DOOM Eternal
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DOOM Eternal
CUSA13275 – EUR (v1.27)(@Opoisso893/Golemnight)
CUSA13275 – EUR (v1.23)(@DUPLEX)
CUSA13275 – EUR (v1.23)(@Arczi)
CUSA13338 – USA (v1.26)
CUSA13338 – USA (v1.02)
Hell’s armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity. The only thing they fear… is you.
Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power in DOOM Eternal – the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat.
Armed with a shoulder-mounted flamethrower, retractable wrist-mounted blade, upgraded guns and mods, and abilities, you’re faster, stronger, and more versatile than ever.UNHOLY TRINITY
Take what you need from your enemies: Glory kill for extra health, incinerate for armor, and chainsaw demons to stock up on ammo to become the ultimate demon-slayer.Enter BATTLEMODE
A new 2 versus 1 multiplayer experience. A fully-armed DOOM Slayer faces off against two player-controlled demons, fighting it out in a best-of-five round match of intense first-person combat.
Add CUSA13275 – EUR (v1.27)(@Opoisso893/Golemnight) : DOOM Eternal
Gracias por el update v1.26 para la versión EE.UU. Estoy en 5.05 podrían subir el backport muchas gracias
Add CUSA13338 – USA (v1.26) + All DLC : DOOM Eternal
WARNING: this update “1.26” requires FW 10.71 or higher to work.
so if you’re on any lower firmware, you’ll need to wait for a backport.
Spanish México sound work
totalmente funcional en 9.00
idioma español latino 100%
Add Update 1.23 (Fix 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55) (@CyB1K) – CUSA13275 – EUR : DOOM Eternal
Podría subir el update 1.23 fix (5.05) (@Highspeed33) CUSA13338 por favor, ya que tengo el juego base en ese CUSA y está en español latino. Gracias de antemano.
Ya puede convertir (EUR a USA) con éxito los dos DLC de The Ancient Gods.
Instalables y funcionales.
Al revisar los complementos instalados en informacion del juego, no figuran los íconos ni nombre, pero sí están funcionales.
Es para la version CUSA13338 – USA con el update 1.23
El audio cambia a ingles después de instalar el update, no se puede cambiar a español latino.
Enlace mediafire:
ancient god part two please uppen ..
please upload update 1.23 fix
Please the Backport of the Update 1.23 ( doesn’t work for my 7.02 )
Arczi,please 1.23 for 5.05 and two dlc
can you make The Ancient Gods part two for CUSA13275 and backported too?
1.23 + DLC 6.72 fix please
please backport CUSA13275 – EUR (@DUPLEX) v1.23 for 5.05 Thanks
1.23 update with 6.72 backport patch please. Thank you.
El juego base CUSA13338 – USA con el DLC campaña se instalan correctamente y está en audio latino con subtítulos español.
Al instalar el update 1.23 de @Highspeed33, el audio pasa a inglés con subtítulos en español. No se puede cambiar.
Hice los fpkg de los DLC Ancient God Part One y Two con fPKG_Maker_GUI_v1.0.9 de codemasterv. Se instalaron correctamente, pero aún siguen bloqueados en el menú del juego.
Al revisar la información de complementos del juego, figuran los dlc Campaña, Ancient God Part One y Two.
¿alguien ya probó lo del audio latino con el update 1.23 y pudieron crear los fpkg de los DLC Ancient God Part One y Two?
podrias re subir el dlc de ancient gods part 2 por favor
DLC Ancient God Part One y Two para CUSA 13338. Más arriba explico cómo figura la instlación.
