Call of Duty Black Ops 2

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Call of Duty Black Ops 2
November 13, 2012
USA – BLUS31140
Link ver USA – BLUS31140 (En,Es) : 1FileDirect
Update Fix DLC : Download
USA -BLUS31141
Link ver USA – BLUS31141 (En,Pt) : Direct
USA – BLUS31011 (En,Fr)
Link ver USA – BLUS31011  : 1FileDirect – Password: DLPSGAME.COM
Update Fix DLC : Download
EUR – BLES01718 (Es,It)
Link ver EUR – BLES01718 : 1FileDirect
Link ver EUR – BLES01718 (@Blue Magic) : MegaMediafire – Password : BlueMagic
EUR – BLES01717 (En,Fr)
Link ver EUR – BLES01717 : 1FileDirect
Update Fix DLC : Download
EUR – BLES01719
Link ver EUR – BLES01719 (@BO2) : 1FileMirrorDirect
Update Fix DLC : Download
USA – NPUB31054
Link ver HAN – NPUB31054 – USA : PKGRAP


– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Call of Duty Black Ops 2: An entry into the blockbuster first-person shooter franchise, Call of Duty: Black Ops II brings players back into the shadows for another Black Ops mission assignment. Rooted in near-future fiction, Black Ops II propels players into warfare in an epic single player campaign highlighted by branching storylines and non-linear missions. A re-imagined multiplayer suite introduces players to some of the most cutting-edge weaponry and equipment that 2025 will have to offer. And on the outskirts of the campaign is an all-new Zombies experience running in the multiplayer engine.

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USA – NPUB31054
Link ver HAN – NPUB31054 – USA

We need a new Freeze Fix

Freeze FIX

1:Start the game (Offline)
2:Open a Lan-Party
3:Start a Round and ends the round right away
4:Go Online and have fun

hello, i need dlcs for the game bles01718 and I CANT FIND ANY DLC, and here we have all dlcs for the other games but not for the spanish game which is BLES01718, please I need the dlcs here to download them, if someone can upload the links to download all the dlcs for spanish game i would be so thankful, i mostly need the UPRISING dlc

For the people who want the german version BLES01719

German Nuketown Zombies:

DLC Fix:

Black Ops 2 BLES01719:

Give Link USA-BLUS31011 rar password says wrong please help

Do I install the 1.19 update first or do I install the dlc files first, this is for a slim ps3

Bonjour je ne sait pas quelle fichier installer ( j’ai cliquer sur le dernier et j’ai eu parti 1 , 2 ,3 ….)

we need an update that adds english

USA – NPUB31054 rap dosnt work waste of download

Please help every time im playing campaign it always freezes on me ive tried everything please help me please a guide or something please.

download servers are down

Someone to guide me which one can I download with the Spanish language Spain? I have the
EUR - BLES01718 but it is in Latin Spanish, and I am interested in Spanish Spain

I hope they help me when starting the game it stays on black screen help

i have the npub31054 version where i can get the dlc for this version


Mine is blus31411 how do I get the DLC for this cod?

does i have to download and instal the update of v1.09 before 1.19

you should first install update version 1.09 then after it version 1.19 and also you can install it from Sony servers from the ps3 system it is quite safe. thanks

bro im just tryna download the game and every time I try it brings me to some bullshit website plz help


BLES01718 yo descargue este y todo bien pero al jugar modo zombi se queda en pantalla negra no se xq

yo igual que se ace hay para poder iniciarlo??’

i complete install the game but when i open it it run with spanish or italina can i change it to english

what version of the game did you download

I have finished downloading the 31140 DLCs but when installing them the installation is canceled at 14% and I get the error 80029564. I searched on internet and the people say that this happens because the files are corrupted. Anyone have any idea why the DLCs got corrupted?

hello spark can you give me more information so that I can help you. What is your ps3 model and do you have hen or cfw do you have web man mod or multiman?

I have a Super Slim with HEN and Multiman. I don’t think the error occurs due to this because other PKG files install fine for me. I have checked the sha-1 of the DLCs from the PC and the files are already corrupted. The problem is that only these DLCs give me that error, I have even downloaded other PKGs from this same page and with the same download manager and they do not give me this error. I am not implying that the DLCs uploaded here are corrupted, because other games that I have installed from Sony links have also given me this error.

