Guide Jdownloader 2 New

I will guide you to use Jdownload2. It is very simple !!!

1. Go to the homepage and download the version appropriate for your computer : Here

2. Once downloaded and installed, launch Jdownload2

3. Settings => Settings ( or Ctrl + P) => Deselect 2 items in the picture
(Get the link automatically and automatically unzip after the download is finished)


5. Zippy has a download limit with 1 link, so you need to choose to download multiple links at once (Max 20 Link)
(Settings => Max. simultaneous Downloads => Set to 20)

4. Coppy link download => Right mouse select “Add New Links” => Jdownload2 will automatically fetch all the links.

5. LinkBrabber => Right mouse select name file => Start Downloads

Note that in the latest update 17/03/2023, you need to turn off the speed limit feature to be able to download unlimitedly