Enlace mediafire:
only online????
cuando corro campaña me dice que necesito online o algo estoy haciendo mal
@duplex update 1.08 backport pls for 6.72
[CUSA13338] Doom Eternal + UPDATE v1.08 + DLC CAMPAINGN – USA
GAME: aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlY3J5cHQuY2MvQ29udGFpbmVyLzM5NUZGRUM0NzUuaHRtbA==
UPDATE 1.08: aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlY3J5cHQuY2MvQ29udGFpbmVyL0Q4NjA3QUNGRDguaHRtbA==
DLC CAMPAIGN: aHR0cHM6Ly93d3c3NC56aXBweXNoYXJlLmNvbS92L0I5VEpma3hlL2ZpbGUuaHRtbA==
needs backport to 5.05/6.72/7.02
Thank you
how can i backported it (update 1.08)? como le hago para que funcione el update en 5.05?
how can í do the fix?
hello im on 7.02. game doenst work when 1.08 update is installed. without the update game works. i think 1.08 need a backport. can you please upload it. thank you
In my console( 5.05), it says “you don’t have access to the campaign”. Can any one explain this?
Thx for da game + Update 1.02 (CUSA13338 – USA)
Game installed and working OK on 755 PRO.
use new update
Have you found how to fix it yet?
Firstly use hen 2.1.3b or goldhen 1.1. Second be sure to use on ofw 6.72 mine base + backport fix v1.08 for mine base and then both dlcs
It says “cannot start application” on my 6.72 console and i use 1.1 goldhen. Wat do
Can anybody pls upload the “DLC Ancient God Part One” with other mirror pls? i can not download the file with zippyshare
good day guys
i want to ask if the game will work with dlc if i download the base game and then install Update 1.08 Fix thank you 🙂
and admin plz any new link for DLC Ancient God Part One cuz link for 1File is down 🙁
upload 1.08 and ancient dlc for duplex version please
Usa update 1.08 backport pls
El juego esta en español latino?
La version usa esta en latino pero no hay actualización 1.08 ni el dlc ancient god
Is there Ancient Gods 1 and 2 too?
So you’re saying that ancient gods dlc will not install on hen5.05?
Doom Eternal Update 1.08 Already Backported
Credits to Arczi for the dump!
Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 Backport! Had to make the backport first to fix the game on 7.55 for whatever reason lol
Thank you
Is it possible to backport the v1.08 update from the Game?
Ancient gods dlc?
would the owner of this file allows its downloading from lets upload coz i guess they were doing maintenance yesterday and they come up with a new website interface…… so some help to download euro lets upload version
I think they blocked certain countries
where are you from
now check it work for me
Working perfect on my 5.05 PS4.
Install game, then 5.05 Fix and the DLC.
And off you go..
Very cool. Good graphics…. But hard as fuck.
Gracias por compartir!! Funciona sin problemas en 6.72 instalando el DLC! Saludos
Como se hace para jugarlos en ps4?
Son pkg, que solo puedes utilizar en consolas modificadas
hola a todos, al ingresar al juego me dice no tienes permiso para acceder a este contenido
le puse la actualizacion 1.02
pero no el dlc, es necesario el dlc?
La campaña es el dlc que ves para descargar XD
Muchas gracias por compartir, descargué la versión CUSA13338 – USA y funciona perfecto en español latino, en ps4 5.05
Anthem WHEN
Never, it’s an online only game lol.
use new link !
use tool “jdownload2” redownload this file => unrar with tool “winrar” , all work ok
I have got a problem. When I try to launch Campaign it says “You do not have permissions to access this content”. What should I do? Running 5.05 – fixed with your update. Thank you for your response
My mistake :D. I did not had installed DLC. Have a nice day!
I didn’t install any DLCs, and i’m facing the same issue here, the game is unplayable without the DLC please add notes in the download section thanks
Error: ““You do not have permissions to access this content”.”
use tool 7zip or winrar
you use tool donwload “jdownload2” + unrar with tool “winrar ” ?
MD5 Checksum Game : 9BC9843C5BB0ED7505CD6ABB83B5EC53
You can check with this code, using MD5 Checksum Tool if the file is not corrupted after u unpack the archive. If the sums will not match there is no sens to install
Oh man approve my massages
Cyperpunk 2077 ‘s ps4 version like ps3 game in 2006
Tlou2,ghost of tsushima assassin’s creed Valhalla please 🥺🥺
Thank you man i was waiting this upgrade of 2020 games ,2020 isnt a good year ,BUTTTTTT the games of this year is very good games