Necromunda Hired Gun

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Necromunda Hired Gun


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Thank @DUPLEX & Dorukhan

PPSA02449 – EUR

Game (v1.009) : Lets – Mediafire – Qiwi – Mega1File (Multi)


Voice : English, French (France), German

Screen Languages : Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, French (France), German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish

Release Info : Here

Note : Test PS5 with FW 4.51 with Itemzflow

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Navigate an ocean of crime and corruption to balance the bloody ecosystem of Necromunda as a merciless hired gun. The money’s good, the dog’s loyal, and the gun’s reliable – but can you survive the hunt? Necromunda: Hired Gun is an indie fast-paced, violent, and thrilling FPS set in the darkest reaches of Warhammer 40,000’s most infamous hive city.

For the right price, eliminate the most notorious gangers and mutants. Your armory is a sprawling arsenal. Your body is enhanced with a dozen customizable augments to run on walls and leap over chasms. Your cyber-mastiff will sniff out and kill enemies for you, while your grappling hook allows quick, agile traversal of the massive environments.

– An indie fast-paced FPS in the Warhammer 40,000 universe
– Upgrade and fight alongside your loyal cyber-mastiff
– Endless weapon and augment customisation
– Upgrade, advance, and level up as you collect bounties

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Thank you soooo much

I think it’s extremely important to post the minimum required ps5 firmware of each ps5 release.
This Duplex release, for example, requires firmware 4.51 (as stated in the release NFO), while the vast majority of us is on 4.03 or lower than 4.51, so can’t use it at this stage.

Thank you so much dlpsgame, you are the best website
May I know if this is going to work with fw3.20? There are no details about the fw.
