Call of Duty Black Ops 6

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Call of Duty Black Ops 6



CUSA23827 – USA

Link Download

CUSA23827 – USA

Note : Here

Game : Lets – MediafireRano1File

Update 1.58 (Fix 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 / 11.00) : Lets – MediafireRano1File

DLC : Lets – MediafireRano1File


DLC Content : Here

For each game to boot, work and function properly the following DLC are REQUIRED: Here

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror 1

CUSA23827 – USA

Note : Here

Game : AKR – RNZ – DataN

Update 1.58 (Fix 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 / 11.00) : AKR – RNZ – DataN

DLC : AKR – RNZ – DataN

Password: SuperPSX

DLC Content : Here

For each game to boot, work and function properly the following DLC are REQUIRED: Here

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror 2

CUSA23827 – USA

Note : Here

Game + Update 1.58 (Fix 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 / 11.00) + DLC : Mega

DLC Content : Here

For each game to boot, work and function properly the following DLC are REQUIRED: Here

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA23827 – USA (PS4/PS5)

Link Download

Thank @High-Speed007

[ CUSA23827 ][ 1.58 ][ PS4 – PS5 ]

Game + Update 1.58 + ALL DLC [ Merged ] : Lets – MediafireRano1FileMirror


Campaign only work [ Multiplayer / Zombie not working because this game require online

Connection it does not have offline mode that why ZM and MP not working ] [ Thanks to CyB1K for the hard work also thanks to the others people who worked on this game ]

Guide DownloadTool Download )


CUSA34029 – EUR

Link Download

CUSA34029 – EUR

Note : Here

Game : Lets – Mediafire – Rano – 1File

Update 1.58 (Fix 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 / 11.00) : Lets – MediafireRano1File

DLC : Lets – MediafireRano1File


DLC Content : Here

For each game to boot, work and function properly the following DLC are REQUIRED: Here

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Link Mirror

CUSA34029 – EUR

Note : Here

Game : AKR – DataN – RNZ

Update 1.58 (Fix 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 / 11.00) : AKR – DataN – RNZ

DLC : AKR – DataN – RNZ

Password: SuperPSX

DLC Content : Here

For each game to boot, work and function properly the following DLC are REQUIRED: Here

Guide DownloadTool Download )

Developed by Treyarch and Raven, Black Ops 6 is a spy action thriller set in the early 90s, a period of transition and upheaval in global politics, characterized by the end of the Cold War and the rise of the United States as a single superpower. With a mind-bending narrative, and unbound by the rules of engagement, this is signature Black Ops across a cinematic single-player Campaign, a best-in-class Multiplayer experience, and with the epic return of Round-Based Zombies.

While the Gulf War commands the global spotlight, a shadowy clandestine force has infiltrated the highest levels of the CIA, branding anyone who resists as traitors. Exiled from their agency and country that once hailed them as heroes, Black Ops veteran Frank Woods and his team find themselves hunted by the military machine that created them.

Stripped of their titles, connections, weapons, tech, and allies, they are forced to go rogue, partnering with the criminal underworld to stay one step ahead of their own corrupted government. They’ll do whatever it takes to bring down the real traitors and clear their names — even if that means crossing the same lines as their enemies. There is no going back.

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i would appreciate if you could actually remove those, cuz its serious they will sue me if you dont

Hey bud i will need to ask you to remove everything activision with my name, i got a cease and desist from activision. Thanks

Some people are saying zombies work but the notes on the download says it does not. Can anyone confirm for sure?

Many Thanks Job Well Done


Witam ściągną angielską wersję gry jest jakiś plik pkg żeby wgrać polskie napisy

Thank @CyB1K

Can we play local multiplayer zombies splitscreen on jailbreak ps4 9.00 on this game??

No, it can’t be played ZO only campaign

No u need latest ps4 version

Alguien q confirme por favor, se puede jugar multijugador en modo zombie??? Y también quisiera saber si en el black OPS 3 también se puede jugar multijugador modo zombie..

esta el modo zombies?

I can’t get the Gold Clad trophy in the campaign because everything was already unlocked. Is there another way?

Do I have to download all the links even the MWIII and MWII links?

On my PS4 Pro running FW 9.00, I only have BO6 installed. The total size is 117.4GB and it only shows 4 installed add-ons.

On my PS4 Pro running FW 11.00, I have the entire collection installed with a total of 331.6GB and it shows 20 installed add-ons.

