? USA, EUR, JPN or ASIA?
you have to be more specific than that if you want anybody’s help buddy
Maybe you can try extracting the files again then put into your USB and try installing again on your PS4. That works for me, hope it works for you as well.
1.02 please for us and eur
btw update 1.02 has been out for over a year…
why did u put final fnastasy dlc in the dlc link for the USA version? lmfao
1.02 update, please!
plese add DLC for CUSA17419, thanks
The version and DLC pkgs are (Official) ,only the game is (Fake), is it still safe to install them?
still no 1.02 patch 🙁
what do i do to be able to play? i have the pkg file
Can anyone confirm that this works?
@dorukhan podrias agregar fix 6.72 de la version EUR?
Hi. I dont really know what I need to do when I download the Europe version. The archive when I try to open with Winrar say me ” The archive is either in unknown format or damaged”. Help me pls
you use tool jdownload 2 download it ?
Sorry, is that a must? i already downloaded it via IDM
Tienen planeado subirlo por Mega?
@dorukhan podrias agregar fix para 6.72 de la version EUR
USA need update for 6.72
Game + Update 1.01 works for 6.72 already. I downloaded it and it works. I’m on 6.72 firmware.
dlc for eur versión??
Why is kasumi bundle locked? Ingame.
Could you upload 1.02 update for eu or us version?
@dorukhan podrías fixear a 6.72 tu update 1.01 de la versión EUR?
Any emulator i can use to play this game,i have seached everywhere to find an emulator to this game,but still can’t find the one that work
Theres no playable PS4 emulator, and probably there wont be for some time, the only way to play the game is on a PS4
you can play ps3 version of persona 5 (not royal) with emulator
When I extract file USA downloaded from zippyshare using 7z, it stopped and said wrong password. I used “mogi_codemasterv” for the password.
have 2 link zippy, you use link ?
send me link you use , i will check it
The first one (not mirror).
check download 74 part link zippy 36.03

use tool jdownload2 , unrar with tool winrar 5.6 full
use password : mogi_codemasterv
all work
Ok, it seems file .030 that I downloaded is corrupt. After I redownload it, I can extract using winrar. Thanks for the help.
Have the same problem,
How do you know which one is corrupted? all file parts has the same size except part 74.
What’s emulator for playing Persona 5 Royal ?
@dorukhan podrías fixear a 6.72 tu update 1.01 de la versión EUR?
please update 1.01 (6.72) EUR
I’ve downloaded the US version but DLC does not appear. Any ideas what is the content of DLC and how to access to it?
From what I can tell, the DLC will be in your bedroom and won’t be accessible until April 12th. The DLC is costumes, items, money and some persona.
@dorukhan podrías fixear a 6.72 tu update 1.01 de la versión EUR?
please update 1.01 (6.72) EUR
Can we play this game on PC? Or we need Ps4 and hack it to play the game?
Yes, in pc, try it.
what emulator? i want play this game
What emulator should i use to play this?
The Zsnes emulator is perfect for this.
….sarcastic mafuka
How do you download this to play on your ps4?
If you want to change dlc region look at this (i tried for eu version, all dlc but not the theme one):
Hi. Tracksuit costume is missing from the uploaded DLC. Here is my completed DLC file for the US version. Also I’ve tried converting my DLC to EU version but I haven’t tested it because I dont have a copy of that version.
Thank you, update post
It works perfectly! Thanks a lot! :DDDDD
@Azrael did you also test the converted EU DLC?
tried it but didnt work
I’ve downloaded the EU duplex version of the game and 1.01 update. The DLC works fine for me.
could you please give us de link for dlc eur versión? does it work on 5.05?
All P5R dlc ported to EU version are working.
The MEGA file for P5R tracksuit costume set is no longer available now. Could you please share a mirror link? Thanks!
EUR version dlc please
Tried converting my US DLC to EU but I haven’t tested it because I don’t have a copy of that version.
What program did you use to convert?
Thanks for everything,PLEASE just the fix 5.05 for the EU version
this is included all dlc from persona 5 royal ultimate edition?
For anyone who has a problem with the old rar files of the usa version do not extract it with winrar, extract it with 7zip and it’ll tell u to write password, the password is mogi_codemasterv after u extract it with 7zip there should be 2 pkg files you’ll find , one wich is the game and the second 1.01 update all u need to do now is download the fix for 1.01 and install them with this order : game~update 1.01~1.01 fix~dlc and it should work for u
Thanks for the tip. By the way can I ask what DLC are included in the download link?
i this it’s just costumes
I see thanks. So there are no DLC persona?
not just costume, dlc include persona, theme, and Boss fight
does (7.02 / 6.72 / 5.05) mean all patches are in the same file ? why, that’s like almost 2GB exra i dont need
Hi, I just want to ask if all the dlc are included on the download link? By the way thanks for uploading this game.
Is saying wrong password can’t extract
you use link ?
Password: mogi_codemasterv
Link zippy password mogi_codemasterv but 14% is say bad password i get 2 pkg 1 is 827 mb and other 5.38 gb idk why
use tool “jdownload2” download all file => unrar with tool “winrar” , all work ok
Thanks is work now btw 7z is kind of annoying if u can please upload more rar 😁
Are DLCs working for anyone?
Can you make mirror zipyshare for Persona 5 The Royal CUSA17419 – EUR @opoisso893