Fallout 3 Game of The Year Edition

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Fallout 3
Game of The Year Edition
October 28, 2008
Link ver EUR – BLUS30455 (GOTY) (En,Fr) : Direct
Link ver USA – BLUS30451 (GOTY) : 1FileDirect
Link ver EUR – BLES00741 (GOTY) (Spain) : 1FileDirect
Link ver EUR – BLES00741 (GOTY) (Spain) (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic
Link ver EUR – BLES00737 (GOTY) (Europe) : Direct


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Fallout 3: Vault 101 — Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland. Though the global atomic war of 2077 left the US all but destroyed, the residents of Vault 101 enjoy a life free from the constant stress of the outside world. Giant Insects, Raiders, Slavers, and yes, even Super Mutants are all no match for superior Vault-Tec engineering. Yet one fateful morning, you awake to find that your father has defied the Overseer and left the comfort and security afforded by Vault 101 for reasons unknown. Leaving the only home you’ve ever known, you emerge from the Vault into the harsh Wasteland sun to search for your father, and the truth.

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how changes the langues

How do I install it?

Links ver HAN down

-EDIT- Thanks. Will edit again if it worked.

It seems like a lot of people are having problems with the game crashing. I want the “Broken Steel” DLC and I have the basic game on a BD and I couldn’t install the DLC (it just doesn’t work) will the game work if I just install the GOTY version and delete the other DLCs’ files, and will that make it run better?

PLS I need answers asap I’ve been doing this for 2 days and transferring those files will take me one more. I want to make sure it’ll work if I do it

so i downloaded it from 1file and its in spanish, even when i change the language its still in spanish

download from link below this comment 😉

Finally I found working STANDALONE BASIC Fallout 3 … tomorrow i will upload it and send link here 🙂

EU Version but it doesnt matter as long as ps3 is region free

add info that its not goty but basic vwrsion 🙂

Is there a way to forcefully remove and re-assign a new EBOOT.Bin on it so I can’t play with the DLC anymore? Its unplayable even at Level 9 character save. Also tried turning off all autosaves, nothing works.

hi, whats the problem with the game? i wanted to play it, because i used to have it, but there seems to be tons of problems with this version; why is this version bad?

Any other sites for HEN users? There seems to be a problem with some links.

No le puedo cambiar el idioma me descarge el eur bles00333

cual es la version en español, alguien me podria decir

bles00741 version europea es la unica en español

Try to deactivate all auto save to reduce crash and im trying to move the dlc/gotu ver to hdd/game/BLUS30451/USRDIR/DATA Dont know if this work

Que version es la que esta en español??

do u need a rap file for han in usa

the Italian version is missing. Please can you solve it

I need BLES00739 for download. Pls help!

Thanks so much!!

Normal version BLES00333 runs stable on ps3 slim 4.85cfw ferrox unlike the game of the year edition. You can also download its dlc if you want. Thankssss.

Where can I download the standard version? GOTY is terrible. New Vegas was manageable but this one is hot trash.

The eur version is in English, It’s not in Italian.
How can I solve?

Por que no le ponen en que idioma esta cada archivo. Yo queria la vesion europea que tiene que estar en español pero esta en ingles.

help does not accept my password 🙁

Hi, EUR 9 part – BLES 00741 mega is down, can you fix the problem please.

how will i install it on ps3 if it is not in .pkg

but I have ps3 Han

disculpen pero no anda la contraseña GGALLGAMES

a mi tampoco bro lo solucionaste?

can you re-post the part 2 .rar in the link ver. USA (2×5 Gb) ? ’cause the link is broken

version eu me pide acceso el link de google

can anyone send me a file with English subtitles please?

google download broke

fallout is actually unplayable on ps3
crash n lag everywhere

Sometimes it doesnt just works

I fixed the problem of so many crashes. in a few hours I’ll go up how to solve

To fix the crashes problem, I have seen that the version Goty have some problem that I cant know which DLC is making the crashes, but its one. To solve that you: first: download it (FALLOUT_GOTY.ini) and overwrite in the folder game (…/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/here).

Second: in (…/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA), you’ll delet all DLC’s, the archives are: 3 archives with name BROKENSTEEL, 3 archives with name POINTLOOKOUT, 3 archives with name THEPITT, and 3 archives with name ZETA.
This way the game will be the normal version and dont will crash anymore.

Can anyone confirms this?

The link of your file doesn’t work

Fallot3Gotyارجو تحميل اصدار


This game is unplayable with all the dlcs build into the game data the game laggs and freezes up so bad that you can’t even play it. Wish some one would upload just the game by it’s self and not the game of the year version

Exactly. Deleted it already because I cant stand restarting my ps3.


I fixed the problem of so many crashes. in a few hours I’ll go up how to solve

To fix the crashes problem, I have seen that the version Goty have some problem that I cant know which DLC is making the crashes, but its one. To solve that you: first: download it (FALLOUT_GOTY.ini) and overwrite in the folder game (…/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/here).

Second: in (…/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA), you’ll delet all DLC’s, the archives are: 3 archives with name BROKENSTEEL, 3 archives with name POINTLOOKOUT, 3 archives with name THEPITT, and 3 archives with name ZETA.
This way the game will be the normal version and dont will crash anymore.

Where can I just get the game only?

You can get it from your local Wal-Mart

wow que onda al aprecer la version BLES00741 es la unica en esp y en toda la red solo la encuentras en mega :/ 5 dias para descargar u_u

Game prone to crashes and save game corrupted.

To reduce crashes: travel light(below 100 weight)
Save game corrupted: let autosaving finish before entering an area


To reduce crashes: travel light(below 100 weight)
Save game corrupted: let autosaving finish before entering an area


Still have crashes though.

To fix the crashes problem, I have seen that the version Goty have some problem that I cant know which DLC is making the crashes, but its one. To solve that you: first: download it (FALLOUT_GOTY.ini) and overwrite in the folder game (…/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/here).

Second: in (…/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA), you’ll delet all DLC’s, the archives are: 3 archives with name BROKENSTEEL, 3 archives with name POINTLOOKOUT, 3 archives with name THEPITT, and 3 archives with name ZETA.
This way the game will be the normal version and dont will crash anymore.

I fixed the problem of so many crashes. in a few hours I’ll go up how to solve

Links MEGA EUR broke

el juego esta disponible en español unicamente en region EU USA esta completamente en ingles

gracias por la data hoy lo descargo.

Wtf the European version is Spanish like wtf how can I fix it please

downloading other version lol

Eur ver is in Spanish. No way to change it to english language.

dude dowload it with the US version

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