Dragon Age Origins

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Dragon Age Origins

Link ver BLUS30415 – USA (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : 1FileDirect

Update 1.06 + All DLC : Download

Link ver BLES00699 – EUR (En,Fr,De,Es,It) : Direct

Link ver BLJS10103 – JPN : 1FileGoogleDirect
Link ver HAN – NPUB30475 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEB00573 – EUR : PKGRAP


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

From the makers of Mass Effect, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Baldur’s Gate comes Dragon Age: Origins, an epic tale of violence, lust, and betrayal. The survival of humanity rests in the hands of those chosen by fate. You are a Grey Warden, one of the last of an ancient order of guardians who have defended the lands throughout the centuries. Betrayed by a trusted general in a critical battle, you must hunt down the traitor and bring him to justice. As you fight your way towards the final confrontation with an evil nemesis, you will face monstrous foes and engage in epic quests to unite the disparate peoples of a world at war. A romance with a seductive shapeshifter may hold the key to victory, or she may be a dangerous diversion from the heart of your mission. To be a leader, you must make ruthless decisions and be willing to sacrifice your friends and loved ones for the greater good of mankind.

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BLUS30415 DLC + FIX, Hope it finds you all well

what is going on ? the game download great , them the update 1.2,them multiman with hen 3.0,2 EVEN HAVE A PUH START ,IS THERE SINCE 3PM IS NOW 6 PM,AND IS NOT KERMEL PANEL, cause you push paystation button and respond ,but touch any else after 3HOURS , and do not do anything , help please HELP PLEASE

Transfer it to your external HDD dont play it on Internal hdd

Where is the dlc?

Eur version language is russian

Do you have standalone dlc?

at first when i press the start button it just stand there it doesnt show the movie of the game.Do u know a solution for that??

same problem

same shit to me ,and a really hope he answer

Les tengo una “solución” a todos aquellos a los que el juego se les queda pegado al presionar “Start” no se si a todos les funcionará al 100% pero a mí me funcionó, espero que a ustedes les funcione.
La solución que es que cuando pasen el juego a su “PS3” entre al juego, esperen que se instalen los datos que el juego necesita,
cuando se instalen todos los datos no le den “Start” solo salgan del juego, instalen todos los “DLCs” que quieran. Luego de eso vayan a “MultiMan” copien el juego y conviertan el juego en “ISO”
cuando se termine de convertir el juego en “ISO” inicien el juego formato “ISO” y ya podrán disfrutar del mismo 🙂
A mí me funcionó al 100 espero que a ustedes también le funcione.

Do you have the DLC?

The EA says that it don’t recognize all the DLC from here.says that they’re broken.

what is the file size of this game?
