Berserk Musou PSN

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Berserk Musou PSN
Oct 27, 2016

Link ver NPJB00818 – JPN : Direct

Update + Fix + DLC : Google1File




– Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here

Berserk (working title) will fuse the signature ‘one versus thousands’ style action of the long-running Warriors franchise with the grim and gruesome atmosphere of the world of Berserk. As players harness the power of Guts’ Great Sword and utilize the swift and agile swordplay of Griffith to slash and smash through hordes of enemies, players familiar with the Warriors series will be able to feel the difference in gameplay through the way each character handles combat. The game will also incorporate various battle mechanics to better bring the world of Berserk to life, such as Magic and Transformations.

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I did everthing first i installed 3.55 fix then i exract game and 3.55 pkg then i copy it on hdd0/game when i try to launch it they gave me black screen for short time and then automatically they return to xmb menu any fix?
Please answer

You said about using cfwtoofw for extracting. Try to using PS3Extractor and repeat instructions. I use PS3Extractor, because cfwtoofw gives to me many mistakes when launching and playing, so I don’t use it.

And please say a few words about firmware that you’re using at your PS3. I use HFW 4.87 with HEN, so I tested game only on this firmware.

Why while installing its stops on 14% any fix? Please

Don’t install the game, install only fix 3.55 and extract game pkg and fix 3.55 pkg in “dev_hdd0/game/NPJB00818” with replacing the original files in this folder, then restart console and try to launch. On HEN 4.87 game launches and plays as well

i used cfwtoofw to extract pkg into ofw game i Will try it thank you

Okay. Game working on HEN 4.87, tested by me.So I did it in such method as:
1) installing fix 3.55, only this file. 4.21 and update to 1.05 you can delete and forget about its. Don’t launch game now.
2) then you extract game pkg on PC with PS3GameExtractor.
3) then you need to extract pkg with fix 3.55 in another folder.
4) all files from fix 3.55 replacing at folder with extracted game. Files from fix are overwriting the original ones from game.
5) then you copy folder with game (name it NPJB00818, it’s necessary) to USB and with MultiMan in PS3 copy from USB to folder “dev_hdd0/game/” (with small letters, it’s necessary too). This folder already contains this name. Don’t worry about it and copy.
6) Exit from multiman and run game in XMB.

If you have any questions about it or similar ground, write me to my email and I try to answer you.

Hi , maybe I do something wrong but can’t work with me. I put game pkg (and Slayergame pkg + dlc fix pkg) + fix 3.55 in a folder named “NPJB00818″ in “dev_hdd0/game/”. I also put fix 3.55 in the folder packages to unstall with xmb dashboard but the game don’t launch. I have to do something wrong but don’t know ( Sorry that’s my first game with Multiman). Thank You

Please alex i didnt understand the 3rd and 4th step please explain them🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Should i extrack the 3.55 fix pkg too not just insalling and extract the game and copy it on the game folder

Thanks Alex; that’s work ! I was not understanding one step but it’s good now !

Work with me(HEN 4.87) thank, in step 5 copy de files to existing folder NPJB00818

en pkj no me deja meter en el pendrive puede ser por bless como le dice o hen y en ingles por favor por que el juego lo quiero pero no me deja meterlo en el pendrive cuando lo termino de descargar y eso que el pendrive es de 64gb

como puedo poner en ingles o español por que esta en japones no?

Fcck, Jhonny! do I need to have the page option set for the mega file to serve?

Rap file please

So falta a licença

GDrive Link It’s Not Working, Could You Please Post a Folder or Iso Version of the Game?

i need rap ):

Anyone have the RAP file ?

i try to convert pkg to folder game and edit LIC PS3_DISK PARAM but Eboot could not resign !!!
3 month to try , but i not finished this EBOOT .
Could anyone has RAP file for this game or how to play this game in CFW4.85 cobra pleas T-T.

link not working cant DL the game

griffith did nothing wrong

Work’s for me on HEN 4.86 i used crack 3.55 thank’s for the game

how you install??

I used multiman to put the split files back together then went into the game NPJB00818 in the GAMES folder in multiman then pressed the x button on it to play the game it asked if you want to install package say yes wait for it to take you back to xmb then go to package manager under game on xmb in there go to playstation network content and install it about 45-1 hour it will take it then i installed crack 3.55 from a usb stick in install package files then standard and it worked for me. Hope that helps you out and others.

