FIFA Street 3

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FIFA Street 3
February 18, 2008
Link ver BLUS30099 – USA (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Direct
Link ver BLES00188 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Direct
Link ver BLES00188 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Mega – Password:
Link ver BLES00188 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Google – Password:
Link ver BLES00188 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : 1File – Password:
Link ver BLES00188 – EUR (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

FIFA Street 3 creates a hyper-real world that merges the game’s biggest stars with environments that pulsate to the music in exotic locales around the world. Featuring over 250 of the world’s best players representing 18 of the top international teams, each player has been rendered into a stylized caricature with heroic qualities. Decked out in authentic training kits, every player boasts their own, distinctive style of play with unique abilities to match. Choose from Tricksters, Enforcers, Playmakers and Finishers to give you different options on the ball and make your mark on the street.

Using the same engine as the critically acclaimed NBA Street Homecourt basketball arcade game, combined with the market-leading AI from FIFA Soccer 08, FIFA Street 3 delivers animations and ball control that enables you to take complete control of your players with a responsive and intuitive control system that makes it easier than ever to pull off sensational moves. Use the simple button configuration and analog stick to seamlessly combine moves – providing you with hundreds of different ways to show off your street skills. Fill up your all-new Game Breaker to power your ultimate abilities and express yourself like never before. Maneuver your players to leap past defenders, flip off walls, or perform gravity-defying one-timers to score spectacular goals.

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google link is not working

Tem como vc arrumar esse jogo fifa estreet 3 no formato pkg, já faz tempo que eu procuro e eu não encontro, tem como vc arrumar pra isso jogo em pkg

Vc tem ele em formato pkg

i can’t pass through link protector on google drive link, any suggestion ? Link is working ?


Hi when i try to launch the game, my emulator shuts down without any errors.. any tips?

What is the password to

estimado esa el la contraseña para descomprimir el juego a mi no me deja…

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