EFootball PES 2021 Season Update
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EFootball PES 2021
Season Update
Monster Patch : Download
Other Patch : Download
CUSA18740 – EUR (@Opoisso893)
CUSA18740 – EUR (@UNLiMiTED)
CUSA18676 – USA (@KikeFox)
Please note that the latest data for certain licensed leagues and teams will only be available via an update post-release. You will need an internet connection in order to download this update. See the official website for more details.
*Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, certain real-world football leagues and/or tournaments may undergo sudden regulation changes. As a result, there is a chance that in-game regulations may not perfectly match their real life counterparts. Other changes that impact leagues and tournaments may also be implemented in future updates without prior notice.
Celebrate 25 years of PES with the eFootball PES 2021 Season Update* – available at a special anniversary price!
*This product is an updated edition of eFootball PES 2020 (launched in September, 2019) containing the latest player data and club rosters. Please note that some leagues will have their rosters updated post-release.
Purchase this version of the game and receive the following myClub content:
• 3 Player Contract Tickets x 10 weeks
• Premium Agent x 10 weeks
*Premium Agents can sign players from a large variety of clubs, including players from the club of whichever edition you have purchased.It also contains the following purchase bonus:
• 2000 myClub Coins*The pre-order bonus, purchase bonus and myClub content can only be claimed on the account used to purchase the game.
*There are also several Club Editions available for pre-order. Check the official eFootball PES 2021 Season Update website for details on each edition of the game.
Product Overview
The eFootball PES 2021 Season Update features the same award winning gameplay as last year’s eFootball PES 2020 along with various team and player updates for the new season. Also comes with the UEFA EURO 2020™ mode – all at a special anniversary price!・The Biggest Clubs
Play with the biggest teams in world football; including German champions FC Bayern München, Spanish champions FC Barcelona, global giants Manchester United and exclusive PES partner Juventus!・myClub
Create your very own dream team from scratch and face off against human rivals from all over the world.・Matchday
Compete in online PvP events themed after real-life football rivalries and other big matches.・Master League
Take the helm of a football club and lead them to the top in this engrossing single player mode.
Monster Patch 2025 Season Update (PES2021) – DP: 9.01
Firmware: (5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00/11.00)
ID: CUSA18676 – USA
Size: 49,6gb
NOTE: Remove the old version (Game + Save file) then install new version
CREDITS: Team Monster Patch
Thanks Version USA: Douglas Sampaio
Languages : English, Latin Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, vv …
Base Game (@Kikefox) : Akia – Rano – 1Cloudefile – 1File (Multi) – 1File
Data Pack 9.01 (5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00/11.00) : Akia – Mediafire – 1File – Rano
Monster Patch 2025 Season Update (PES2021) – DP: 9.00
Firmware: (5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00/11.00)
ID: CUSA18676 – USA
Size: 44,3gb
NOTE: Remove the old version (Game + Save file) then install new version
CREDITS: Team Monster Patch
Thanks Version USA: Douglas Sampaio
Languages : English, Latin Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, vv …
Base Game (@Kikefox) : Akia – Rano – 1Cloudefile – 1File (Multi) – 1File
Data Pack 9.00 (5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00/11.00) : Akia – Mediafire – 1File
BITBOX PATCH 2025 for (PES2021) – Rev 3 Sayonara Edition
Firmware: (5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00/11.00)
ID: CUSA18676 – USA
Size: 53gb
NOTE: Remove the old version (Game + Save file) then install new version
Thanks Version USA: Douglas Sampaio
Languages : English, Latin Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French
Base Game (@Kikefox) : Akia – Rano – 1Cloudefile – 1File (Multi) – 1File
BITBOX PATCH 2025 (5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00/11.00) : Akia – Mediafire – 1File – Rano
eFootball PES 2021 [CUSA18740] (by PlayStation Pulse) (full-ITA)
Base game : Download
Monster Patch + Data pack 8.09 : Download
Thank you. It works great on 5.05
Update all link
Jika sudah beli langsung di monster patch, lalu dibagi2kan gratis itu kan hak yang sudah beli. Kenapa Monster patch sewot. Aneh. (Rezeki itu ada yang mengatur).
argumen lu paling bodo kalo kata gw
Tanya om saya downlod yg versi CUSA18676 – USA 8.6 tapi kenapa rambut pemain tidak update cuma update transfer pemain doank? apa memang bgt
Beda mas gratisan sama beli :v
iya rambut douglas luis botak gitu masa
dongo amat lu mana bawa-bawa rezeki tolol
Si se pudiera añadir el monster patch 9.0
can you please add SGR patch season 2025 its amazing
l wish that
Desparecio el dreampatch 4.0? Yo lo tengo de aqui
Please tell me when you will add the dream patch v 4.0?
