Grand Theft Auto 4

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Grand Theft Auto IV

Link ver BLUS30127 – USA (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : 1FileDirect
DLC The Lost and Damned : Download
DLC The Ballad of Gay Tony : Download
Update 1.08 : Download
DLC Fix : 1File
Link ver BLES00229 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Direct
Link ver HAN – NPUB30702 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEB00882 – EUR : PKGRAP


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here


For Niko Bellic, fresh off the boat from Europe, it is the hope he can escape his past. For his cousin, Roman, it is the vision that together they can find fortune in Liberty City, gateway to the land of opportunity. As they slip into debt and are dragged into a criminal underworld by a series of shysters, thieves and sociopaths, they discover that the reality is very different from the dream in a city that worships money and status, and is heaven for those who have them and a living nightmare for those who don’t.

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can u convert this game to .pkg for ps4 thanks a lot more power

The game works normally

Why don’t the DLC work?

Can you move the download link DLC to MEGA? because i cant download it

NPEB00882 is not full game bro

gta 4 The Lost and Damned & The Ballad of Gay Tony blus works on BLES?

Tha game only loding scren how to fix plez

don’t download update bles or blus only delet all update or download digital this version work from me (can update npub or npeb)

the ballad of gay tony and lost and damned not downloading

The DLC’s does not work

I’m install the both dlc and the fix files but the dlc not show up in the game, what should i do to play the dlc?

Any solution?

the game works fine thank you but i cant change the controls i want to play with L1 R1 not L2 R2 do you have a solution for this ?

So dont update it

hi i downloaded BLUS30127 ver
but when i installed it i see and error : this content can be used if renew playstion store lisence . what i must to do ?

how do i install dlc please help

The Dlc’s does’nt work

download by mega ir wronge … someone da the right link

fuk guys i try open games but is infinite fuking loading
please i need a fuking ansewr

Your ps3 sucks, just like you. Thats the problem

can someone help me about game its works fine but i cant change the controls i want to replace l2 r2 with l1 r1 i cant shoot with l2 r2 should i install update to fix it ?

basically, you are no using a dualshock 3
get a dualshock 3, that’ll help

the game is not showing in pkg installer please help what to do….

How to install the both DLC?

How yo install DLC

What is update about

Funciona bien, deben convertirlo a .ISO y colocarlo en la carpeta PS3ISO y les correra a la perfeccion. NO ACTUALICEN EL JUEGO, JUEGUEN CON LA VERSION 1.00

Works perfectly

There’s a Fix Guys, All you need to do is not to update to the latest version of the game. cuz when you first booting the game up it will ask you if would you like to update to the latest version so just DO NOT UPDATE or just disconnect to the INTERNET.
i Hope it’s help someone

How to instal dlc ?

Stuck in infinite loading screen. I am using Ps3hen and have installed the BLUS30127 – USA version with update 1.08, but its still not working. Have changed the game setting to internal and bdmirror and have also tried the ps3iso method.

Dont Update it and it maybe will work

como instalo los dlc o como puedo juegarlos no se me ayudan

Works perfectly in multiman. Just use the google drive link. I wouldn’t advise pkg or rap method, 70% of downloadgameps3 games work with game folder format. Though i have issues with games larger than 17gb, those will eventually freeze during copy for no reason

Yo what’s RAP?

no need for usb just use file zilla it makes the copying process 10 x easier, and if you are wondering file zilla transfers the filse from your computer to your ps3 by internet so if you dont have a usb or ur usb is small just use fille zilla

my game is in black screen idk wtf happened but i cant play it can i get any help? please

Something wrong on your ps3 maybe

come on guys, download the NPUB30702 
its easier, smarter and you can update without worrying


Is there a way I can sign in without the update popping up?

to log in, you need
-the last ps3 version
-the last game version
if you want to update, download the NPUB30702 

it just lags sometimes any suggestion ???

El juego no carga se queda con la pantalla donde están las imágenes y de ahí no pasa a más. Den Una ayuda ahora

borra la actualizacion y carga el juego sin internet

posible solucion cuando se queda colgado en la pantalla de carga
cargar el juego atraves del webman ya sea atraves de un pendrive o del hdd interno
(si queres podes desabilitar el internet)

claro idiota de mierda, como coños esa no va ser la solucion…
a ver inteligente, y si me pica el coño de querer jugar Online chavalin?, como coños hago eh?, tsch… solo para gilipolleces sirven vosotros…

Miren la solucion es esta:

cuando descarguen el juego con todas las pàrtes, una ves hallais hecho, lo que deben hacer es simple, si teneis “HEN” abrid el juego desde WEBMAN, si teneis CFW ( custom Firmware ) descargaos la Version PKG y la correis desde WEBMAN, creanme es mejor solucuion que la de este idiota de mierda…

cannot play the game, just stuck black screen, “starting new a game” (loading)

any solutioan ???

enter multman go to gta 4 press square and go to bd mirror hit x and go to ixternal and hit x now leave the game settings press x go to the cd and press x and now you can play

hello bro how can i download this games for my ps3 please give me any helpful video link

thank you so much for your feedback, now please tell me, after download this game what i need to do for play this games on my ps3 , please please tell me

bro this is not what i want, i mean after download games all part, then how to set password and other thing

if you give me any video links about that so it will be easy for me

Go on youtube, search “how to install game ps3 cfw”. Hope it help

if you give me any video link about that so it will be easy for me

hey can i download this games by mobile, and then how can i install it on my ps3 please bro tell me?

Cant the game Without the update folder??

Yes it can, it doesnt matter. Some game didnt have update folder in it and it works

Thank god i play this game smoothly without any problem

hey help me bro please, i wants to play this game on ps3 but i don’t know how to download this game, please tell me everything that you did for this game

Dont update it, just play it. It works

I get error 80010017.


Why i must renew my licence in psstore?

see in youtube type ”renew licence in ps store fix ps3 cfw” and you will find lot of vids

Wtf the game can’t be copy and paste it’s saying operation canceled or corrupted pliz help I was so excited to play it I waited 3 days when the install finish

great thx!!

I tried to download the Link Mega : Download – Password:
and when i tried to extract the files out of it, it gave me this error in the encrypted file GTA IV

NPEB00882 Directly working ًWith HAN? Or is there an adjustment to work?

When i load the game it just low the brightnes and i got stuck in the intro .it should be installing but nothing is showing up please help me

me to…

same problem

same fucking problem

omg me too please tell me did you find anything???

Same here did everything right, idk wtf no fix anyone?

The fix seems to be the same like with the “The Complete Edition”. Convert the game to ISO and copy to /dev_hdd0/PS3ISO folder. I used genPS3ISO (PS3 Tool Collection) on PC or you can use your game manager on the console to do it. If you have still problems, you can try using the PSN version for a CFW modded console. Download it with NoPayStation and generate the required license with reActPSN.

lanzalo atraves del webman

mee too

Do not install update 1.08

I had the same problem as you
I deleted the Game Data Utility for GTA IV
I disabled my internet connection so it doesn’t ask me for the update and it started to install.
Even after installing and starting the game do not install the update.
Hope it helps


the game works but what if i want to play online? im tryna figure out is there a way you can bypass that update

cant the game work withowt the update folder ?

Yes it can, without update u will play version 1.00 which is not have trophy achievement, for me its not important anyway. But if you update it, it will have trophy achievement. Thats the only different

why the update isnt in the game folder

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