I have downloaded EUR-BLES01717 and installed the DLC and updates and it is working fine no error no problem. but getting to the point I check version USA-BLUS31140 and saw that the season pass in 31140 is written for USA-BLUS31011 take a look for this maybe you installed the season pass with accident if you installed it try deleting it from game data utility.


  1. delete game data and install the DLC and updates again but without season pass because it was for BLUS31011.
  2. delete the old DLC and redownload the DLC and update again without season pass.
  3. try rebuilding the data base from safe mode
  4. try restoring file system from safe mode

If you don’t know how to do check this it won’t damage your console I even try it myself.

6 go to multiman locate the game and turn on BD minor and internal(if it is stored in your own ps3 hard drive) or external(if stored in a USB or external HDD-SSD).

if all doesn’t work check if you have downloaded the game and DLC and update with the same ID USA-BLUS31140. check if you have installed the game correctly. if all doesn’t work forget USA-BLUS31140 I recommend you to install EUR-BLES01717 as it is the best version of all other versions DLC and update all work less version to have problems to freeze, leased one to get corrupted, works fine. all other have problems like USA-BLUS31140 like you problem, EUR-BLES0718 have no English only Italian and Spanish and freeze and lag and USA-BLUS31011 runs fine.
as many people here in comments complain about USA-BLUS31140 not working, corrupted, freezing and lagging and other problems.
hope it help you and work for you. good luck. thanks

Thank you very much for the help! Unfortunately this will not work because the error is in the downloaded DLCs and nothing else. Interestingly, when I tested with other DLCs the only DLC that did not give me that error was the Nuketown Zombies 01717, most likely yes, the BLUS31140 version has the problem. Actually I have no problem with playing in the BLES01717 region because my mother tongue is Spanish. What worries me is that this error happens to me again with another game and I don’t know how to fix it.

I searched about error 80029564 and stopping in 14% most likely:-

  1. USB flash drive is bad or dead.
  2. you did not download the file correctly.
  3. file system is corrupted or database was not rebuild from a long time.
  4. internet problems.

most likely these are the problems try:-

  1. try using another USB flash drive to install games or updates or DLC.
  2. rebuild the database and restore file system in safe mode(try again if it works most likely this fix problems )
  3. restart your router and remake internet setting and make sure internet connection and media servers is on.

hope it work again most likely USB is bad or with the internet needs to be restarted and to be on. hope it helps you and it works. thanks

Thanks again! 1. My USB memory is in perfect condition. 2. Probably not, I have downloaded it with the same download manager as other PKGs that have worked for me. 3. Nope, I recently rebuilt the database and it remains the same. 4. Although my Internet is extremely bad, I don’t think this happens because of the bad Internet because other files download perfectly fine, I don’t understand why this happens only with certain PKG files. I have suspicions that it is because of the download manager (I use Free Download Manager), I started downloading the Moon DLC for Black Ops 1 with an official link from Sony with JDownloader, I’ll see if it works. PS: Seriously, thank you very much for bothering to help me, you are the only person who has given me any information since I had this error.

you are welcomed again!. I still think about it most likely the problem is:-

  1. If you are using a download manager maybe It may cause this problem.
  2. the download operation may be interrupted.
  3. internet problems
  4. browser problems.
  5. not enabling hen before downloading.
  6. USB flash drive is in bad state or not enough space or there are viruses in the USB flash drive.
  7. not enough space on your ps3 hard drive.

tips and solutions :-

  1. if you are using download manager maybe is is likely to cause the problem try download the pkg files from a browser normally.
  2. check if the download operation is interrupted.
  3. check your internet(try restarting your router, rest network settings, etc.)
  4. If you are downloading from a browser like google chrome or Microsoft edge or Firefox try clearing updating the browser and clearing its data and cache or reinstall it and check if it works again.
  5. don’t forget to enable hen before downloading pkg files by using download manger.
  6. check if your USB flash drive is in good state and have enough space and no viruses or malware are in the USB flash drive.
  7. check if there is enough space on your ps3 hard drive.
  8. try restoring file system and rebuilding the data base most of the time tis will help.
  9. delete call of duty black ops 2 game data from game data utility and reinstall the DLC file again.
  10. try install the DLC multiple times and check if it works.

most solution that may work is restore file system and rebuilding the database in safe mode and/or delete the game data from game data utility and reinstall the pkg DLC again.

hope these will work and help you fix the problem please tell reply to me any for any further updates. thanks. 🙂

Yeah, I have fixed the problem! The problem was the download manager, the best option is use JDownloader.