Hello I need Egyptian patch
The name of it is { press x patch }
I downloaded the eFootball PES 2025 Season Update Datapack 8.06 (CUSA18740 – EUR) but when I edit lamine yamal the game won’t save my edit , can anyone help me please ?
software v9.0 or v11.00
please please 8.06 don’t be the last please
Muchas gracias por el Monster Patch 8.06, son los mejores.
eFootball PES 2021 [CUSA18740] (by PlayStation Pulse) (full-ITA)
Base game:https://buzzheavier.com/f/GZZmEHnFcAA
Monster patch + Datapack 8.06:https://buzzheavier.com/f/GZYGsSlFcAA
Note: You must uninstall it completely (base game and update), then you can install this. This version contains all the rosters updated to October 2024
Is only italian language this version?
Thanks in advance
dream patch use base game cusa 18676 kike fox or gary
If that so..just please give the true link monster patch that where we can buy that patch
Can you renew the link I don’t have a paid account
Patch 8.06
CUSA18740 – EUR Monster patch 8.06 pleas
linke please
eFootball PES 2025 Season Update Datapack 8.06 (CUSA18676 – USA) Is there Turkish language support in this version? I would appreciate if anyone has any information.
Prefer Dream patch
Bro, Thank you for all the links and games that have been given. I pray for good things for you, friend. Don’t care about those who blaspheme you. You help many users
Thank you to the DLPS team for publishing the latest monster patch.
For those of us who didn’t buy it, we found this DLPS website very helpful.
Thank you very much to the DLPS team, I love this DLPS website.
For rich monster patch owners, don’t be too stylish.
Hola como estas? falta uno montón de cuadros de futbol de la liga Argentina!!! Re discriminadores no me gusto este patch
hello if this is the last upload then plz guive us the true monster patch link ” from where we can buy” bc personally i don’t wich one is the real one
This is a free site dont be picky and ungrateful or leave
Alguien que pueda traer el efootball 2025 original un hacker que saque lo instalado de playstore osea el efootball 2025 original y lo aga pkg
no es tema de tener un hacker el juego simplemente requiere conexión a internet, de todas formas si tanto te gusta un juego simplemente actualiza tu play y descargalo a fin de cuentas es gratis.
Se agradece pero el original se malo o muy malo como el efootball 2022 es el original y es un trabajo de meses y no solo pegar texturas y las porras hacen que me duela la cabeza
Thank you
Great job
lo máximo amigo, eres el mejor.. como se te puede ayudar para que sigas manteniendo el sitio
Allow me to introduce myself.. I am a tim of MONSTER PATCH for Ps4Hen jailbreak.. beg and ask the admin to no longer post about monster patches..
The strong reason is… the patch that the admin posted was paid for and was never permitted by any user to be re-uploaded to the website for any reason… before making a transaction… there is a written agreement that the user must comply with which sounds like this ” NO RE UPLOAD FOR ANY REASON ..
IF U RE UPLOAD .. you will be banned ” .. Actually, I already knew about this years ago. but I let that happen… but this year when the latest patch was published… the income I got decreased… because users knew that the latest patch could be downloaded on the free website.. For months, my colleagues and I worked on the patch diligently and in detail… and many of the features I bought were fortunate to provide the maximum patch…I hope the kind admin can understand the situation I experienced with my colleagues at the place where we made the patch
thank you for your time.. I really hope.. admin can understand it.. My best regards.. Team Monster
Vete a la mierda asiatico de huevon . pides 30euros para que vives un año entero ay. team dice…soys una banda de muertos de hambre. si haseis algo lo haceis a precios resonables pero no con verguencia y como que soy una gran team..pichos cabrones,malparidos,berachos …pareceis a sony un bombaso en culo mereceis
De hecho, eres muy estúpido y no sabes apreciar el trabajo de los asiáticos. Eres tan patético.
