Far Cry 3

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Far Cry 3
December 4, 2012

Link ver USA – BLUS30687 (Game + DLC) (En,Fr,Es,Pt) : 1File
Link ver USA – BLUS30687 (Game) (En,Fr,Es,Pt) : Direct
High Tides Pack : Download
UPDATE 1.05 : Download
DLC FIX : Download
Link ver EUR – BLES01137 (Game + DLC) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da) : 1File
Link ver EUR – BLES01137 (Game) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Sv,No,Da) : Direct
Link ver EUR – BLES01137 (Game) (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic
High Tides Pack : Download
UPDATE 1.05 : Download
DLC FIX : Download
Link ver JPN – BLJM60532 : 1File – Direct
Link ver HAN – NPUB30825 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEB01096 – EUR : PKGRAP

DLC Content:
– The Monkey Business Pack
– The Hunter Pack
– The Lost Expeditions Pack
– The Warrior Pack
– The Predator Pack
– High Tides MP Pack
– Map Editor Pack “Mark IV Style”
– Online Pass


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Far Cry 3: Beyond the limits of civilization lies an island, a lawless place ruled by piracy and human misery, where your only escapes are drugs or the muzzle of a gun. This is where you find yourself, trapped in a place that’s forgotten right from wrong, a place that lives by the principles of violence.

In Far Cry 3, players step into the shoes of Jason Brody, stranded on this mysterious tropical island. You dictate how the story unfolds, from the battles you choose to fight down to the allies or enemies you make along the way. Slash, sneak, detonate and shoot your way across the island in a world that has lost all sense of right and wrong. Beware the beauty and mystery of this unexplored paradise and live to outwit its roster of ruthless, desperate characters. You’ll need more than luck to survive.

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Why in my PS3 superslim 4.86, HEN 3.0.1, always need to install every time open the game? BLUS Version

usa version runs fine on cfw 4,88.2 evilnat. EU version didnt care, iso, pkg, crack, etc, wasnt running tryed everything. Suxx.

Do i have to install the dlc fix even if I am on hfw 4.86 or only the DLC and it will work

Jakby ktoś szukał tutaj link do spolszczenia 😉
Na pewno działa z wersją HAN europejską.

Ale są też pod inne wersję wystarczy podmienić plik i uruchomić grę.


please upload 1 gb parts

my FAT32 format dosent let me to install this game please do it with parts

Cómo cambio el idioma del juego?

Google link is broken, please fix that.

could you share BLES in mega too?

Some links r dead ;(

los archivos pkg ya vienen con los DLC ?
the pkg already have the DLC integrated?

In the BLUS version everything is correct, but it does not have the Spanish language, please fix that

you think that BLUS would have spanish? are you dumb? BLUS means US
good name spanish JOHN

Are you stupid? BLUS means NA including Canada and México, some games include French and Spanish not all games, in this case Far Cry 3 didn’t release with Spanish nor French

´Callate esupido

Links de google drive caido

Thanks alot the only place i’ve found the iso version, and works great.

Can I know how to add dcl and update please

Guys ive downloaded this game and i cant play coop the countdown ends at 0 or resets pls help

How to add the dcl

Which language does europe version have


Downloaded the bles(game) mega and its working fine. Used multiman to transfer it internally. Will inform if any problem arise.

How can i install the high tide pack?

I am installed EUR – BLES01137 this game work but not working properly guns can’t use and not showing cutscenes what can I do?

how i make the rap file plz

the game works pretty good but the audio is completly screwd

It’s says the disk is dirty. Please fix this

try deleting everything about the game from the PS3 and re-install it,
it worked for me

why is mine unreadable on the hard disk? and how?

There’s a bit of complication with the links and their descriptions. When I go to BLUS30687 download link on Google Drive and then when I copy it to my PS3, it’s BLES01138. The download link for updates in US is still for BLUS. But when I tried EU link for the Updates and the DLC for BLES01138, it’s now in BLES00137. Which is in German.

No BLUS here! All ‘Link ver USA’ are BLES01138 and all ‘Link ver EUR’ are BLES01137.

Is it work in ps3 with hen?

BLES01137 both Host Link and Google link don’t work, Host Links says quota exceeded and Google link only give errors saying server failed, PLS fix

Thanks in advance

What are the dlc or how do i download them?

excuse my English damn google translator

its ok, you don`t have to apologise, you have to download the (game+DLC)
link, you will get a package file, you need to transfer the file to a USB stick, then go to PACKAGE MANAGER / DOWNLOAD PACKAGE FILES / STANDARD
and download it,
if you need more help you can reach to me through e-mail:)

TNX i love this website!!!

Deben instalar la actualización para que les aparezca el cambio de idioma a español

ya la instale pero me sigue apareciendo en ingles sabes como se cambia a español?

Cuál es la versión en español?

the blus distroyed my usb

the link to Mega for DLC EUR Version says that the files have been removed. Can you please reupload them?

mega link is offline pls could you reupload it i really need mega

How to get DLCs content for HAN USA version of the game? The game itself runs fine by tbe way on Ps3 cfw with latest MultiMan and PsnSen enabled + ReActPsn
I just really love this game and would like to get dlcs etc!

Does HAN pkg version of game comes with dlc too or is it just the base game?
Is so have can i add dlc to han version and does it need a crack!?

the first US version is actually european BLES!, I found out because after installing the update for US version, it downloaded the update again, and on the hard disk it went to a BLES01138 folder (on the games folder where game data is stored). I’m going to try the second US version to see what happens.

igual yo, los dlc y fix que trae con el juego te funcionaron con bles? como se llaman blus.


BLUS30687 Google link Works great
CFW Rebug 4.81

enlace caido de google drive

cuales enlances son de formato carpeta?

its not opening the game stucks on black screen

paste the game as iso
wich will work
sorry for my bad english iam from morroco

Thanks. Game runs fine.

how ?

Whats your issue? Maybe i can help. Ive downloaded the BLUS version.

Ive run the game on 4.84 ferrox cfw using multiman.

My issue is it gets stuck at the loading screen when I start the game

Use Genps3iso in any games that needs to be installed and gets error.

doesnt work on nicoblog too

when i ran at installed on ps3 it just said your disk is damaged or dirty then i ran usb version everything installed but its stuck at loading screen when i launch it

paste the game as iso
wich will work
sorry for my bad english iam from morroco

help why does it say your disk is dirty or somelike that when i open it it says install data and 2% pops up your disk is dirty i have hen jailbreak and i downloaded the first link usa mega without any dlc

paste the game as iso
wich will work
sorry for my bad english i am from morroco

paste game as iso is still not work

how do u make it an iso from pkg?

how to add update please

load the game first and download the update from the packages
sorry for my bad english i am from morroco

tiyartina alkhawa hhhh

bro telechargitha wmli kandiha fusb mkatkhdemch

The USA version, for some reason has no Spanish language, only English and Russian; and English, Russian and Polish in the subs …
Is for any bug or error? because the trophies are in Spanish, and also, I was seeing in forums that the USA version has multi5

i have same problem

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