Goat Simulator PSN

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Goat Simulator PSN
August 11, 2015

Link ver PSN – NPUB31749 – USA : Direct1File

Link Mirror : 1File – Password : ALV-PS

Link ver HAN – NPUB31749 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPJB00759 – JPN : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEB02321 – EUR : PKGRAP


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Goat Simulator allows players to run around town as a goat.

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(For HFW HEN users) Anyone having the problem with the license, what you must do is just install the base game (goat simulator pkg) afterwards you want to install only the “GOAT_SIMULATOR_FIX101_[341-355].pkg” (Avoid installing the second and third patch) and that’s about it, launch the game and there you go, also i want to mention that i have disabled the internet to avoid automatic updates, sometimes it messes up the license and you have to redo the installation again.

hi, please fix and update the links for all versions:-

  1. Link ver HAN – NPUB31749 – USA
  2. Link ver HAN – NPJB00759 – JPN
  3. Link ver HAN – NPEB02321 – EUR

the links are dead and are failing to open in a new tab and load up every time I open them in a new tab to download them the tab open up and close up then suddenly all the link are failing to load. please fix and update the links. thanks you

thanks psp for replaying to me I really appreciate it. I have tired downloading goat simulator from all version the USA version, the JPN, the EUR but every time I click on the link and open it on a new tab to download the game the tab opens up and then closes up suddenly in a less than a second the rap file works for all version but the game pkg does work please help me sort out the problem. thank you


  1. I have copied the link address to new tab and paste it in web browser like you said and now it have finally work thank you very much.
  2. I have already download the latest version of ReActPSN to download PSN games but can you please explain to me how to activate games by using ReActPSN and what is a rap file. thank you very much. 🙂

thank you very much for replaying to me and explaining to me clearly.

where BLES file only pkg

why i cant download the rap?

dude what’s rap?

How to get the fix file when I click on it it says I need an approval

what about DLCs

Sorry …for DLC?

Thank you. My kids love it verymuch.

use psnpatch

how do yuo install npub

it says something to do with copyright issues like i must logged in to the account that buy thus content to open it what should i do??

My PS3 freezes when I try to open

how do you sign the rap files im on hen

does it work?

Every game for you because you are the Fuckin ADMIN

thanks this is my new favourite site keep uploading good working games

Where Can I get the US rap file?

el rap esta al lado del pkg

Hey my Goat Simulator when I start it, it stays on a black screen: c
how do I solve it?

I downloaded the European version that curiously was a pkg without more.
I came without fix or anything, I have already resorted to updating the game.
if it is not solved they would have to give me help: c

It Says I Need a Lisence i am On CFW Rebug 4.84.2 DEX


Install the fix file

use reactpsn

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