Entonces que buscas aqui?Vete en la pagina official de monster y dale pasta cabron.Aprecio cuando nos trata corectamente y no de tontos.Y eso de patetico,vete a tu puta madre ninato echo por un polvo.
what about shoppe sellers who sell under 1 dollar, you are very funny
they just selling a main game, not datapack update lol
where is your link to buy it
so “selling” mod for “jailbreak” ps4 huh? why don’t you give some credits for the mods maker from pes-patch, evoweb, etc.
I get it that this will be the last version and people should respect the patcher but I don’t get why you can’t upload the same version for EUR it’s literally the same patch but different languages and you have it already as you said so what is the problem? or is it something about arabs or Turkish or any other people who are asking for it?!
Funny Monster Patch, he can pes 2021 in dlps, but Patch not available on dlps. Funny people. And thanks for team dlps, dlps right.
Literally monster patch resale in e-commerce shoppee price under 1 dollar, and he shut up. Funny monster patch, lol
me need it but as he want to do and with my full respect to all ppl here
Thanks for this!!
Yall should stop bothering him to upload it, if you want it so bad then just buy it…
soz bro but we all need this Datapack 8.06 (CUSA18740 – EUR)
plz bro
what the diffrences eur 8.06 and usa 8.06 ?
eur have arbic commentrey
pls buy from monster patch, dont wish a crack datapack. respect to a original patching
with my full respect to team monster and dlps ppl but iwish 8.6 euro but np bro
why? this is free site also why don’t you buy the original game and pay the modders from evoweb,pes-patch,virtuared and pay dlps admin l
Eres un maricon de mierda por no subir la versión euro y no te quejes cuando la gente pedi Patch porque gracias a ellos ganas mucho dinero en publicidad así que respeta a tus seguidores
¿Sabes que tengo que gastar dinero para mantener este sitio web porque la mayoría de la gente bloquea los anuncios? Hay muchos sitios web como dlps que han muerto. Solo puedo mantener este sitio web hasta finales de este año.
Siempre respeto a las personas que siguen este sitio web, solo estoy cansado de que Monster Patch me ataque y no quiero afectar su trabajo.
Please don’t stop being active here admin, please admin, we are always waiting for you🙏
Que mierda eres tu, así que ve consigue y paga por un trabajo que se tiene que cobrar.
gracias amigo por la monster 8.06 eres un crack
Brother please add efootball 2025 orginal version not pes mod
Datapack 8.06 (CUSA18740 – EUR) tomate un redbull
hey why you cant uploda a (CUSA18740 – EUR and why its a last time you upload it
Thank you admin
For anyone asking about Datapack 8.06 (CUSA18740 – EUR) : I have it but I won’t upload it, I’m really tired of this.
why ?
because you must buy it from monster patch, monster patch mad because anyone just downloaded free from dlps, monster patch is modder and they sell the patch.
Monster patch are selling product they made with tools and faces given for free. 🤡
you are my savior
Monster Patch 2025 (New)
DP: 8.06
Note: (5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00/11.00)
ID: CUSA18676 – USA
Languages: Multi
Size: 42,3gb
Compatible with “Kikefox” base game
Thank you ! Update post
Wow big thanks, please dont delete this
Tiene español de España y árabe?????
this dp 8.6 have arbic commentrey
Douglas, você pode portar o smokepatch para PS4?
Douglas can you release a port for the new smoke patch 24. Or can you teach us how to port from pc to ps4?
could you please upload monster’s update 8.06 that was released 3 days ago ?
Thank a lot !
Thanks for your efforts
Can you add eFootball PES 2025 Season Update Datapack 8.06 (CUSA18676 – USA)
Could you please upload the Monster’s patch 8.06 update that was released today?
Thank you very much !!
Hello brothers, I downloaded the new patch 8.05 cusa 18740 and the base game and the patch, but it throws me eroor when I install somewhere halfway, why the hell does anyone know which patch works for sure
DP 8.06 Please 🙏🏻
hallo sir,can you add monster patch data pack 8.06.
thanks for ur great job sir
Is this has full transfer?
Muy buena con todos alguien sabe pes 21 con liga ecuatoriana x favor para PS4 hackeada mil gracias
Mil gracias amigo