Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster

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Final Fantasy
X/X-2 HD Remaster
March 18, 2014
Link ver EUR – BLES01880 (UNDUB)(@Rocknard) : 1FileMega
Note : Mega only use with Jdownload2
  • UNDUB files from BCAS (asian) version.
  • English and Spanish (synced by rocknard) subtitles for “Credits and Bonus Audio”.
Link ver EUR – BLES01880 (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Google – Direct – Password: Andrelo
Link ver USA – BLUS31211 (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Direct
Link ver HAN – NPUB31247 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEB01391 – EUR : PKGRAP


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Square Enix brings back two of the most popular RPGs of all time with this bundle of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X, both remastered in glorious HD!

Final Fantasy X follows the exploits of the Summoner Yuna and her guardians as they battle an evil immortal enemy known as Sin. This beloved entry in the franchise includes side-quests such as the underwater sport of Blitzball and a monster battle arena, as well as a redesigned fighting system that mixes classic Final Fantasy elements with a “Sphere Grid” system.

Final Fantasy X-2 is the first true sequel in the popular RPG series, and picks the story up two years later. The world has entered into a period known as the “Eternal Calm”. During this moment of change, the people of Spira have shunned the once-sacred teachings of Yevon, and embraced the use of the formerly forbidden machina. While many of Spira’s inhabitants are enjoying this time of peace, evidence of the High Summoner Yuna’s lost love Tidus surfaces, prompting her to begin a new quest to find him.

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Confirmado, eliminar el archivo “Eboot.bin” y renombar al archivo “Eboot.bin_org” como “Eboot.bin” de la carpeta PS3_GAME/USDIR permite iniciar el juego y que no se quede bloqueado en pantalla negra.
Al parecer alguien llamado duplex modificó ese Eboot para un firmware anterior, pero en el actual bloquea el juego, por eso al realizar ese cambio inicia otra vez con el Eboot.bin original.
Probado en Hen 4.87, convertido en iso desde un hdd externo y cargado con webman mod, probado de la descarga:
Link ver EUR – BLES01880 (23 x 1 Gb) : Google – Password: Andrelo

Final Fantasy X-X2 UNDUB Files [BLES01880]:

Info English:

  • UNDUB files from BCAS (asian) version.
  • English and Spanish (synced by rocknard) subtitles for “Credits and Bonus Audio”.


Info Español:

  • UNDUB basado en la versión BCAS (asiática).
  • Subtítulos Inglés y Español (sincronizados por rocknard la ESP) del vídeo “Créditos y Contenido Extra”.


P.S.: download with Jdownloader 2


Hey guy i´m just new to all the thing here. Is there a way to play this on RPCS3? I somehow cannot install the game what do i need to do ? Any help aprreciated <3

For those who are wondering, the EUR version has the JP audio, as you can see by the name of the file containing UNDUB. The US version has the English audio.

Remember kids, X-2 sucks.


alguém conseguiu fazer funcionar no HEN

Oi, estou com o HEN 3.0.2 HFW 4.87. Baixei o jogo na versão US e apenas transferi para a pasta GAMES do HD interno via FTP (pode usar PS3Splitter ou algum mod pro PS3 reconhecer exFAT ou NTFS, use seu método preferido pra transferir arquivos maiores que 4GB). Abri com o webman e rodou sem problemas.

Hi, I am using HEN 3.0.2, HFW 4.87. I’ve downloaded the US version and just transferred to the GAMES folder using FTP (there are other methods) and it works just fine with webman mod.

Baixei as duas versões aqui e ambas funcionaram no começo pelo menos (nao to podendo jogar mais a fundo agora). A versão dividida em 52 partes é UNDUB e a dividida em 23 partes tá em inglês, são a mesma região e portanto o mesmo save funcionou nos 2 jogos. Na versão em inglês tive só que fazer o esquema explicado num comentário anterior aqui nesse mesmo post:

There is a fix. Go to your game folder, then open PS3_GAME folder, there is a USDIR folder. Open it and delete EBOOT.BIN. Rename EBOOT.BIN_org to EBOOT.BIN and the game will boot up and work. It works flawlessly for me”

Work 4 me : Tested on Ps3 Slim cfw 4.86 Rebug. Iso on Hdd External (WD 2Tb NTFS, MBR) (iso : ps3 isotool custom option) PS3ISO folder and Voila 😀

Pls fix the desktop 10 – 23 (1gb) is not found

Thnx :3

which version that has the original english voice?

is there a way to change it from jap voice into eng voice?

I downloaded and it wouldn’t work for me , I get to the game selection screen pick a game and I’m met with a black screen

I tried that and still nothing ,did you get it working ?

download links from 21-49 are needed in the bles version

Guys How can I change japense audio to eng

Could someone answer if it has Japanese Voices?

It has jap voice and eng sub for ffx, for x-2 i dont play it

Does this one have japanese audio

When I try to install the MM14-3.pkg it tells me a higher version is already installed. You don’t have to install this version? Can anybody help?

The Game freezes, no matter what option I choose on the first screen, and cfw Rebug 4.84 won’t let me install the MM 14-3.pkg because a newer version is already available

There is a fix. Go to your game folder, then open PS3_GAME folder, there is a USDIR folder. Open it and delete EBOOT.BIN. Rename EBOOT.BIN_org to EBOOT.BIN and the game will boot up and work. It works flawlessly for me

Can you answer me if any of these versions have Japanese audio?

Bro, thank you so much, you are hero

Where is EBOOTBIN_ORG? i cant find it anywhere , just EBOOT.BIN

Man i love you,works well how you said

thx i love u

I did that but I need convert game to ISO to finally work!!

The game audio is in Japanese is there a way to change it to English?

Did you find out how to change them?

How to run Final Fantasy X-X2 HD Remaster on your external FAT32 harddrive

Final Fantasy X-X2 HD remaster game copy BLES01880, BLUS31211..
PS3 ISO TOOLS (I used 2.2)

1: Unpack Game

2: Browse to -> ->

3: Now cut FFX-2_Data.psarc and FFX-2_Data and place them into a backup folder outside the gamefolder

4: Run PS3 Iso Tools

5: Click on “Create ISO”

6: Check the “Split ISO(s) To Fit on FAT32 device” and hit “Continue”

7 Select the Input Gamefolder and Output folder for the ISO files

8: Once the conversion is done rename the ISO files to your liking for example “GAMEID-Finalfantasyxhd.iso1” “GAMEID-Finalfantasyxhd.iso2” …

9: repeat step 2 to 7 but now you cut FFX_Data.psarc FFX_Data USRDIR and place them into a backup folder from and paste the FFX-2_Data.psarc and FFX-2_Data back

10: Once conversion is done rename the created iso files to for example “GAMEID-Finalfantasyx2hd.iso1” “GAMEID-Finalfantasyx2hd.iso2” …

Now transfer or upload the iso files to your playstation 3 external FAT32 harddrive and load them with webman for example

To play Final Fantasy X HD Remaster load GAMEID-Finalfantasyxhd.iso and select Final Fantasy X HD from the gamemenu vice versa for Final Fantasy X2 HD
you mount GAMEID-Finalfantasyx2hd.iso and select Final Fantasy X2 HD from the gamemenu

Im having abit of trouble converting the files to ISO ,Ive moved the sarc FFX2 file and the FF_X2 gamedata folder to another one outside of the gamefolder but i keep getting the message no game found on the specified path .do you know how to fix this?

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