Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War

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Call of Duty
Black Ops Cold War



CUSA15010 – USA (v1.41)(@CyB1K)

Link Download

Thank @CyB1K & Friends

CUSA15010 – USA

Game : Lets – Mediafire – Rano – Akia – 1File

Update 1.27 (Fix 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02) : Lets – Mediafire – Akia – 1File

Update 1.41 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00) : Lets – MediafireAkia1File

All DLC + License : Lets – MediafireAkia – 1File

Note : Here


Voice : English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico)

Screen Languages : English, French (Canada), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico)

Install : Game -> Update -> DLC (6) -> License (10)

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror

Thank @CyB1K & SuperPSX & Friends

CUSA15010 – USA

Game : DataN – PixelD – 1File

Update 1.41 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00) : DataN – PixelD – 1File

All DLC + License : DataN – PixelD – 1File

Note : Here

Password: SuperPSX

Voice : English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico)

Screen Languages : English, French (Canada), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico)

Install : Game -> Update -> DLC (6) -> License (10)

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA15010 – USA (v1.41)(@Mustafa_98)

Link Download

Dumped & Repacked by Mustafa_98 based on Cy1BK Patches.

CUSA15010 – USA

Game + Update 1.41 (Fix 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55/9.00) + All DLC : 1File


Languages Support (Arabic, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Russia).

Tested & Work PS4 Pro 11.00 & PS5 4.03.

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA15010 – USA (v1.27)

Link Download

Thank @High-Speed007 & Zhm86

[ CUSA15010 ][ 1.27 ][ ALL DLC ][ PS4 – PS5 ] [Patch Unlock All ]

Game : Lets – Mediafire – 1FileMirror

Update 1.27 + All DLC : Lets – Mediafire – 1FileMirror

Voice : English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico)

Screen Languages : English, French (Canada), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico)

Note : Integrated to game to unlock All weapons / custom classes / attachments /blueprints / gears operators

You can run game with unlock all without etaHEN

You can activation kstuff only without etaHEN

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Black Ops Cold War will drop fans into the depths of the Cold War’s volatile geopolitical battle of the early 1980s. Nothing is ever as it seems in a gripping single-player Campaign, where players will come face-to-face with historical figures and hard truths, as they battle around the globe through iconic locales like East Berlin, Turkey, Soviet KGB headquarters, and more.

Engage in deniable operations and signature combat in the next generation of Multiplayer.

Players will bring a Cold War arsenal of weapons and equipment into the next evolution of Treyarch’s signature Zombies co-operative experience.

Black Ops Cold War will also support and build on the hit, free-to-play experience Call of Duty: Warzone.

Cross Play, Cross-Progression and Cross-Generation Enabled.

Unlock the power of next-gen Call of Duty experiences with higher framerate, hardware-based ray-tracing, shorter load times and more.

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Idioma de textos e voces Ingles ,Frances,Portugues (Brasil), y Español (Mexico)

Pero la versión euro o usa?

Español (México), Francés, Inglés, Portugués.

Update latino de spiderman miles morales porfa


What is the sequence of installation?

oooh my god thanx for the good work done….appreciate…
for call of duty ….u have done it all may be this new one BLACK OPS 6… HOW WE GET IT….BUT I REALLY APRECIATE.

it working on 11.00

[CUSA15010] Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Update 1.41 + DLC + PS5 Fully Backported

Credits to jocover for writting me these in-eboot DLC loaders and rewritting their code several times, well and the patience to deal with me hahaha

(Old) Credits to DeathRGH for paying for the copy and Dizz for dumping it. Special thanks to TKJ for the DLCs and for dumping the game for me back in 1.00! (Also for being lazy and not dumping me the new update, ass xD)

Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 / PS5 Backport! CyB1K Cod Day is here! Well this was easy lol Just to be sure, disable streaming texture as usual! Cold war is still the best cod to work on, it has no bs functions, no shit drms, no dlc fuck versions, no save fucks ups, no outdated messes and no complications at all! The DLCs and Base are the same i had before! The PS5 version ofc was tested on a 9.00 without having DLCs installed, im not sure if it will work or not on an actual PS5 but it should! Since the game is too big to build on a single pkg, even with limits patched on tool, it has base with DLCs merged and the update backported and modded! You know theres one left but i must wait for it to be fully released so i dont waste time building an old build, i will do every latest cod (:

its work in 9.00

thanks cyb1k, you’re the goods!

disculpen pero no me deja ingresar al comienzo se raya en donde me pide conectarme al servidor del COD le doy a jugar ofline pero igual sigue buscando servidor me ayudan?

i yo igual me sale lo mismo queremos ayuda

How to install the files in order please tell

@duplex&hako version download all and install everything it will work dont just download campaign it wont work it needs all multiplayer, zombies, etc.

does split screen mode work?


Todo el contenido se instaló correctamente.
Funcional campaña, multiplayer y zombie.
PS4 Firm 9.00

Muchas gracias.

do I really need to install the update or can I just install all the other pkgs except the update and the game will still work?

I need to know too


Same did you sort out?

It’s work with u

just wanna say thank you for work on dumping and backporting this game. more power!

You need to download everything in Duplex version for it to work, i didn’t install multi and zombie , it didnt work but when i installed all of them somehow campaign works now.

Thank you for all games.can do Subnautica Below Zero backport 6.72 pleaze

Me 2 help

muchas gracias por tu trabajo de verdad se aprecia mucho!! la mejor paguina lejoss, un abrazo grande!

thanks for the effort and for dumping this game

thank you so much

its work on 9.00? anybody confirm plz

depende de la version de tu FW de la consola

İs game have TURKISH language or Text?


What languages does EU have?

Whats the total File size after everything is downloaded ? ill like to know

Can I play multiplayer under a exploit?

which order/file i should install this game first ? can anyone tell ?

works like a charm
Gracias chicos

You guys are the best! Need to make a donation.

@CyB1K release works perfectly on 9.00. Its 163gb install…

Que versión trae el audio latino, Usa o EU?

Thanks @CyB1K & @DeathRGH @Dizz @TKJ

Thank you very much, thank you very much “DeathRGH and Dizz” thank you

muchas gracias hermano gran trabajo

Jdownload2 is the best just download and install ponydroid than :
1_ run ponydroid.
2_go to add likns.
3_ now go to the game link “zippy” and click on Click’n Load.
And it will start downloading

i tried more time finally it worked

Overcooked all you can eat please 🙏🏻

Bro plz upload God of war assassin for ps4

Please upload the Arabic text and audio to the game

[CUSA15010] Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Base + Update 1.27 Fully Backported

Credits to DeathRGH for paying for the copy and Dizz for dumping it. Special thanks to TKJ for the DLCs and for dumping the game for me back in 1.00! (Also for being lazy and not dumping me the new update, ass xD)

Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 Backport! This is my release and DeathRGH’s!. Thanks for working with me back on 1.00 was fun but this game is a pain!

Ive spent way too long on this because its a huge game to test patches on the backport and had to rebuild it several times too! Im genuinely tired of working on this and not being able to work on anything else for that time but i wanted to release this since way back then but couldnt so here it is!

Funciona con PS4 9.00

you are the best

Thanks to @Duplex WOW Amazing!!!!

will finish this downloading within a few days…

Does the duplex version work on 5.05?

Me gustaría saber en qué idioma viene juego? Las voces

Team Duplex…. RULE THE WORLD…..
