Daymare 1998
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Daymare 1998
CUSA17082 – EUR (v1.04)
CUSA17082 – EUR
CUSA18168 – JPN
DAYMARE: 1998 is a third-person survival horror with hardcore survival mechanics and hard to kill enemies. It requires a strategical approach to combat and puzzles and offers a multi-character point of view on the story, revealing a deep and obscure lore.
The scene is set with a secret research facility, a deadly chemical weapon and a special security team to investigate this incident with the potential to become much more than just a security breach. Follow the steps of an elite soldier, a helicopter pilot and a forest ranger, as they play out their roles in an event that transforms one peaceful small town into a deadly zone and its citizens into bloodthirsty monsters. Take the creatures down first, before looking for any clues and evidence to bring more sense to the mess. Keep track of your itinerary, as resources are scarce in a situation like this! Anything can happen when your daymares become real…
Add CUSA17082 – EUR (v1.04) : Daymare 1998
Hi opoisso893
Please upload 1.4 update. Thank you.
Hi. Please Upload 1.04 Patch.
Patch 01.04 – Patch Notes
Improved shooting system for higher precision
Improved feedback on hit.
Reload can now be performed while aiming.
Effect duration of consumables increased, except for healing
Added new “Modern-take mode” for more straightforward experience
New languages added: Arabic and Turkish
Minor bug fixes
Muchas gracias por el juego!
Daymare 1998 (CUSA18168 )
Arabic Patch for PS4
Cuando quería instalar Daymare 1998 en mi PS4 me daba un error casi al terminar la Instalación (Error NP-34942-2). La Solución es Actualizar la Versión de HEN que estén Ocupando, mi PS4 tenia el HEN 2.1.1 lo actualice a la versión 2.1.4
Aquí les dejo un link sobre como pueden solucionar este problema. Espero que les sirva.
Este método es el que yo ocupe.
Hola gente 100% funcional subtitulos en español.Yo lo instale en la version 5.05 con el el Hen 2.1.4.-
Someone asked me to add Arabic subtitles.
I searched inside EU release and i don’t find any Arabic subtitles files.
Ok thx . But it is wierd the EU version in Sony website they write there is an arabic subtitle I think they are not write the subtitles files not in arabic in another name ( I mean for example it is not subtitle.ara or or they add the language in updates
I will check in last update
I checked in v1.04 and I confirm there are arabic subtitles files
you are the best of the best
grazie 🙂 funziona bene sul 6.72
Que HEN usas??
Tested working perfect on 6.72 hen 2.1.3b
thank you @OPOISSO893 for the game
For those who get NP 34942-2 (on 5.05 or 6.72), it’s because you don’t use a HEN with debug trophy patch.
Please use HEN v2.1.3 to install and play without any problem
Da Error al instalar en 6.72. “CE-34706-0)”
..ME AYUDAS ?? .. lanzo el hack offline “PS-phwoar.”
Que Webkit puedo usar para instalar?¿ Gracias
Ok con hen 2.13 en 6.72 ya corre, gracias
En 6.72 error NP 34942-2
the game won’t switch to other languages even with the 1.01patch. it probably just be a debug version which cuts out all the unnecessary functions so you can’t change language anyway.
It works perfect with my 1.01.
I tried French, Spanish, Deutch, … without any issue
It changes to Japanese on next launch even the main menu
Each time I start the game all menus are in English.
The only thing in Japanese is the “press any button” just below DAYMARE picture.
In options menu if i select “french” then next time i start the game all menus are still in french.
Yep, every time i launch the game it switch to Japanese, the first time around only the “Press Any Button” was in Japanese the main menu was in English …but only the first time i launched the game
So every time after that, it siwtch back to Japanese even the main menu, and the only fix is to click on Option (forth word) then click again on the first word in the option menu that has the Audio language, then cancel and go back the second you exit the option it’ll change back to English without editing any of the settings (it seems that the game failed to refresh on launch) but it does refresh when you enter the Audio option menu
I’m on 5.05+hen2.13, installed the base game and 1.01patch posted here (and thank you for that:)) without any problem, but there’s always just two options in language selection menu – English/Japanese. If we used the same base game and patch then this should not happen. Could you pls check the CRC32 for your base game? here is mine: C288F524 for base game, 60A424FC for 1.01patch.
Name: Daymare.1998_CUSA18168_FullGame_BACKPORT505_OPOISSO893.pkg
Size: 23587389440 octets (21 GiB)
CRC32: C288F524
Name: Daymare.1998_CUSA18168_A0101_BACKPORT505_OPOISSO893.pkg
Size: 7077888 octets (6912 KiB)
CRC32: 60A424FC
So same as you get!
Your issue is strange because if you install only base game (1.00), in audio options menu you should see all languages but only English works.
Update 1.01 is just a fix to be able to activate the other languages but it does not modify the content of the list.
So I don’t know why you can see only 2 language in the default list.
Yes, seems we got different programs out of one same pkg… It’s weird. Is it possible that this has something to do with the model of the console? Mine is Japanese model…
Wait, only English works on your side with v1.00 game, right? Both English and Japanese are working on my side with v1.00 game.
It does seem to me that the PKG chooses different installation schemes for different models. Eng for your Euro model, Eng/Jap for my Japanese model.
can all the games here be played without update ?
Es una pena pero lo descargué dos veces de distintos servidores y me siguió tirando error a nedia instalación. Del juehoslguien lo pudo instalar en version 5.05
si a mi me funciona en 5.05, Usa Hen v2.1.3 from SiSTRo!, a mi me pasaba lo mismo con el hen anterior
how to install games update?
Uploud Chernobylite?
Error np-34942 -2 ??
NP-34924-2: Cannot check the latest update for this application. The network connection may be unstable.
Are you sure you downloaded about 21GB for the game?
Daymare 1998 fix 5.05 upload
It’s already uploaded and works 100%
Ghost Recon break point game upload please
Yes, I expect that too
si a mi tambien error en 5.05
Sale error al instalarlo en 5.05
Which error?
Game works perfect on 5.05.
Use Hen v2.1.3 from SiSTRo!!!
all languages show in the options, but doesnt work (spanish not)
just english is working, anyway, maybe is a bug.. only english with subtitles I’ve tried
if someone have a update maybe can fix that
Daymare 1998 – CUSA18168 v1.01 [5.05/6.72]:
Add subtitles and menu language (de/en/es/fr/it/pt-BR/ru/zh-hans)
thank you
now working fine!!! thank you very much Opoisso
castlevania please
Confirmed and tested on my ps4 with HEN 2.1.4 (backported 5.05), the game have all this languages:
Alguien sabrá si se puede poner subtitulos en español?
I will upload soon an update fix to add Subtitles and Menus language (DE / EN / ES / FR / IT / PT-BR / RU / ZH-HANS)
5.05 installation wont install…. corrupted data!!
Lo mismo me pasa al finalizar la instalación me dice datos corrompidos
ha lingua Italiano?
error np-34942-2..fix?
can you upload doom eternal,or prey from the god, or ghost recon breaking point
Thanks for the game! Can you upload Doom 3 and Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales please?
Spanish language?
In Spanish please
Game Doraemon bos
For your info, English language and subtitles
thank you
THANK YOU VERY MACH opoisso893!!!! this game and remnant from the ashes release you did, was a big contribution to 5.05 backported games. All the best! ♥♥
thanks oppo
Thx a lot opoissso
Hi opoisso893 can you add arabic language for this game and thx a lot
corrupted files
Does Regon support the English language?