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September 9, 2014



USA – BLUS31181
Link ver USA – BLUS31181 (Game + DLC) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt) : 1File
Link ver USA – BLUS31181 (Game) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt) : GoogleDirect – Password:
Link ver USA – BLUS31181 (Game) (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic
All DLC + Fix Update (BLUS31181 ) : Download

EUR – BLES01857
Link ver EUR – BLES01857 (Game + DLC) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt) : 1FileGoogle
Link ver EUR – BLES01857 (Game) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Pt) : Direct
Link ver EUR – BLES01857 (Game) (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic
All DLC + Fix Update (BLES01857) : Download
Link ver HAN – NPUB31202 – USA : PKGRAP
Link ver HAN – NPEB02021 – EUR : PKGRAP
DLC Content:
– The Taken King (Expansion)
– The Taken King – Weapons Pack & SUROS Arsenal Pack
– The Taken King – Collector’s Edition Pack
– The Dark Bellow (Expansion 1)
– House of Wolves (Expansion 2)
– Blacksmith Armor Shader Pack
– Red Sparrow Upgrade Pack
– Collector’s Edition Pack
– Vanguard Armory Pack


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Destiny: From the creators of Halo and the publisher of Call of Duty comes Destiny. With an unprecedented variety of FPS gameplay, Destiny promises to deliver an incredible story set within a newly-imagined, always-connected universe filled with action and adventure.

Everything changed with the arrival of the Traveler. It sparked a Golden Age when our civilization spanned the solar system … but it didn’t last. Something hit us, knocked us down. The survivors built a city beneath the Traveler, and have begun to explore our old worlds, only to find them filled with deadly foes. In Destiny, you are a Guardian of the last safe city on Earth, able to wield incredible power. Defend the City. Defeat our enemies. Reclaim all that we have lost.

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hello it is you who held the site dlxbgame ses to ask if you would change the password of the download of halo 1 file the password is wrong!/oASeDXXuSPJn

Cara mengatasi blank screen bagaimana yah?
Sblm di update masi bisa masuk menu cuman gabisa maen karna harus update dulu, setelah update jd blank screen trs

kaga tau

I’ve read that this game is on Top3 for get a permanently BANNED account, a little question… get banned using HEN, yes… but if you use DTU injection, is also possibly ?? Someone have done this game by DTU ??

Did you find any way to not get banned?

i have not use HEN ever, but i know that with it… risk is VERY HIGH. Meanwhile I use DTU for many games (70-80% run) with 0% BANN problems on my SuperSlim (other models have specific issues), but with this unique type of game… i havent used it DTU, for having no enough info to take risk. Will do it as curiosity as THE LAST game.

NOTE: If your internet connection is not good enough you will be permanently get banned.

El juego banea luego de un tiempo de haberlo jugado?? O se
puede jugar sin problemas?

Does the game ban after a while of playing it? Or can it be played without problems?

aparentemente el juego te banea, debido a que como no se esta ejecutando un disco, el juego tiene una seguridad anti-pirateria, eso hace que cuando llegues a ciertas partes del juego en donde, el susodicho juego hace revision del disco, usando el infrarojo del PS3, al no detectar nada, le da una señal al servidor, y el servidor hace esa accion.

es decir, no vale la pena descargarlo desde PKG o formato carpeta, simplemente este no, ya que tiene esa seguridad ahi, y bueno con eso ahi no se puede hacer nada.

Whenever i start it i get the error code “wasp” and cant go past it

Can some help, after I boot up the game it says “problem reading game content” then just freezes

i have the npeb pkg version how do i install the taken king dlc

hey DLC bless ia error

link caido de google driver

I got banned my destiny acc only is there anyway to not take ban?

Where is the dlc ?

part 2 of BLUS 31181 on google drive is broken

i managed to download, thanks. the patch part, do i have to download all of them?