Sorry for the messy text, but when I went to edit the comment to separate the answers I got an error.

extra things you have a ps3 slim and hen so please enable hen before trying to download files, games, DLC, updates.

*Slim, not Super Slim

hi spark did the problem get fixed please tell me so I can know If I can help you?

this is the link of all maps bo2 for jailbreak u need package manager + fix dlc bles01717

update link EUR – BLES01717 1file

it worked now. thanks

please make pkg file with Mega

Btw the 1file link for the “Fix season pass USA BLUS31140” doesn’t contain the correct version, see images below, it’s actually for BLUS31011 not BLUS31140, it didn’t work, I’ve tried it myself, I even checked with ps3tools ps3contentID

Google Drive Access is denied for USA FIX Season Pass BLUS31140, please fix this so that everyone can download the fix as well

Your site has too many damn fucking ads

how to unlock all maps for free

you need to download the DLC in order to unlock all maps

BLUS31140 (Latin American and USA version) en Hen 3.02, version de sistema HFW 4.85 PS3 Super Slim NO FUNCIONA! salida de video AV… Avisenme si es que debo usar algun parche. P.D. Le puse el juego en modo carpeta -NO ISO- desde el HDD0 todo el tiempo, primero sin Fix del DLC, y tambien despues intente aplicando el FIX del DLC y tampoco funciono!
Ahora estoy descargando el: “Link ver EUR – BLES01717 : de GGALLGAMES, -NO PKG-“, les cuento k paso

que ah sucedido? cual esta en español?

Guide freezing video is private

The dlc of blus 31140 isn’t working

hi call of duty black ops 2(EUR-BLES01717) update fix DLC EU link is broken and is not working please try to fix it. Thank you

Edit:-all the link ins the notepad are broken and not working. thanks

thanks it worked there was a problem in my browser I reinstall it and it worked.

call of duty black ops 2(EUR-BLESO1717) update fix DLC EU link is broken and is not working every time I try to download the link is not working it is not downloading please fix it.

here is a screenshot:-

every time I download it be like a white screen with nothing all links are broken and do the same thing. please fix it. Thank you

how to change language from spanish to english

Les agradezco por esta hermosa página 🥺 encerio muchas gracias ❤️🥺

bles01718 was such bullshit. Only italian and spanish language and game freezes every time when going to multiplayer, sometimes even after a couple of seconds after starting the game. I haven’t had any kind of problems like these before. Anyone with me?

what languague do you wan? english?? in that case download bles01717
to fix the freezing just open the game offline, then go to a local match, start up and then login in PSN then you can finish the match and go online

Password for DLC fix blus31011

Cual es la diferencia entre blus de usa y blus Latinoamérica y usa

Which one should I download if I want it in Spanish Spain?

anyone it will work

Yup the game works

does the game work and the dlc’s does it work
please tell me

please tell me does the game and its dlcs work

Yup the game

Guide freezing fix not working 🙁

NO GERMAN BLES!!! please update It

i want to play this in simulator on my laptope
this game have multi and zombie mod??

there no simulator of ps3 yet.

Descargue el BLES01717 y el juego me aparece en ingles

2020 IT WORKS!!
I downloaded BLES01717 with all dlc and the dlcfix file; i moved all files in my ps3 multiman GAMES folder and i’ve installed the dlc packages. It works perfectly.
There is only a bad thing: the game has only english and french language 🙁

dlc wont work

you cant understand english?

Does anyone have the BLUS31140 but on another server other than mega?

I wanted to ask for your help, I have a question, if I download only one dlc and use the fix that is available, will it work? or does it only work if they are all together?

queria pedir a ajuda de vcs, eu tenho uma dúvida, se eu baixar apenas uma dlc e usar o fix que está disponível, ela vai funcionar? ou só funciona se forem todas juntas?

te sirvio??’

bles01718 part 2 mega checksum error??

bruh fuck off with ur shitty ads smh i cant even download it cus of it

when i start the game up it freezes it wont let me play at all

Which one is the english among of the EUR versions? I just downloaded a RIP version.

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