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November 29, 2007
Link ver BCES00548 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : 1FileGoogleDirect – Password:
Link ver HAN – NPUA80073 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEA00054 – EUR : PKGRAP

PAIN Fixes + DLCs : Download



– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Pain Cause pain for points in this scar-inducing downloadable game! The core, unique mechanic of the game allows the player to load a character into an extreme launching device, such as a human-sized, ultra-powerful slingshot, and fire the character into an active, physics-controlled environment, filled with precarious and humorous situations. The player receives points by stringing together painful collisions and inducing chaos in the environment. The player must achieve a wide variety of goals and / or reach various scoring milestones in each of the different modes of play.

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PAIN Fixes + DLCs [NPEA00054/NPUA80073]:

  • PAIN DLCs Fixed
  • PAIN Update AIO v7.60 Fixed CFW 3.55
  • PAIN Update AIO v7.60 Fixed CFW 4.21
  • PAIN Update-FIX v7.60 CFW 3.55
  • PAIN Update-FIX v7.60 CFW 4.21

Installing notes:


  1. Install the game.
  2. Update-FIX v7.60 > Firstly install official updates v7.11+v7.60.
  3. Or
  4. Update AIO v7.60 > Install the game, then this AIO.
  5. DLCs Fixed.


  1. Install the game.
  2. Update-FIX v7.60 > Firstly install official updates v6.10+v7.11+v7.60.
  3. Or
  4. Update AIO v7.60 > Install the game, then this AIO.
  5. DLCs Fixed.


  • DLCs is valid for retail games [BCES-NPEA/BCUS-NPUA].

Download Fixes + DLC

do you have a download for all dlc pkgs

hola lo pegue en games como todos los juegos pero este quiere que inicie sesion la play esta acivada en psn con esa cuenta pero pide el online por que es? si alguno me puede explicar capas me falto algo no se esta bien puesto e instalado

The Goat Simulator version of PS3. Hilarious!

exept this game was released in 2007 , so you could say “goat simulator” is the pain of other supports ^_^

Muchas gracias, thank you.

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