Hi, when I extract BLUS 31181, it is shown up at part 3.Plz fix it.

no funciona el juego no lo descarguen

Help me download the pkg region used and when I install the updates in order it does not let me start the game and I have to update it again, what do I do?

need the decryption key

some links of the dlc of the game do not work could you repair them please, USA region

it says there is a problem rading game data, so I downloaded the updates and dlc fix( in some updates it said: (this update is already downloaded) anyone can help?

Everything works scept colectors edition dlc content, to say godbye banned OR kicked by server game Just erase syscalls with L2 and triangle every time before log on psnn

does it work no? i got black screen after i launch it

Como faço para baixar? alguém me ajuda não consigo

So I downloaded the EU version through MEGA, how can I only download the DLC’s?

Check the other DLC posts (i’d recommend using the search tab)

so i installed the 2 dlc fixes and the 3 compatibility packs for my destiny eu bles01857 version and everything worked fine, but i don’t have the collectors edition, do i have to download something else for the collectors edition?

is the big size 21.95 GB


I realy need you to update the “The Taken King Collector’s Edition All DLC Fix” it’s broken… Can you share it please?

Atualiza o link da DLC Destiny The Taken King (VER) BLUS BR, Quando agente entra no Google Drive Lá diz (O usuário Excluiu o Arquivo De sua Lixeira) e coloca um link novo no 1file daí dá para baixar sem cotas excedidas. Obrigado no aguardo do poste.

he says to you update DLC the taken king blus from google drive that there is an error (the user excluded the file to your trash) and for you put in 1file because can download without limits

The game banned me every time psp please help bro????

yeah, me too 🙁

bro its not playstation 3 is also connected to wireless internet.

I got banned, anyone knows how to not get banned after playing for some time?

Yess bro i get banned 10 mouth now for using the taken king dlc fix

Error al leer el contenido del juego, alguien me ayuda

(Mistake reading the game content, somebody help me)

Pudiste encontrar solucion? a mi me pasa lo mismo

i really wanted the game in portuguese from brazil i know a game like this but i can’t find it anywhere please can someone help destiny game in brazilian language game in folder

حملتها غير على أنترنت فقط

Fix offline

cara instal di ps3 ofw bgmn yah?

By the way, the game works with me. thank you
Can I install the two files. DLC

Which of the above links includes the Taken King’s collector dlc (exotic class items, emotes etc) for it is the only one I’m missing and even though I downloaded and installed the DLC Fix files, I cannot get them.

When I download the original game it takes me to the taken King file. Why??.
I want to download the destiny not the taken King.

Why is the original game not downloading but the taken King is downloading

How to unlock Dlc Rise of Iron ?

how can it be online only when the whole ps3 is jailbroken and cant play online games !

Every game you download for the jailbroken PS3 can be played online. You just have to use PNS patch and Sen Enabler to fool psn that it’s not jailbroken.

hello where is the DLC expansion 1 and 2 dark belouw and wolfes ?

como instala a dlc?

I had download BLUS31181, the download links was good working and unpack files was perfect.

Just a small question. Is this game Multiplayer and Online only ?
I do not know this game and never play it. In the title screen the game ask me for internet connection, I do not have internet on the PS3, the game will not start. The installation was fully working, no problems.

Many Thanks download and unpack files was working.

I Downloaded the PKG Version and the updates, but when i install all files, continue asking for update the game, how can i fix this?

these dlc’s Will work on game blus version han?

How to unlock The Taken King?

Hola tengo una consulta al instalar todos los archivos del juego + los dlc luego de 24hrs el juego te bannea permanentemente

He says that after 24 hours playing this game, you get permanently banned.

Si bro un amigo y yo tenemos hen 4.86 y duramos 1 día jugando online dinasty nos banearon la cuenta del juego, yo borre altiro el juego, mi amigo se compró otra consola y la dejo original y se compro el dinasty ya que le gustó y quedo viciado jaja ojo con este juego y los ban que le darán…

el juego luego de la instalación te bannea uso Hen alguna ayuda

el juego en si o la consola?

este juego se juega solo online

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