Gran Turismo 6

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Gran Turismo 6
December 6, 2013
Link ver USA – BCUS99247 (Game + All PSN Avatars Pack + All DLC Fix) : Direct
Link ver EUR – BCES01893 (Game + DLC) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Pl,Ru,El,Cs,Hu,Tr) : 1File
Link ver EUR – BCES01893 (Game) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Pl,Ru,El,Cs,Hu,Tr) : MegaDirect
Link ver EUR – BCES01893 (Game) (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic
All DLC FIX : 1File
Link ver USA – BCUS98296 (Game + DLC) (En,Ja,Fr) : 1File
Link ver USA – BCUS98296 (Game) (En,Ja,Fr) : Direct
All DLC FIX : 1File
Link ver HAN – NPUA81049 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEA00502 – EUR : PKGRAP


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Gran Turismo 6 for PlayStation 3 brings new levels of authenticity to the Real Driving Simulator as well as introduces stunning new tracks and cars and a revised user interface.

A new compact game engine improves operation and increases the flexibility to expand it with downloadable content. Meanwhile, the game also expands connectivity with other devices such as smart phones and tablets and increased social and community functions. With 1200 cars available at launch and more to come as DLC, 33 locations, 71 different layouts available and more, GT6 is the most exciting game in the series yet.

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Alguien tiene el update 1.01 solo?

Who is the better version to downloas Gran Turismo 6 ? Please respond me !

the wiki talks about a special anniversary edition,and here the only one described as special is Gran Turismo 6 Ayrton Senna Special Edition,I think it is the best.

No puedo pasarlo a disco externo BCE 01893 tienen un archivo de 15 gb y no puedo moverlo a un disco fat 32 ayuda por fa

ediçao ayrton senna 99247 arquivo está corrompido

can you speak english ?

Just use Google translate copy what he say then paste it to google translate and choose language

why does this reply have19 dislikes what now its not normal to ask someone if they speak english or not?

funcionan los PKG???-NPUA81049 – USA
NPEA00502 – EUR

re upload pls

Check all link work for me, info your error ?
1. view [Note: Guide Download Game] the right post
2. if link google limit => view [Guide Fix Limit Download Google Drive] the right post

no es compatible con bles o blus verdad?

النسخة BCUS99247 (Gran Turismo 6: Ayrton Senna Special Edition) : Megaالنسخة مقسمة الى 4 جيجا وشغالة

buenas amigos.. alguien por favor me dice que idiomas trae el BCUS99247 (Gran Turismo 6: Ayrton Senna Special Edition)????

Busque los updates y decía LATAM, supongo que es versión latino! puedes verificar tu mismo en psnstuff las updates.



Install works perfectly after the DLC Fix for the Ayrton Senna version

It won’t let me install it HAN USA.

does anyone have the 1.01 patch?

do you need patch 1.01

Hello, could you add more servers to download the version of Ayrton Senna that I would like to download but MEGA won’t let me download, Thank you.


Por favor si sois tan amables podéis arreglar el enlace EUR Mega?? Está caído y necesito jugar a esta joya, muchísimas gracias!

check 15 part link mega BCES01893 work for me
can send me link die ? i check all ok

how can i update ver 1.00 to 1.01 or higher,help me out

how to install game

somebody fix folder 6 in eu

Can you be more specific?

i have tried to update it many times but the update screen in game always stucks at “0 minutes left”. any solutions?

Ya descargue el archivo donde viene los. Dlc pero no vienen los dlc para BCUS99247 le puedo poner cualquiera de esos otros?

Cuales son los dlc de BCUS99247

help… i cannot install the games, it took almost 2 hours and i gave u have any idea?

no hay ninguna version en formato no han de este juego??????

should i instal all the official patch? im download link ver usa (game+dlc)

should i instal all the gran turismo official patch?

BCUS99247 (Gran Turismo 6: Ayrton Senna Special Edition) doesn’t have a DLC fix, why?

why the ver USA – BCUS98296 have 24GB (two files 10GB and one file 4GB) and the others versions have 14GB?

it comes with all the update patches

BCUS99247 (Gran Turismo 6: Ayrton Senna Special Edition), the game isn’t starting, it appears just a black screen and then get back to the menu.
Sorry my english isn’t that good.

If the game keeps having errors or it doesn’t starts (black screen), just convert it to an ISO.

i have the same issue and converting it to an iso does not work

Has anyone been able to successfully do one of the following and if so, how?:
1) unlock all cars
2) put the price to all cars down to $0
3) Get $50M worth of credits

What is the order in which everything needs to be executed?
I downloaded BCUS98296 and extracted the game folders. I have copied that over to the GAME folder on the PS3. Do I then install the ALL_DLC_PACK_FIX followed by the 21 pkg files OR the 21 pkg files and the ALL_DLC_PACK_FIX last?

how do you install the ALL_DLC_PACK_FIX?

nice work uwu

BCES01893: Mega links work good, game runs great.

how to download part 3 to link usa 1file because part 3 del 404 error. can you help me

now it work for me
try again
if link google limit => view [Guide Fix Limit Download Google Drive] the right post

Hi, greetings from Peru.
excellent game finally I could download it !!
thanks brother you are a crack.

Que tal, saludos desde Peru.
excelente juego por fin pude descargarlo !!
gracias brother eres un crack

Amigo te funcionó y cual opción descargastes


Senna special addition do not work on hen hfw 4.84.2 game stop work before it even start

Well this is Great !! Many thanks guys

it just black screen,
what is the order of the correct installation? there are 3 folders after extracting (ALL DLC, BCUS, AND OFFICIAL PATC)

hey .. i read the “Guide install PS3” .. so .. i dont have PS3 console/device .. can i still run this game? emulator works? is there an emulator which i can use? or is there a way to play it or install… other than having a PS3 device nearby…?

RPCS3 might work, try that.

I’ve download “Link USA – BCUS99247 (Gran Turismo 6: Ayrton Senna Special Edition)”
but DLC i already download, only have DLC “BCES01893” and “BCUS98296″…. which one DLC i should install ??

cannot copy GT.VOL BCES01893 to external drive fat 32. file to big. any solution?

Download the filezilla and copy the game from your pc to ps3.
I already have it copied but I need to install the folder dlc fix / psn avatars, help please.????

gt6 ayrton senna dlc is working?

Use o idioma inglês no site para ver a senha correta

how do i use the DLC ?

hy there.
link for BCUS9829 version host and 1file are dead.
can reuploading the files ?

Update new link !
view [Note: Guide Download Game] the right post

poderiam postar apenas a dlc do ayrton senna?

can you speak english ?

Thanks. Game BCUS runs fine on ps3 slim 500gb, 4.84cfw ferrox, 4.85 multiman update.

BCUS99247 (Gran Turismo 6: Ayrton Senna Special Edition) error download part 15 – 16 plz

check link part 15,16 link mega ver BCUS99247 work for me
you can view image:

i try pkg USA version and install it, cant play it, it request to go to PlayStation store to update the license of the game

> get rap file for the game from nopaystatio
> get a usb create folder EXDATA and put the rap file in it
> plug usb in ps3 then create new user named “aa”
> use psnreact on ps3 to unlock (download and install psnreact if you dont have it installed on your ps3)

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