1- Base – 6E1E7C53B7535396F3EF0B91E08EF0E3
2- BO6 update – 9B5CA5127B4A07EE6D698A2359125366
3- Campaign 1 – 58679B2CC379CC14BF6AABC08EF2E322
4- Campaign 2 – 4E9DB0FBEC7CD5C144985B80CA067D80
5- Multiplayer – 62D7BC85C114D9F6B4EE282995D1A43C
6- BO6 license – 80FA3CA45071912A8C65BA798277793E

Why the size diff is so big bro? Does it contain previous cod games also?

Yes, it contains Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3

is that the order you installed it and is it working?

Hi, would you please upload the latest patch (1.64)? many thanks

Can we play bo6 multiplayer and zombie Split Screen


If I only intested in BO6 only, how to download it, pls give me the step. Thanks a lot

Maaaan, i talked bad about you earlier (weeks), but i retreive my words. U Cool now!

does the Merged version is backported or not?pls add a note to the post and thank u

CUSA23827 – USA (PS4/PS5) Best

Bonjour jaimerais savoir si on peut jouer àu bo6 multijoueur avec de bot hors ligne sans connecter àu psn ?


et vous savez comment connecté PSN avec la version 11.00 ?

Is the all in one merged package by @CyB1K & High-Speed007, back-ported for 5.05? please REPLY


PS4 slim 5.05 working..

thank youu the besst website

Espero que cuando salga lo parchen


Does anyone have problem with graphic,textures are so bad and grainy like game is 20 year old

Yesss , same for me

Did you find any solutions?

Before the BO6 game was released. Only MW2 and MW3 were on the console. If I install only the BO6 files the MW3 game disappears. So I installed all the files of BO6 and also the DLC of MW3. The MW2 game is a separate installation. Still in BO6 all cutscenes have jumps/missing pixels and it’s not smooth

wich version you installed ?

CUSA23827 – USA

Thats because its not BO6, its MW2

wich version you installed ?


It’s work in 10.01

For BO6, Can I download the game without campaign just for the Multiplayer ?

no ,just campaign

no you need to install multiplayer , read note


in both MWII and MWIII campaigns, is saving okay or just as same as BO6?

I tested, no problem save in MWII and MWIII campaign. But even though I installed it with the same CUSA code, game said the saves were corrupt and created new one.

muchas gracias

Can we play a local split screen.?

Yes it’s not showing in mw2

Plz advise how to save already play game

You can’t at the moment (wait for an update), even with sleep mode will bring you back to the begining. Only way to enjoy the game is to finish a chapter then select the next chapter on your next game

there are notes read them !!!!!!

Ok thnk u so much

What about vanguard and coldwar, are they dlcs??

version Game + Update 1.58 + ALL DLC [ Merged ] = OK
test from PS5 4.50

Is there going to be an update that you can save?

no, saving is online.

Good Job. Thank you very very muxh. Does it work on PS5

Hi.I own a jailbreaked PS4. How can I play this Champaign, given that the whole game needs a connection?
(Sorry my English is not good)

Just download, install and play

youuuuuuuuu areeeeeeeeeeeee the bestttttttttttttt

we need arabic language!!!??


is this game is only played online ? or we can play offline ?

Only offline

courses can play online.
update firmware 12

you can play offline

If I downloaded all bo6 required file then if I install mw3 or mw3 files can I play solo campaign?

DLC content list has the following:

– MWIII Shared Content Pack 1
– MWIII Shared Content Pack 2
– MWIII Shared Content Pack 3

Where’s Pack 3? Is it a typo or is this dlc missing from the download list?

Hm, that’s strange… I’m not drunk, that’s for sure…

I did actually copy/paste for MWIII, but I thought I saw ‘MWII Shared Content Pack 3’.

Is it possible it was corrected in the meantime? Anyway, looks fine now and that’s all that matters.

Last edited 2 months ago by Smrko

hey, I know you said the acquisition desk might have problems. I just wanted to know if the desk wont work at all or it will work with some visual defects?

thanks mate!

wher is arab version

At your nearest video games store.
you think this is mcdonald? not taking orders here.

would work for ps5 2.50 yes or no?


Is the bo6 local multiplayer available on this?

They answered that on the note. You can’t play bo6 local multiplayer yet as it is “serversided” or something, maybe it’s possible later

ps4>ps5 germz

I need you to do everything possible to put zombie mode on


there is like 4 or 5 zombie missions in the campaign already.

How to turn off texture streaming? Just two options available. Minimal or Optimized.

You cant disable it anymore but you dont need internet so it wont stream anything