Hola, descargue el juego, instale todos los fix,dlc y update y al iniciar se queda la pantalla en negra, alguna idea, gracias.

Use the Extract PkG to extract the game and the fix, put the files in a folder with the game name NPJB00818, so copy this folder to Multiman in games folder. After it, starting your PS3 in security mode e choose the option redoing data base, when the console restart, the game appear. It works to me.

Someone convert to CFW2OFW please

no me deja instalarlo ,al llegar al 14% de instalacion aparece “Ps3 error 80029564” tengo ps3 superslim hen 4.86

Uso 4.85 hen funcionara??

I was only able to install this game, extracting the PKG and Fix, placing the files in a folder with the game name “NPJB00818” and putting it directly through Multiman, in the “games” folder with a lowercase letters. After it, starting the console in security mode and redoing databases, you don’t even have to install the update.

fix the DLC file please

Pasos para que funcione en CFW:

1. Instalar el pkg del juego.
2. Instalar la actualización 1.05.
3. Instalar fix 3.41-3.55 o 4.21 (depende de tu CFW) Usar los archivos de este enlace, sino, no funcionará el juego.
4. Instalar DLC fix.
5. Listo a disfrutar.

Não funciona. Erro 80010017.

Jyo, CFW o Hen?


Desconozco si funciona en han/hen, yo lo probé en mi ps3 con CFW, hasta ya me pasé el juego. Lo siento.

obrigado funcionou

Funciona com ps3hen? fica dando tela preta depois de instalar os arquivos pkg.

Funciona com ps3hen? fica dando tela preta depois de instalar os arquivos pkg.
edit: corrigi meu email.

Desconozco si funciona en han/hen, yo lo probé en mi ps3 con CFW, hasta ya me pasé el juego. Lo siento.

Funciona tal como dice está reseña para los que se les va a negro la pantalla aparte de hacer to lo que dice arriba tienen que parcharlo con reactpsn y funciona así lo hice yo en hen 3.0.1 goma 4.86

Pasos para que funcione el juego correctamente:
1. Instalar el pkg del juego.
2. Instalar la actualización 1.04
3. Instalar fix 1.04 [4.21].
4. Instalar DLC fix.
5. Listo a jugar.

Nota: No instalar actualización 1.05, porque no hay fix 1.05, de lo contrario, no funcionará.

Ignoren este comentario, utilicen el comentario de abajo ↓

No quiere instalarse llega a 14% y da error

please work berserk for ps3 han

To Hen 4,85 is need to use Fix 3.55

Hola, descargue el juego completo, lo instale y me sale error a la hora de jugar, podrías ayudarme?

ps3 hen black screen

ps3 hen 4.85 jhonny your fix is good? but I did not find any fix of hen in other pages so I am somewhat distrustful you are a moderator or just a normal user I just want to know to install the game. I would like to know with which program you can fix ps3 hen

This is my tutorial through a block of notes if you do not understand copy and paste in translator, the specific problem with hen is that you can not use any fix for firmware, hen only works with 3.55 keys, so we take the eboot of fix and sign it for 3.55,!JcFU0YaT!hNATBsL_AtFp9DuR8SA1WxB4wWxTVGIGDUyZ6m6tAlw

4.85 how i make to work berserk ps3 hen

it shows ps licence

falta la licensia

It said “Ps3 error 80029564” when i was installing it. Did u know why and any solution?

Not working for cfw 4.84 rebug

I don’t know how install a file with more than 4 gigas

You will need a program like PS3 Split to divide the pkg in parts to put it in your Pen Drive or external HD

Si alguien lo tiene por favor subanlo en formato carpeta.

Hola, alguien sabe como o donde consigo el rap de este juego?

fix 3.55 for HEN no actualizes a 105 no funcionara!dZMHSSTb!JPgCkl2uS2J7XneuqKfHb0dkaq-fQ41hqb4_f8HWIck

it didnt work for HEN

fix 3.55 for HEN no actualizes a 105 no funcionara!dZMHSSTb!JPgCkl2uS2J7XneuqKfHb0dkaq-fQ41hqb4_f8HWIck

please work berserk for ps3 hen

dont worked on me 🙁

How do you make it work

liar it doesn’t worked for me 4.84

please work berserk for ps3 hen



Fcck, Jhonny! do I need to have the game of the page option install for the mega file to serve?

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