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BLES02258 - EUR

Game : 1FileDirect

Game (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic

Update + Fix + Chip ODE : 1File

Languages : Eng, Fre, Ger, Dut, Pol, Ru, Ita, Multi Español Castellano

Guide Download – Tool Download)

BLUS31616 - USA

Game (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic

Idioma : Latino

Guide Download – Tool Download )

BLUS31617 - USA

Game : 1FileDirect

Game (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic

Languages : En, Fr, Es

Guide Download – Tool Download )

BLUS31617 - USA (PKG - HEN / CFW)

Game : 1File

Languages : En, Fr, Es

Guide Download – Tool Download )

NPEB02461 - EUR (ver PKG HAN)


Guide Download – Tool Download )

NPEB02258 - EUR

Gamec: 1File

Password: Kratos-FIF19

Use for PS3 CFW & PS3 OFW HAN

Guide Download – Tool Download )



– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

EA Sports FIFA 19 delivers a champion-caliber experience on and off the pitch. Introducing the prestigious UEFA Champions League, offering authentic in-match atmospheres, featuring gameplay updates including elevated on-pitch personality and a striking overhaul, and providing new and unrivaled ways to play. Champions Rise in FIFA 19.


* UEFA Champions League coming to FIFA 19 — There’s no higher level in club football than the UEFA Champions League. Dreams are achieved and legends are made in this historic tournament that showcases the best clubs in the world. FIFA 19 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch is infused with the UEFA Champions League, thanks to official match presentation, a variety of tournament experiences that includes the Europa League and Super Cup, and an all-new commentary team in Derek Rae and Lee Dixon.

* Brand new modes — Experience the all-new standalone UEFA Champions League mode to play the famous tournament from the group stage to the final at the The Wanda Metropolitano Stadium in Madrid. Discover deep integration of the massive club competition in both Kick Off and Career Mode. Build your dream squad with live UEFA Champions League and Europa League content updates in FIFA 19 Ultimate Team. No matter where or how you play FIFA 19, you can experience the greatest club football competition in the world.

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what is the password for the rar?

Hi need FIFA 22


Qual é o melhor baixar e como baixar o inteiro e colocar no pen drive para baixar no PS3

هل توجد اللغة العربية في اللعبة

Thank You very much

Couldnt get folder version to work on hen console at all. Only pkg version worked. CFW had no issues with folder version

hola, trae comentaristas argentinos?

los narradores estan en español latino?

Who will guide me to install

To play this game need any rap files


How can inject “Update+Fix” folders to main game? I should copy them in GAMES folder?

I want a file to get all the classic players for fifa 2019 on ps3 please.
thank you

me sale esto en varios juegos
En estos momentos no puedes ver ni descargar este archivo.

Este archivo lo han visto o descargado demasiados usuarios últimamente. Intenta volver a acceder a él más tarde. Si el archivo al que intentas acceder es especialmente grande o se comparte con muchos usuarios, es posible que tardes hasta 24 horas en verlo o en descargarlo. Si transcurrido este tiempo sigues sin poder acceder a él, ponte en contacto con el administrador del dominio.
que hago :/


Descargalo desde 1Fichier si la opcion esta disponible, es la mejor opcion

Thanks @Duplex @Oppo @Admin-psp

what is the password for the rar?

thank you.  Damianyc was right ty author


fala que arquivo tq corrompido

Can I play online?


es q tenes la pija desamiada corta xD naa mentira es q en pkg a veces ay errores o es hen hfw

any one have a file for squad update ?

hola buenas quisiera saber quien me puede ayudar a arreglar el fifa19 que cuando lo voy a abri para jugar se me queda la pantalla en negro y no me deja hacer nada porfavor quisiera que me ayudaran

Test test test

ola boa noite me chamo Derek trabalho com monetização em website como vc varios sites por ae queria saber se voce que monetizar seu site

En ps3 tambien trae la champions?


how big is this game
in mb or gb

7gb total

Cuanto pesa,,?

guys i download the game put only the parts where can i find the ps3updat.dat etc???

What I need to do with fifa19 part files? please help mee

It was excellent but with the latest untitled ad it got bad Please tell me how to get past this page

How can i put the game file on the ps3 through my android?

First you must enable FTP in webMan settings, then Try to use AndFTP application for android device.

where pkg file ?

What is “multi español castellano”? it has latin spanish too?

Where file disc

el juego me pide la cuenta psn con la que se compro el juego para poder jugar con el archivo pkg de NPEB02461 – EUR (ver PKG HAN)

el juego me pide la cuenta psn con la que se compro el juego para poder jugar

no se puede descargar

It is impossible to download the FIFA 19 BLUS31616 part 13 is damaged, I can not download neither from mega nor from jdowloader. please upload it to Gdrive

Hi i am using HEN on my PS and i am downloading the last file (NPEB02258 – EUR
Game: Google – Password: Kratos-FIF19
Use for PS3 CFW & PS3 OFW HAN) But i have the question will it work on HEN?

No I downloaded but isn’t working plz don’t download bcz waste of internet

Bro game isn’t opening it will stuck in Black screen

Sabe alguien si tiene Champions League este FIFA?

gracias me funciono el pkg eur copiado via ftp a la ps3 copie el rap a ex data y listo a jugar funcionando gracias download game ps2 ps3 ps4

Link of mega blus31616usa part 14 not download

Please fix the link

After extraction,t brings error occurred

link mega if me downald zip file la quarta

İs it legacy edition?

I do not recommend installing this game there are no update of Team

the graphics look like FIFA mobile and there are no champions league and uefa


Can somebody tell me please what files should i download to works on hen

please how to install the game after download ? [email protected] for replies.thanks

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